F.F.F. News Weekly, v. 1, issue 7, December 7, 1940
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FFF NEWS WEEKLY VOLUME ONE NOVEMBER 7, 1940 NUMBER SEVEN ASTOUNDING NEWS by James Taurasi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE serial following 6TH COLUMN by Anson Mac Donald will be titled "STOLEN DORMOUSE" by Sprauge deCamp, will be a two part serial, and have both inside illustrations and cover by Astounding's best, H Rogers. It will begin in the April 1941 issue of Astounding NELSON S BOND will be featured in the February issue of Astounding with a novelette entitled "THE MAGIC CITY", it will receive the cover of that issue, which is done by Rogers. WHILE BOB HEINLEIN will get the March 1941 cover of Astounding with a novelette, "LOGIC OF EMPIRE", cover will be by Rogers. We note that next month Street & Smith will publish DETECTIVE STORY ANNUAL, which will contain reprints of the last few years. It will be a super thick volume and sell for 25 ¢. Nothing this we predict that before long we'll see an ASTOUNDING ANNUAL, also super thick and selling for around 25 ¢. If this comes thru, I bet Dollars to doughnuts that it will contain "If this Goes On" and other recent stories that Campbell has printed. If and when its published it will be stated for "new" readers. (JYT) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' 4E 24 ::::: THE Efjay's 24th birthday was celebrated on November 24th, according to a report from Los Angeles, with a small party including Morojo, Daugherty, E O'Brien, Hodgkins & Laney, who had dinner together and saw a show afterwards, winding up with a ride in Hod's Technocraticar STANDARD EDITORIAL OFFICES TO MOVE TO NEW LOCATION :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WITHIN the next few days, the editorial offices of STANDARD MAGAZINES, publishers of Thrilling Wonder Stories, Stratling Stories and Captain Future, will move to a new location: 10 East 40th Street, New York City. The reason fro this is that more room is needed, at present they have their offices on the 5th & 14th floors, while t this new location all their offices will be together. R W Lowndes will pick the next Hall of Fame story for STARTLING STORIES and James V Taurasi will pick the one after that. (LS) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff NOTE With this issue of FFF, you will get a finer and easier to read copies, as the editorial offie has obtained a new and better typer. (JU) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff MORE RECORD-MAKING IN LA :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MONDAY nite, 25 Nov, scientifonograf records were made at the flat of Forrest J Ackerman. Pres during the evening were Walt Daugherty, "LN-or" O'Brien, Ray Bradbury, "Jim-E" (Virginia) Laney, Ted Emsheimer, Bruce Yerke Richard Welles, Belle Wyman, Morojo, Louise Hamell & Fred Shroyer. Shroyer obtained info from Ackerman's bk collection for inclusion in the Moonstruck Press projected Bibliografy of Fantasy bks. Over 100 titles were added to the 3000 (Continued on P. 26) fff NEWS WEEKLY COVERS THE ENTURE FANTASY FIELD SUB
FFF NEWS WEEKLY VOLUME ONE NOVEMBER 7, 1940 NUMBER SEVEN ASTOUNDING NEWS by James Taurasi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE serial following 6TH COLUMN by Anson Mac Donald will be titled "STOLEN DORMOUSE" by Sprauge deCamp, will be a two part serial, and have both inside illustrations and cover by Astounding's best, H Rogers. It will begin in the April 1941 issue of Astounding NELSON S BOND will be featured in the February issue of Astounding with a novelette entitled "THE MAGIC CITY", it will receive the cover of that issue, which is done by Rogers. WHILE BOB HEINLEIN will get the March 1941 cover of Astounding with a novelette, "LOGIC OF EMPIRE", cover will be by Rogers. We note that next month Street & Smith will publish DETECTIVE STORY ANNUAL, which will contain reprints of the last few years. It will be a super thick volume and sell for 25 ¢. Nothing this we predict that before long we'll see an ASTOUNDING ANNUAL, also super thick and selling for around 25 ¢. If this comes thru, I bet Dollars to doughnuts that it will contain "If this Goes On" and other recent stories that Campbell has printed. If and when its published it will be stated for "new" readers. (JYT) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' 4E 24 ::::: THE Efjay's 24th birthday was celebrated on November 24th, according to a report from Los Angeles, with a small party including Morojo, Daugherty, E O'Brien, Hodgkins & Laney, who had dinner together and saw a show afterwards, winding up with a ride in Hod's Technocraticar STANDARD EDITORIAL OFFICES TO MOVE TO NEW LOCATION :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WITHIN the next few days, the editorial offices of STANDARD MAGAZINES, publishers of Thrilling Wonder Stories, Stratling Stories and Captain Future, will move to a new location: 10 East 40th Street, New York City. The reason fro this is that more room is needed, at present they have their offices on the 5th & 14th floors, while t this new location all their offices will be together. R W Lowndes will pick the next Hall of Fame story for STARTLING STORIES and James V Taurasi will pick the one after that. (LS) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff NOTE With this issue of FFF, you will get a finer and easier to read copies, as the editorial offie has obtained a new and better typer. (JU) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff MORE RECORD-MAKING IN LA :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MONDAY nite, 25 Nov, scientifonograf records were made at the flat of Forrest J Ackerman. Pres during the evening were Walt Daugherty, "LN-or" O'Brien, Ray Bradbury, "Jim-E" (Virginia) Laney, Ted Emsheimer, Bruce Yerke Richard Welles, Belle Wyman, Morojo, Louise Hamell & Fred Shroyer. Shroyer obtained info from Ackerman's bk collection for inclusion in the Moonstruck Press projected Bibliografy of Fantasy bks. Over 100 titles were added to the 3000 (Continued on P. 26) fff NEWS WEEKLY COVERS THE ENTURE FANTASY FIELD SUB
Hevelin Fanzines