Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 4, Summer 1945
Page 11
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 11 tributors. Well, maybe I'll turn over a new leaf one of these days. Cheerily." Remember the 'MARTCH OF DIMES' in Widner's letter lastime? Well, to Bob Tucky's we actually affixt 3 dimes. This surprise almost affixi-aphick--aw, we'll look up the spelling smother time--he almost choked when he saw them 3 dime. We break in on the middle of his letter--"On page 6 I find pasted, three dimes. This rank foolishness is! I have calculated upon yon slate you have 133 readers, & mailed three dimes to each, hav; therefore you have sent the pip-squeaks (swell word, that! I'm glad somebody informed existed. Comes in handy, it so.), [struck] you have sent the pipsqueaks, I repeat[/struck], the sum of $39.90. Which is conclusive evidence you are nuts. My friends warned me, but I wouldn't believe them and bull-headedly went on working my way up to #2 hole. Now I find #1 gives away 39.90 to his pip-squeaks. I make haste to advise Koenig of this. Look Koenig -- balloon pants Acky gives away 39.90. The pip-squeak. '' So comes now a [struck] charitable [/struck/ feeling. Just a feeling. Things I realize are not alls-well in Anglesity. #1 face he gave his pip-squeaks 39.90 and furthermore don't get paid overtime due him, ninety hours worth no less, from big capitalistic shots like Goldberg. I retaliate. I return sum of $.30, which if #1 face read wrong will believe he only lost 9.90. Great fun at the expense of the pip-squeaks." We return U now to the beginning of Bob's letter, realizing for the firstime what the 'P.O.' bfor Bx 260, Bloomington, Ill, undoubtlessly stands for: 'Pip-squeaks Only!' "Arrive I, finally, at page 15, which listed in error as back was, and I ... find thou art in [struck] durance vile, financial, embarr[/struck] ... you too are a bloody victim of the capitalistic parasites whom/which feed upon the working man! Does Samuel Goldwyn work ninety hours overtime? NO! Does Samuel Ackerman? YES! Sackre bloor! why ever is the humble workingman, the salt, pepper and cinnamon of the planet, forever downtrodden by the vile [struck] overlords ... overlords [/struck] big shots!?! whoray! for Milton Berle Rothman and his defense of the poor workingman, fie on Zack Speer. It is pip-squeaks like Speer and Goldwyn who make honest workingmen like Ackerman work ninety hours overtime without pay! But I veer." We myt explain all this was ritten Apr 1, if that means anything. Also, for the sake of the records. Sam Goldwyn was not my boss & I was payd overtime. But while all work & no play make jack, it made Fojak a dull boy. I frankly preferd time to money. Also, FOR THE SAKE OF THE RECORDS (more mentions of the noises made by Angelenos on soundiscs): "Doc Lowndes just brought in the Dynamic Forum record"--Mary Gnaedinger. "The announcement of the records being circulated throughout brings to my mind the discussion that Mark Reinsberg, I believe, and someone else held on sending wax records (were they?) in the mails to the various fans. Anyway we (with Rajocz) like the idea and would not be adverse to your sending some out our way, if it isn't too much trouble."--Iam Rushinoff. "Record just came from Bobsy Tucker. Am honored to be included on list--many thanks. Have not played it yet--will wait 'till tonite when Phil Schumann can come over. I can hardly wait--" Donn Brazier. "Saw record at Donn's. Pretty much hokay. Let's have more. Had a little trouble playing, but finished up all right. '' It's off to Erle----" Phil (Schumann) & The Centaurians. "I tried just a stunt in 1937. Made 3 records in London. One I sent to New York, but not to any of the now-known fans; the other two were both made for Dan McPhail, but I never sent them, for I happened to 'have spoke' while suffering from a cold (we do suffer I presume), and the discs are probably still in Mother-in-law's record cabinet." TC
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 11 tributors. Well, maybe I'll turn over a new leaf one of these days. Cheerily." Remember the 'MARTCH OF DIMES' in Widner's letter lastime? Well, to Bob Tucky's we actually affixt 3 dimes. This surprise almost affixi-aphick--aw, we'll look up the spelling smother time--he almost choked when he saw them 3 dime. We break in on the middle of his letter--"On page 6 I find pasted, three dimes. This rank foolishness is! I have calculated upon yon slate you have 133 readers, & mailed three dimes to each, hav; therefore you have sent the pip-squeaks (swell word, that! I'm glad somebody informed existed. Comes in handy, it so.), [struck] you have sent the pipsqueaks, I repeat[/struck], the sum of $39.90. Which is conclusive evidence you are nuts. My friends warned me, but I wouldn't believe them and bull-headedly went on working my way up to #2 hole. Now I find #1 gives away 39.90 to his pip-squeaks. I make haste to advise Koenig of this. Look Koenig -- balloon pants Acky gives away 39.90. The pip-squeak. '' So comes now a [struck] charitable [/struck/ feeling. Just a feeling. Things I realize are not alls-well in Anglesity. #1 face he gave his pip-squeaks 39.90 and furthermore don't get paid overtime due him, ninety hours worth no less, from big capitalistic shots like Goldberg. I retaliate. I return sum of $.30, which if #1 face read wrong will believe he only lost 9.90. Great fun at the expense of the pip-squeaks." We return U now to the beginning of Bob's letter, realizing for the firstime what the 'P.O.' bfor Bx 260, Bloomington, Ill, undoubtlessly stands for: 'Pip-squeaks Only!' "Arrive I, finally, at page 15, which listed in error as back was, and I ... find thou art in [struck] durance vile, financial, embarr[/struck] ... you too are a bloody victim of the capitalistic parasites whom/which feed upon the working man! Does Samuel Goldwyn work ninety hours overtime? NO! Does Samuel Ackerman? YES! Sackre bloor! why ever is the humble workingman, the salt, pepper and cinnamon of the planet, forever downtrodden by the vile [struck] overlords ... overlords [/struck] big shots!?! whoray! for Milton Berle Rothman and his defense of the poor workingman, fie on Zack Speer. It is pip-squeaks like Speer and Goldwyn who make honest workingmen like Ackerman work ninety hours overtime without pay! But I veer." We myt explain all this was ritten Apr 1, if that means anything. Also, for the sake of the records. Sam Goldwyn was not my boss & I was payd overtime. But while all work & no play make jack, it made Fojak a dull boy. I frankly preferd time to money. Also, FOR THE SAKE OF THE RECORDS (more mentions of the noises made by Angelenos on soundiscs): "Doc Lowndes just brought in the Dynamic Forum record"--Mary Gnaedinger. "The announcement of the records being circulated throughout brings to my mind the discussion that Mark Reinsberg, I believe, and someone else held on sending wax records (were they?) in the mails to the various fans. Anyway we (with Rajocz) like the idea and would not be adverse to your sending some out our way, if it isn't too much trouble."--Iam Rushinoff. "Record just came from Bobsy Tucker. Am honored to be included on list--many thanks. Have not played it yet--will wait 'till tonite when Phil Schumann can come over. I can hardly wait--" Donn Brazier. "Saw record at Donn's. Pretty much hokay. Let's have more. Had a little trouble playing, but finished up all right. '' It's off to Erle----" Phil (Schumann) & The Centaurians. "I tried just a stunt in 1937. Made 3 records in London. One I sent to New York, but not to any of the now-known fans; the other two were both made for Dan McPhail, but I never sent them, for I happened to 'have spoke' while suffering from a cold (we do suffer I presume), and the discs are probably still in Mother-in-law's record cabinet." TC
Hevelin Fanzines