Fantasy Amateur, v. 8, issue 1, September 1944
Page 15
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SECOND PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE Additional information, coming to my attention since the original message was sent to the OE, precipitates the following decisions. However, to outline the situation briefly: Ex-Secy-Treas. Stanley informs me that at least four members were ineligible to vote in the last election, having failed minimal activity requirements, thus bringing the electorate to a total of no greater than 61. Therefore, a majority of 61 would be 31, which is the minimum requisite. Therefore the proposed amendment to raise publishing requirements, which received exactly 31 yea votes, passes and becomes part of the constitution. 31 also voted on the petition directed against member Claude Degler, 18 voting aye; 13 nay. It would seem at first glance that the petition fails to pass, inasmuch as 18 cannot be considered a majority of 61 votes. However, there's a joker in the constitution. It reads, and we quote: "A majority vote of the active membership shall be necessary for the adoption of new amendments. A similar majority may at any time, through an instrument in petition form ... suspend sections of this Constitution in particular cases without repealing them." It does not state that a majority of "yes" votes is required; it only insists that a majority of the active members vote if an amendment or petition is to be passed. Thus, a plurality can cause the passage of a proposed amendment or petition, providing that the total ballot returns constitute a majority of the qualified voting membership. And on this basis, I have no course but to declare the petition calling for the suspension of member Degler's privileges as having passed. The Secretary-Treasurer is hereby instructed to refuse ex-member Degler's renewal in the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, to return any monies he submits for such renewal. And, unless a further petition to amend this suspension, either in part or in whole, passes, ex-member Degler may not rejoin the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, and his name is not to be placed upon the waiting list. The Official Editor is hereby instructed to send no further mailings to Degler, but will mail him one copy of the issue of the Fantasy Amateur wherein this notice appears. If the Secretary-Treasurer has accepted monies for Degler's renewal between the time that the July mailing was sent out and September 6th, he is instructed to return those. The name of Claude Degler shall not appear on the list of members with this issue of the Fantasy Amateur, unless the list had been run off the mimeograph before this message was received. Unless such was the case, Mike Fern, who was first on the waiting list due to specially dispensation in the dual-membership tie-up, shall be listed in Degler's place and be given one month to forward dues. In regard to the constitutional requirements, I do not know whether the committee slipped up in the wording thereof, or whether they planned it that way. At any rate, I feel that it is hardly in keeping with the democratic traditions of FAPA to permit 18 to speak for 61. The proposed revision of Article 12 makes no bones about the matter: note that it reads "An affirmative vote by a majority of the active membership shall be necessary ... " and specifies a similar majority for petitions. Sincerely, Robert W. Lowndes 15
SECOND PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE Additional information, coming to my attention since the original message was sent to the OE, precipitates the following decisions. However, to outline the situation briefly: Ex-Secy-Treas. Stanley informs me that at least four members were ineligible to vote in the last election, having failed minimal activity requirements, thus bringing the electorate to a total of no greater than 61. Therefore, a majority of 61 would be 31, which is the minimum requisite. Therefore the proposed amendment to raise publishing requirements, which received exactly 31 yea votes, passes and becomes part of the constitution. 31 also voted on the petition directed against member Claude Degler, 18 voting aye; 13 nay. It would seem at first glance that the petition fails to pass, inasmuch as 18 cannot be considered a majority of 61 votes. However, there's a joker in the constitution. It reads, and we quote: "A majority vote of the active membership shall be necessary for the adoption of new amendments. A similar majority may at any time, through an instrument in petition form ... suspend sections of this Constitution in particular cases without repealing them." It does not state that a majority of "yes" votes is required; it only insists that a majority of the active members vote if an amendment or petition is to be passed. Thus, a plurality can cause the passage of a proposed amendment or petition, providing that the total ballot returns constitute a majority of the qualified voting membership. And on this basis, I have no course but to declare the petition calling for the suspension of member Degler's privileges as having passed. The Secretary-Treasurer is hereby instructed to refuse ex-member Degler's renewal in the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, to return any monies he submits for such renewal. And, unless a further petition to amend this suspension, either in part or in whole, passes, ex-member Degler may not rejoin the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, and his name is not to be placed upon the waiting list. The Official Editor is hereby instructed to send no further mailings to Degler, but will mail him one copy of the issue of the Fantasy Amateur wherein this notice appears. If the Secretary-Treasurer has accepted monies for Degler's renewal between the time that the July mailing was sent out and September 6th, he is instructed to return those. The name of Claude Degler shall not appear on the list of members with this issue of the Fantasy Amateur, unless the list had been run off the mimeograph before this message was received. Unless such was the case, Mike Fern, who was first on the waiting list due to specially dispensation in the dual-membership tie-up, shall be listed in Degler's place and be given one month to forward dues. In regard to the constitutional requirements, I do not know whether the committee slipped up in the wording thereof, or whether they planned it that way. At any rate, I feel that it is hardly in keeping with the democratic traditions of FAPA to permit 18 to speak for 61. The proposed revision of Article 12 makes no bones about the matter: note that it reads "An affirmative vote by a majority of the active membership shall be necessary ... " and specifies a similar majority for petitions. Sincerely, Robert W. Lowndes 15
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