Wavelength, issue 1
Page 7
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WAVELENGTH 7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * *AD* *ASTRA* *** :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by Wavelength's Human Interest Correspondent -----:------:----- Perhaps the world's youngest star gazer, his father thinks, is four-year-old Benjamin Leerman. Ben would rather look at the moon through a telescope (a good, big one!) than do most anything else that small b-oys can do. He can readily point out the dry ocean beds on the earth's satellite and move his rather's five-foot long telescope to find a particular cr-ater that he is fond of. His father, Joseph B. Leerman, a grocer, bec-ame an amateur astronomer twelve years ago and has an observatory in the rear of his home, at 3019 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryla-nd. His home-made instrument will be on exhibition at that city's Enoch Pratt Free Library in the spring. -----:------:----- Benjamin named his cat, Tycho, after a particularly deep crater. He is more interested in Tycho than in any other Lunar locality. He had a dog, now departed, whom he christened "Jupiter." The planet Jupiter is second in Benny's cosmic affections and does he like to pour over his father's astronomy books (and how!) and pick out Jupiter with its four moons on the planetary maps. At the time of this article he was a little impatient for Jupiter's reappearance. he had not been able to find it for several weeks, and his father had ass-ured him that it was only out of sight and shortly will be back, float-ing within range of his instrument. He almost cries for the moon sometimes. When the elder Leerman think s that his son has watched the heavens late enough and it is time to go to bed, Ben argues with feeling for one more look at Tycho. He looks at the great white landscape for ahalf hour at a time. A ew months ago while moon gazing, he remarked to his father, "Daddy, if we could take a ride on the moon in a machine, we would have a very rough ride." -----:------:----- He wants Santa Claus to bring him a telescope this Christmas that will be all his own, and his father thinks that if Ben proves to be a faithful astronomer he may get it. He was tried to make telescoped as his father does. He was found recently putting together a wooden framee for one, and attempting to grind a reflector by rubbing cracker meal on a pane of glass, having seen his father use gritter materials in grining Ben's sister, Beatrive, who is eleven, is only mldly interested in her father's hobby. Her speciality is tropical fish. She has a great variety of them. But they do not interest or amuse Ben at all. When asked about his sister's interests, he glumly answered,"she likes fishes." "What do you like, Ben?" he was asked. "I like the moon," he replied quaintly. * * * * * FANS! ADVERTISE IN WAVELENGTH, THE MAGAZINE ELECTRIFYING FOR A-1 RESULT Our rates are reasonable, We circulate where the Buying Power Is N How! 1/4 page- 25¢ 3/4 page- 75¢1/2 page- 50¢ Full Page- $1.00
WAVELENGTH 7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * *AD* *ASTRA* *** :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by Wavelength's Human Interest Correspondent -----:------:----- Perhaps the world's youngest star gazer, his father thinks, is four-year-old Benjamin Leerman. Ben would rather look at the moon through a telescope (a good, big one!) than do most anything else that small b-oys can do. He can readily point out the dry ocean beds on the earth's satellite and move his rather's five-foot long telescope to find a particular cr-ater that he is fond of. His father, Joseph B. Leerman, a grocer, bec-ame an amateur astronomer twelve years ago and has an observatory in the rear of his home, at 3019 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryla-nd. His home-made instrument will be on exhibition at that city's Enoch Pratt Free Library in the spring. -----:------:----- Benjamin named his cat, Tycho, after a particularly deep crater. He is more interested in Tycho than in any other Lunar locality. He had a dog, now departed, whom he christened "Jupiter." The planet Jupiter is second in Benny's cosmic affections and does he like to pour over his father's astronomy books (and how!) and pick out Jupiter with its four moons on the planetary maps. At the time of this article he was a little impatient for Jupiter's reappearance. he had not been able to find it for several weeks, and his father had ass-ured him that it was only out of sight and shortly will be back, float-ing within range of his instrument. He almost cries for the moon sometimes. When the elder Leerman think s that his son has watched the heavens late enough and it is time to go to bed, Ben argues with feeling for one more look at Tycho. He looks at the great white landscape for ahalf hour at a time. A ew months ago while moon gazing, he remarked to his father, "Daddy, if we could take a ride on the moon in a machine, we would have a very rough ride." -----:------:----- He wants Santa Claus to bring him a telescope this Christmas that will be all his own, and his father thinks that if Ben proves to be a faithful astronomer he may get it. He was tried to make telescoped as his father does. He was found recently putting together a wooden framee for one, and attempting to grind a reflector by rubbing cracker meal on a pane of glass, having seen his father use gritter materials in grining Ben's sister, Beatrive, who is eleven, is only mldly interested in her father's hobby. Her speciality is tropical fish. She has a great variety of them. But they do not interest or amuse Ben at all. When asked about his sister's interests, he glumly answered,"she likes fishes." "What do you like, Ben?" he was asked. "I like the moon," he replied quaintly. * * * * * FANS! ADVERTISE IN WAVELENGTH, THE MAGAZINE ELECTRIFYING FOR A-1 RESULT Our rates are reasonable, We circulate where the Buying Power Is N How! 1/4 page- 25¢ 3/4 page- 75¢1/2 page- 50¢ Full Page- $1.00
Hevelin Fanzines