Fantasy Amateur, v. 8, issue 1, September 1944
Page 4
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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE First of all, profound and profuse thanks to all who voted for me. It's a matter of regret that so many members did not vote, however. At the present time, the election returns, particularly in regard to the amendments, are somewhat confused. I'm trying to discover how many active members we had, as of July 1st 1944; as you know, only those who have fulfilled activity requirements may vote in elections. This is something which can make a difference when it comes to determining as to whether or not an amendment has passed, inasmuch as a majority of the active membership is required for the passing. Right now, we can say with certainty that the amendment to raise dues to $1 went through; there were 35 votes registered in favor, and only 33 were necessary, assuming that all 65 were eligible. And we can state with equal certainty that the petition to suspend [Deglerogers?] failed to pass, inasmuch as it did not even receive a majority of those returning ballots. In regard to the proposed amendment to raise publishing requirements; it either just passed, or just missed passing. The ballot counting committee seems to have been stricken with the heat, or the person who typed the stencil on the report was asleep at the switch. 37 ballots are supposed to have been returned. Yet, consider: total votes for President 37: total votes for Vice President 37; total votes for Secretary-Treasurer 35; total votes for Official Editor 36; total vote on dues amendment 37; total votes on Degler petition 35; total votes on publishing requirements amendment 37. It's not bad enough to hold up the works for a recount, but we should get this cleared up. ((Thanks to Ashley, we already have.)) There are three proposed matters, which I confess to initiating, upon which all members are requested to vote this time. (And will the Secy-Treas. please send a list of all egibles to the Official Editor?) The proposed Article 13 speaks for itself; on the main feature, that of barring "racist" propaganda, I think we can do our bit, as an organization, for the war aims by voting "yes" on it. There aren't many [FAPA?] members overseas, yet we can keep faith with those who are risking their lives, partly because the vicious theories of "racism" were unchecked in certain parts of the world, by taking this stand. In regard to obscene matter; I think most, if not all of us, recognize the neces-sity for taking steps to insure against finding FAPA mailings suddenly impounded. There hasn't been very much of it in the past; passage of this provision won't really work a hardship to any of us. We just have to watch the four-letter words, and the "art". On the revision of the official mailing dates; that has been suggested before. After all, ye Official Ed. is only human, and can't always get the mailing out on the dot, regardless of intentions. And, if the mailing date is early in December, delay will mix up FAPA bundles in the Xmas rush. I haven't heard of any mailing being lost en route, but there's always a first time -- and this year the Post Office depart-men'ts going to be more shorthanded than before. The proposed revision sets the date for the second Saturday in the month, so that ye Ed. won't have to think about the dirty work until part, at least, of the New Year's spirits have blown away. The other revisions just follow up; in regard to specific instructions if the election mailing is held up, they'll serve to cut down confusion and further delay should ye Ed. 4
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE First of all, profound and profuse thanks to all who voted for me. It's a matter of regret that so many members did not vote, however. At the present time, the election returns, particularly in regard to the amendments, are somewhat confused. I'm trying to discover how many active members we had, as of July 1st 1944; as you know, only those who have fulfilled activity requirements may vote in elections. This is something which can make a difference when it comes to determining as to whether or not an amendment has passed, inasmuch as a majority of the active membership is required for the passing. Right now, we can say with certainty that the amendment to raise dues to $1 went through; there were 35 votes registered in favor, and only 33 were necessary, assuming that all 65 were eligible. And we can state with equal certainty that the petition to suspend [Deglerogers?] failed to pass, inasmuch as it did not even receive a majority of those returning ballots. In regard to the proposed amendment to raise publishing requirements; it either just passed, or just missed passing. The ballot counting committee seems to have been stricken with the heat, or the person who typed the stencil on the report was asleep at the switch. 37 ballots are supposed to have been returned. Yet, consider: total votes for President 37: total votes for Vice President 37; total votes for Secretary-Treasurer 35; total votes for Official Editor 36; total vote on dues amendment 37; total votes on Degler petition 35; total votes on publishing requirements amendment 37. It's not bad enough to hold up the works for a recount, but we should get this cleared up. ((Thanks to Ashley, we already have.)) There are three proposed matters, which I confess to initiating, upon which all members are requested to vote this time. (And will the Secy-Treas. please send a list of all egibles to the Official Editor?) The proposed Article 13 speaks for itself; on the main feature, that of barring "racist" propaganda, I think we can do our bit, as an organization, for the war aims by voting "yes" on it. There aren't many [FAPA?] members overseas, yet we can keep faith with those who are risking their lives, partly because the vicious theories of "racism" were unchecked in certain parts of the world, by taking this stand. In regard to obscene matter; I think most, if not all of us, recognize the neces-sity for taking steps to insure against finding FAPA mailings suddenly impounded. There hasn't been very much of it in the past; passage of this provision won't really work a hardship to any of us. We just have to watch the four-letter words, and the "art". On the revision of the official mailing dates; that has been suggested before. After all, ye Official Ed. is only human, and can't always get the mailing out on the dot, regardless of intentions. And, if the mailing date is early in December, delay will mix up FAPA bundles in the Xmas rush. I haven't heard of any mailing being lost en route, but there's always a first time -- and this year the Post Office depart-men'ts going to be more shorthanded than before. The proposed revision sets the date for the second Saturday in the month, so that ye Ed. won't have to think about the dirty work until part, at least, of the New Year's spirits have blown away. The other revisions just follow up; in regard to specific instructions if the election mailing is held up, they'll serve to cut down confusion and further delay should ye Ed. 4
Hevelin Fanzines