Science Adventure Stories, v. 1, issue 2, October 1938
Page 8
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8. Science Adventure Stories [starts] stood there, lost in speculation, until the buzzer sounded, and he, startled out of the reveries, pressed the button that admitted the director. "So this is your experiment. It doesn't look very impressive." "Perhaps not. But look at this." Adman closed the switch, and again the meter needles flew over. The director appeared startled at their readings. "Twenty [amperss?] at a though sand volte! Where is that twenty kilowatts going?" "Look through that coil," Adam suggested. "Refraction! But how?" "Im not sure that I know. I think that I have an artificial gravitational field in there. A peculiar field that is all within itself, and does not attract bodies to it. But light passing through a glass lens. Only this is a lens of gravity. But it takes a lot of power to build it up." "Twenty thousand watts! For how long, did you say?" "Twenty five minutes, so far." "A wonderful storage device." "Yes, it will store power, but I have other ideas too. Ever since I was a sophomore,ore in college I have been playing with the idea of dining a material that would focus cosmic rays if made into a lens. I wonderd
8. Science Adventure Stories [starts] stood there, lost in speculation, until the buzzer sounded, and he, startled out of the reveries, pressed the button that admitted the director. "So this is your experiment. It doesn't look very impressive." "Perhaps not. But look at this." Adman closed the switch, and again the meter needles flew over. The director appeared startled at their readings. "Twenty [amperss?] at a though sand volte! Where is that twenty kilowatts going?" "Look through that coil," Adam suggested. "Refraction! But how?" "Im not sure that I know. I think that I have an artificial gravitational field in there. A peculiar field that is all within itself, and does not attract bodies to it. But light passing through a glass lens. Only this is a lens of gravity. But it takes a lot of power to build it up." "Twenty thousand watts! For how long, did you say?" "Twenty five minutes, so far." "A wonderful storage device." "Yes, it will store power, but I have other ideas too. Ever since I was a sophomore,ore in college I have been playing with the idea of dining a material that would focus cosmic rays if made into a lens. I wonderd
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