Sparx, v. 1, issue 6, February 1948
Page 8
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FROM THE READERS First off we have an apologetic note from Vincent Williams in re Tricks for the Trader: " I am presenting you with this sheaf of paper with some trepidation. Presumably, if you find yourself overworked or not meeting a deadline, you can serialise the thing, much though I hate the idea. Also, you may, if you wish, send it back. I don't care. ((Maybe I should have.)) "Please note, here and there in the manuscript. . .a rather prominent tongue in cheek. I have employed my best talents here and there to the base ends of initating some/authors/ such as EESmith and someone else whom I have forgotten. . . "Handle with care. Genius at hand. . . . Vincent Williams" Next comes that eminent orhographist Rick Sneary writes. Spelling by the editor. It takes to long to transcribe the Snearyisms. ". . .I give you leave to rip out 37 hairs from my head, one at attime, in payment for not writing sooner. . . "Cover was good, tho not very clear. . .one could get a general idea / about people/. God JoKe must be a giant. Taller than Milty, whom I remember as no short thing. . .de Camp looks like a hero... Hmmm. Guess all writers do. at least those I've met. (Example: vV is soft and quiet with an air of intelligence like so many of his story people.) "I slightly disagree with Carter. True, the Pros make good programs, and they are what a convention is wrapped around. And poo to the con without them. But three pros and tagir to one without fans. Me, I'd give a week in Siberia to have heard Campbell. But I'd just as soon spend an hour with Kennedy. ((JoKe, please don't let it go to your head. You already wear the largest hat in fandom. There won't be room for anybody else in the room with you. And you others, please stop inflating him. I'll admit he is a swell guy, but PLEASE don't make all his hats obsolete.)) And at the Pacifion I got more out of Cockroft and to go to a con lasting a week, with all the fans and pros there. . .((Me too!)) "TAKEOFF! was very well done. I've read few fanstories that handled felling ((sic)) better. Whoever Orrok might be he is first rate. Very good. "Song--well I'm at least glad to read it. I heard ((See page 21)) 8
FROM THE READERS First off we have an apologetic note from Vincent Williams in re Tricks for the Trader: " I am presenting you with this sheaf of paper with some trepidation. Presumably, if you find yourself overworked or not meeting a deadline, you can serialise the thing, much though I hate the idea. Also, you may, if you wish, send it back. I don't care. ((Maybe I should have.)) "Please note, here and there in the manuscript. . .a rather prominent tongue in cheek. I have employed my best talents here and there to the base ends of initating some/authors/ such as EESmith and someone else whom I have forgotten. . . "Handle with care. Genius at hand. . . . Vincent Williams" Next comes that eminent orhographist Rick Sneary writes. Spelling by the editor. It takes to long to transcribe the Snearyisms. ". . .I give you leave to rip out 37 hairs from my head, one at attime, in payment for not writing sooner. . . "Cover was good, tho not very clear. . .one could get a general idea / about people/. God JoKe must be a giant. Taller than Milty, whom I remember as no short thing. . .de Camp looks like a hero... Hmmm. Guess all writers do. at least those I've met. (Example: vV is soft and quiet with an air of intelligence like so many of his story people.) "I slightly disagree with Carter. True, the Pros make good programs, and they are what a convention is wrapped around. And poo to the con without them. But three pros and tagir to one without fans. Me, I'd give a week in Siberia to have heard Campbell. But I'd just as soon spend an hour with Kennedy. ((JoKe, please don't let it go to your head. You already wear the largest hat in fandom. There won't be room for anybody else in the room with you. And you others, please stop inflating him. I'll admit he is a swell guy, but PLEASE don't make all his hats obsolete.)) And at the Pacifion I got more out of Cockroft and to go to a con lasting a week, with all the fans and pros there. . .((Me too!)) "TAKEOFF! was very well done. I've read few fanstories that handled felling ((sic)) better. Whoever Orrok might be he is first rate. Very good. "Song--well I'm at least glad to read it. I heard ((See page 21)) 8
Hevelin Fanzines