Science Adventure Stories, v. 1, issue 2, October 1938
Page 16
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16. Science Adventure Stories *********************************************************** And now I can begin the experiment that may prove my salvation. I will not allow myself to rot in an asylum. Of course, I could run away, since Vinton does not suspect that I know a thing, but that would mean the loss of the most perfectly equipped laboratory in the world. No; the experiment is the better way. . . . August 8. My plans are completed. I have persuaded Caul, my assistant, to be my subject in a test for a new antiseptic I pretended to have been working on. He believes the swallowing of the serum I have prepared will kill all the common cold germs to be found in his body--now and forever. Fool! Little does he suspect that the serum is a potent drug which will render him unconscious for hours. While he is under its effect, I shall exchange his brain--or consciousness--for that of Shelley. Surgery without scars! I have known Professor Markley for years--have corresponded with him since he first began work upon his tubes nine years ago. He had utilized the little known science of thought transference --mental telepathy--and--with the aid of trakium, a new element discovered by him in a meteor that fell near his home eighteen months ago--has manufactured a limited supply of the tubes--for which I have discovered a new use. Tomorrow I shall exchange Caul's brain for that of my monkey. I shall determine whether a transplanted intelligence may survive in an alien body. If this preliminary experiment is a success, it will pave the way for my escape.
16. Science Adventure Stories *********************************************************** And now I can begin the experiment that may prove my salvation. I will not allow myself to rot in an asylum. Of course, I could run away, since Vinton does not suspect that I know a thing, but that would mean the loss of the most perfectly equipped laboratory in the world. No; the experiment is the better way. . . . August 8. My plans are completed. I have persuaded Caul, my assistant, to be my subject in a test for a new antiseptic I pretended to have been working on. He believes the swallowing of the serum I have prepared will kill all the common cold germs to be found in his body--now and forever. Fool! Little does he suspect that the serum is a potent drug which will render him unconscious for hours. While he is under its effect, I shall exchange his brain--or consciousness--for that of Shelley. Surgery without scars! I have known Professor Markley for years--have corresponded with him since he first began work upon his tubes nine years ago. He had utilized the little known science of thought transference --mental telepathy--and--with the aid of trakium, a new element discovered by him in a meteor that fell near his home eighteen months ago--has manufactured a limited supply of the tubes--for which I have discovered a new use. Tomorrow I shall exchange Caul's brain for that of my monkey. I shall determine whether a transplanted intelligence may survive in an alien body. If this preliminary experiment is a success, it will pave the way for my escape.
Hevelin Fanzines