Shangri-la, issue 6, May-June 1946
Page 8
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later date. For example: "Is 'Anonymous' the nom de plume of A. E. van Vogt? Is Shaver to be put on the air in a program sponsored by the Schick Injector Razor Company? Did Weaver Wright plagiarize a story from Alden Lorraine?" And many more. Tune in next issue and find out. There was some talk on methods of enlivening the club. Dale Hart thought that it would be a good idea to have one big open-house meeting every month in which we really went alll out to entertain visitors. These would probably be on the first meeting of every month and the old-standbys of the club could take turns being responsible for a speaker or some sort of program. The idea was approved of by most of the members. March 18th; 432nd consecutive meeting: Forrest has discovered that the LASFS library has the wanderlust -- a fact which has been suspected by the members for quite a while. G. Gordon Dewey sent Forrest a copy of the fanmagazine "UNIQUE" and on the inside he found the official library sticker of this club. Dewey says that he bought the magazine from Gertrude Gordon of New York. March 25th; 433rd consecutive meeting: It seems that there is still another legal suit taking place in fandom: Forrest J. Ackerman is suing A. E. van Vogt. It seems that Mr. van Vogt dedicated his book (and his wife's), "OUT OF THE UNKNOWN", to Forrest, but copies of the book were already rolling off the presses before he phoned to ask his permission to do so; it is illegal to dedicate a publication to someone without their prior permission. Mr. van Vogt made at various times during the course of the meeting the following statements: "The magazine CLUE is going to have a science-fiction department, edited by Anthony Boucher. They are going to review "THE WORLD OF X." The jacket for "OUT OF THE UNKNOWN" is very nice and I like the illustrations for "THE WITCH" but the illustrated capital letters are too simple in design. "KEEPERS OF THE GREAT GATE" by Gottlieb is an exceptional science-fiction story. Dale Hart, editor of Shangri-La: "The second issue of Shangri-La was much better than the first; letters and subscriptions have been pouring in. The minutes were especially liked. Does anyone here know a gentleman by the name of Gilbert Cochrane. He has sent me four almost-incomprehensible letters telling me that my becoming editor of Shangri-La fulfilled certain prophecies; it's all conneccted with tibet, you know. In one letter, an especially bulky one which he sent airmail--as he does all the others--contained four cards and a package of evil-smelling mess.The 'mess' was a collection of "esoteric herbs" which have something to do with seeing visions in the cracks of sidewalks and horses' hooves. He lives in a lockbox. He's a friend of Vincent Gaddis, a Shaverite. Mr. van Vogt, again: "I have a 'friend' coming to visit me whom I think I'm going to refer to Forrest. I'e received several letters from him, all marked "PERSONAL" or/and "HIGHLY IMPORTANT" in large letters. In them he claims to have special knowledge of Mars and Venus. He's in Phoenix now and he's going to stop by and visit me when he comes through Los Angeles. It seems he's a world traveler. Somehow, or another, I don't want to see him." The rest of the meeting was occupied with a discussion of the various presidential candidates -- MacArthur, Dewey, MacArthur, Stassen, MacArthur, Taft, MacArthur, Eisenhower, MacArthur. The discussion was lead by visitor Neisen Himmel, who works for Hearst. April 1st; 434th consecutive meeting: Dave Fox amused us by telling us about the 5th anniversary meeting of the Reaction Research Society when Arthur Louis Joquel, 11, showed movies of the 8.
later date. For example: "Is 'Anonymous' the nom de plume of A. E. van Vogt? Is Shaver to be put on the air in a program sponsored by the Schick Injector Razor Company? Did Weaver Wright plagiarize a story from Alden Lorraine?" And many more. Tune in next issue and find out. There was some talk on methods of enlivening the club. Dale Hart thought that it would be a good idea to have one big open-house meeting every month in which we really went alll out to entertain visitors. These would probably be on the first meeting of every month and the old-standbys of the club could take turns being responsible for a speaker or some sort of program. The idea was approved of by most of the members. March 18th; 432nd consecutive meeting: Forrest has discovered that the LASFS library has the wanderlust -- a fact which has been suspected by the members for quite a while. G. Gordon Dewey sent Forrest a copy of the fanmagazine "UNIQUE" and on the inside he found the official library sticker of this club. Dewey says that he bought the magazine from Gertrude Gordon of New York. March 25th; 433rd consecutive meeting: It seems that there is still another legal suit taking place in fandom: Forrest J. Ackerman is suing A. E. van Vogt. It seems that Mr. van Vogt dedicated his book (and his wife's), "OUT OF THE UNKNOWN", to Forrest, but copies of the book were already rolling off the presses before he phoned to ask his permission to do so; it is illegal to dedicate a publication to someone without their prior permission. Mr. van Vogt made at various times during the course of the meeting the following statements: "The magazine CLUE is going to have a science-fiction department, edited by Anthony Boucher. They are going to review "THE WORLD OF X." The jacket for "OUT OF THE UNKNOWN" is very nice and I like the illustrations for "THE WITCH" but the illustrated capital letters are too simple in design. "KEEPERS OF THE GREAT GATE" by Gottlieb is an exceptional science-fiction story. Dale Hart, editor of Shangri-La: "The second issue of Shangri-La was much better than the first; letters and subscriptions have been pouring in. The minutes were especially liked. Does anyone here know a gentleman by the name of Gilbert Cochrane. He has sent me four almost-incomprehensible letters telling me that my becoming editor of Shangri-La fulfilled certain prophecies; it's all conneccted with tibet, you know. In one letter, an especially bulky one which he sent airmail--as he does all the others--contained four cards and a package of evil-smelling mess.The 'mess' was a collection of "esoteric herbs" which have something to do with seeing visions in the cracks of sidewalks and horses' hooves. He lives in a lockbox. He's a friend of Vincent Gaddis, a Shaverite. Mr. van Vogt, again: "I have a 'friend' coming to visit me whom I think I'm going to refer to Forrest. I'e received several letters from him, all marked "PERSONAL" or/and "HIGHLY IMPORTANT" in large letters. In them he claims to have special knowledge of Mars and Venus. He's in Phoenix now and he's going to stop by and visit me when he comes through Los Angeles. It seems he's a world traveler. Somehow, or another, I don't want to see him." The rest of the meeting was occupied with a discussion of the various presidential candidates -- MacArthur, Dewey, MacArthur, Stassen, MacArthur, Taft, MacArthur, Eisenhower, MacArthur. The discussion was lead by visitor Neisen Himmel, who works for Hearst. April 1st; 434th consecutive meeting: Dave Fox amused us by telling us about the 5th anniversary meeting of the Reaction Research Society when Arthur Louis Joquel, 11, showed movies of the 8.
Hevelin Fanzines