Sparx, v. 1, issue 6, February 1948
Page 20
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TRICKS OF THE TRADER (CONT.) "Your hyper unit, " grunted Hispedich sadly, "had gotten us into trouble. We've lost our locality." "What?" "Locality. Local conditions, local charge, local--locality. Now you can get us back. Your hyperspace is a very simple concept. Outside of norm space, on the borders of -- I don't know -- the three dimensional cross-section which we refer to as "the universe" -- we can go faster, with less effort, and we can take advantage of the fancy bends and gradients in the fourth dimension of norm space -- the simple cross-section, mind you. But always, when we wish to get out of norm space, we raise our potential. When we wish to return we lower it once more. Now, Buster, you--we--have blasted ourselves over the "energy hill" into the next valley. You can get us back." Iglor stamped back to the rear of the control room, opened a cupboard, and found a bottle of the something that the Verkians call Dyrbl. It is composed largely of methyl ethyl ether, and Merfs could get very drunk on it with no fear of a hangover. Hillem scowled at him. ((And, with that scowl, we leave our two jolly friends until the next issue. Ed)) STRANGER CLUB If any of you fen happens to be in or near Boston on a Sunday, you might, if it's the right Sunday, be interested in visiting/join the Stranger Club. The Stranger club is just a discussion group. We meet once a month, at the home of one of the members, for a gabfest. The meetings run from 3-12 PM, plus or minus. They normally are on the first or second Sunday of the month. If YOU are around the neighborhood, drop me a line, and I'll let you know when the next meeting will be. We are always gald (sic) to have any sort of human visitors. (Please check all BEMs at the door.) Regular attendees include Art Widner, Chan Davis, Harry Stubbs, Dave Thomas, Tim Orrok, Boff Perry, Bill Mason, John Pomery, Sam Bowne, and many other well known and not so well known fen. If you know of any other fen in the neigborhood just send me their names, and I'll put them in the mailing list. Henry Spelman SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF:
TRICKS OF THE TRADER (CONT.) "Your hyper unit, " grunted Hispedich sadly, "had gotten us into trouble. We've lost our locality." "What?" "Locality. Local conditions, local charge, local--locality. Now you can get us back. Your hyperspace is a very simple concept. Outside of norm space, on the borders of -- I don't know -- the three dimensional cross-section which we refer to as "the universe" -- we can go faster, with less effort, and we can take advantage of the fancy bends and gradients in the fourth dimension of norm space -- the simple cross-section, mind you. But always, when we wish to get out of norm space, we raise our potential. When we wish to return we lower it once more. Now, Buster, you--we--have blasted ourselves over the "energy hill" into the next valley. You can get us back." Iglor stamped back to the rear of the control room, opened a cupboard, and found a bottle of the something that the Verkians call Dyrbl. It is composed largely of methyl ethyl ether, and Merfs could get very drunk on it with no fear of a hangover. Hillem scowled at him. ((And, with that scowl, we leave our two jolly friends until the next issue. Ed)) STRANGER CLUB If any of you fen happens to be in or near Boston on a Sunday, you might, if it's the right Sunday, be interested in visiting/join the Stranger Club. The Stranger club is just a discussion group. We meet once a month, at the home of one of the members, for a gabfest. The meetings run from 3-12 PM, plus or minus. They normally are on the first or second Sunday of the month. If YOU are around the neighborhood, drop me a line, and I'll let you know when the next meeting will be. We are always gald (sic) to have any sort of human visitors. (Please check all BEMs at the door.) Regular attendees include Art Widner, Chan Davis, Harry Stubbs, Dave Thomas, Tim Orrok, Boff Perry, Bill Mason, John Pomery, Sam Bowne, and many other well known and not so well known fen. If you know of any other fen in the neigborhood just send me their names, and I'll put them in the mailing list. Henry Spelman SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF:
Hevelin Fanzines