Sparx, v. 1, issue 6, February 1948
Page 21
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LETTERS (Cont) so many remarks. Too bad they didn't have enough back of them to really do anything. My moto (sic) is don't laugh at something (make fun of) unless you want to fight it... "THE LITTLE FLOWER". Good humour. Hehehe. I have always wanted a robot or maybe a lion that would what I said. Did you ever think how important you would be with a lion that could understand English, and and would do what you said? Great dream stuff. Here, have a puff... "Goodby, and a happy Ground Hog and palmer day. Rick" Having dispensed with the interpreter, we hear from Leslie Hudson. "...a very good job. That photo cover was OK tho some of the pics could have been a little plainer. I realize tho the conditions under which they must have been taken. ((No, I was sober at the time.)) Good idea for a cover anyway. "Carter's article was interesting and just about right too, I think. "TAKEOFF; was fair. "/Song/ was good, really funny. "Book review was all right. "Haven't read anything by Williams before, but THE LITTLE FLOWER was excellent. In fact, I believe it was the best things in the mag... Leslie Hudson" Next one of the sages of Milkwaukee, Bob Stein. "SPARX isn't a bad zine..not particularly wunnerful either tho. I guess I just don't go for fanfiction. "PS pardon me. Your fanfiction above average (sic). Stein" And Tom Jewett. "...Carter's article was okay, but could have been further developed. The fiction didn't appeal to me. The "A-ma-zing" verse was good. Book review fine. The cover was okay, if a bit blurred in places... Tom Jewett And that's all I have room for, unless I use some quickies as fillers later. Thanks for all the fine letters I have received.
LETTERS (Cont) so many remarks. Too bad they didn't have enough back of them to really do anything. My moto (sic) is don't laugh at something (make fun of) unless you want to fight it... "THE LITTLE FLOWER". Good humour. Hehehe. I have always wanted a robot or maybe a lion that would what I said. Did you ever think how important you would be with a lion that could understand English, and and would do what you said? Great dream stuff. Here, have a puff... "Goodby, and a happy Ground Hog and palmer day. Rick" Having dispensed with the interpreter, we hear from Leslie Hudson. "...a very good job. That photo cover was OK tho some of the pics could have been a little plainer. I realize tho the conditions under which they must have been taken. ((No, I was sober at the time.)) Good idea for a cover anyway. "Carter's article was interesting and just about right too, I think. "TAKEOFF; was fair. "/Song/ was good, really funny. "Book review was all right. "Haven't read anything by Williams before, but THE LITTLE FLOWER was excellent. In fact, I believe it was the best things in the mag... Leslie Hudson" Next one of the sages of Milkwaukee, Bob Stein. "SPARX isn't a bad zine..not particularly wunnerful either tho. I guess I just don't go for fanfiction. "PS pardon me. Your fanfiction above average (sic). Stein" And Tom Jewett. "...Carter's article was okay, but could have been further developed. The fiction didn't appeal to me. The "A-ma-zing" verse was good. Book review fine. The cover was okay, if a bit blurred in places... Tom Jewett And that's all I have room for, unless I use some quickies as fillers later. Thanks for all the fine letters I have received.
Hevelin Fanzines