Shangri-la, issue 7, July-August 1948
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Just call me Laney. I don't care. Before I go, I'll answer the question: Hart, how do you stand the Amazing question? Well, in the first place I'd advise no one attempt standing on the Amazing question, literally speaking, because the footing is so slippery. However, here is my long-range analysis: I don't object to Amazing because the stories are poor. i don't regard science fiction mags as gods in paper habits. If a mag contains readable (to me) material, I read it. If not, I quietly lay the mag aside after going up to the Heaviside Layer. Sputtering indignation seldom amuses anyone except the indulgee, and I have other outlets. I object to Amazing for the reasons Milton Rothman does. By this time, everybody in fandom knows shy Rothman does not like Amazing Stories. Let me repeat: I do not object to the poor quality of Amazing's yarns. And I read Amazing's better tales. Yet. If I read: "Head up, with her left breast pointed toward Venus and her right breast pointed toward Pluto, Myrna guided the patrol craft on its way to Mars..."---if I read this obvious attempt at making a story sexy, I remark to my friend and muse, Dale Hart: "Dale, check that guy's astronomy!" Back to this rag: I don't know who the new editor will be. I served notice a long time ago, but no one has volunteered. However, don't be alarmed. The mag will continue to appear. If necessary, the editor will be a group mind. In other words, the magazine will be come even more communistic. This issue is an experimental one. besides, all the material that came in was rather heavy. The best is herein presented. If you have any reactions, write me. Yes, write me, because I am to receive all letters to SHANGRI-LA. After I read them, I'll turn them over to the person or persons who come after me, without fail. And don't be afraid to send money. I'm absolutely trustworthy. After the new editor takes over, I'll relinquish my right to receive mail. I love mail. Very often, I open a letter and find it interesting, quite apart from its references to fantasy fandom. As well as resigning from the editorship, I am resigning from the LASFS. I can't fit it into my new program. Gus is still waiting for this stencil. And I'm trying to think of something I thought of yesterday while stooped over a Martini in restrained adoration. Can't remember. --- In closing, I give you a conventional goodbye, along with the usual admonitions: WRITE LETTERS! SUBSCRIBE! SEND GOOD MATERIAL! (2)
Just call me Laney. I don't care. Before I go, I'll answer the question: Hart, how do you stand the Amazing question? Well, in the first place I'd advise no one attempt standing on the Amazing question, literally speaking, because the footing is so slippery. However, here is my long-range analysis: I don't object to Amazing because the stories are poor. i don't regard science fiction mags as gods in paper habits. If a mag contains readable (to me) material, I read it. If not, I quietly lay the mag aside after going up to the Heaviside Layer. Sputtering indignation seldom amuses anyone except the indulgee, and I have other outlets. I object to Amazing for the reasons Milton Rothman does. By this time, everybody in fandom knows shy Rothman does not like Amazing Stories. Let me repeat: I do not object to the poor quality of Amazing's yarns. And I read Amazing's better tales. Yet. If I read: "Head up, with her left breast pointed toward Venus and her right breast pointed toward Pluto, Myrna guided the patrol craft on its way to Mars..."---if I read this obvious attempt at making a story sexy, I remark to my friend and muse, Dale Hart: "Dale, check that guy's astronomy!" Back to this rag: I don't know who the new editor will be. I served notice a long time ago, but no one has volunteered. However, don't be alarmed. The mag will continue to appear. If necessary, the editor will be a group mind. In other words, the magazine will be come even more communistic. This issue is an experimental one. besides, all the material that came in was rather heavy. The best is herein presented. If you have any reactions, write me. Yes, write me, because I am to receive all letters to SHANGRI-LA. After I read them, I'll turn them over to the person or persons who come after me, without fail. And don't be afraid to send money. I'm absolutely trustworthy. After the new editor takes over, I'll relinquish my right to receive mail. I love mail. Very often, I open a letter and find it interesting, quite apart from its references to fantasy fandom. As well as resigning from the editorship, I am resigning from the LASFS. I can't fit it into my new program. Gus is still waiting for this stencil. And I'm trying to think of something I thought of yesterday while stooped over a Martini in restrained adoration. Can't remember. --- In closing, I give you a conventional goodbye, along with the usual admonitions: WRITE LETTERS! SUBSCRIBE! SEND GOOD MATERIAL! (2)
Hevelin Fanzines