Shangri-la, issue 7, July-August 1948
Page 14
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because I didn't consider it necessary, and remark that Fred was only reporting the review, not endorsing it. Fred is in agreement with the unanimous opinion of the LASFSers that Ray is one of the best writers--and he stated, specifically, the best writer to out of the modern fantasy field. FJA, that intrepid book-dealer, gave us an insight into the signs of the times by telling us that he is receiving an astounding number of requests for fantasy and science-fiction books from universities and schools about the country; a trend seems underway. He also mentioned that he was rather amused to receive orders for books ^[from] two persons who specifically requested that their books not be autographed. One of them remarked that autographed books lack the personal touch. He also told us that Weird Tales has just accepted another story from Everett: "FOOD FOR DEMONE." The editors of Weird stated that they were receiving a gratifying response on his first story. It must not be thought that van Vogt was trying to out-do Everett when he told us that he had just sold a 37,000 word short novel, "THE WEAPON SHOPS OF ISHER", to TWS. (The Ackerman Authors' Agency also just sold a short story by Van to Merwin which was first entitled "THE THIRD ONE." This was changed to "IILAH" and then to "DORMANT.") Someone remarked that it was rather strange since that's about twice the length TWS usually uses for their novels. But there's an explanation for that: Wonder and Startling are going to expand again. He also told us that Derleth is going to put out an all science-fiction issue of ARKHAM SAMPLER. Derleth has asked him to do a 1,000 word article on what consititutes the basic twenty books that every reader of science-fiction should have and submit a list of these books with the article. Van Vogt asked us to help him in picking them out. Ha! By the time the furore subsided, the place was in pieces. As we all know, van Vogt is a hypnosis-enthusiast, as is also his quiet wife. Van is pretty good at self-hypnosis. He has one little trick which he demonstrated for the benefit of a few people in the clubroom. He learned it in ten minutes. All he has to do is say "A!" and his left arm and shoulder wither up in a peculiarly paralyzed fashion. When this happens, he is unable to move arm, shoulders or fingers. To disrupt the paralysis, to make his arm relax, he says "B!" Mike Scoles and Bill Cox asked him if he was able to give this control over to other people. Van, at some length, said 'yes' and explained just how it could be done. To demonstrate his lecture, he gave Mike Scoles the power to paralyze him by saying "A" and Bill Cox the power to relax him by saying "B." Then, he told them to go ahead. Both of these boys are two of our younger members. Ah, unhappy man! To have entrusted his fate to two impetuous youths! "A, " said Mike Scoles and he withered up. "B, " said Bill Cox and he relaxed. "A " said Mike Scoles. "B, " said Bill Cox. "A!" "B! " "A! " "B! " said Mike Scoles. "B, " said Bill Cox. "A!" "B!" "A!" "B!" And there was van Vogt contorting and dis-contorting and un-dis-controting. For some reason, he took away their power of suggestion, as soon he was able. (14)
because I didn't consider it necessary, and remark that Fred was only reporting the review, not endorsing it. Fred is in agreement with the unanimous opinion of the LASFSers that Ray is one of the best writers--and he stated, specifically, the best writer to out of the modern fantasy field. FJA, that intrepid book-dealer, gave us an insight into the signs of the times by telling us that he is receiving an astounding number of requests for fantasy and science-fiction books from universities and schools about the country; a trend seems underway. He also mentioned that he was rather amused to receive orders for books ^[from] two persons who specifically requested that their books not be autographed. One of them remarked that autographed books lack the personal touch. He also told us that Weird Tales has just accepted another story from Everett: "FOOD FOR DEMONE." The editors of Weird stated that they were receiving a gratifying response on his first story. It must not be thought that van Vogt was trying to out-do Everett when he told us that he had just sold a 37,000 word short novel, "THE WEAPON SHOPS OF ISHER", to TWS. (The Ackerman Authors' Agency also just sold a short story by Van to Merwin which was first entitled "THE THIRD ONE." This was changed to "IILAH" and then to "DORMANT.") Someone remarked that it was rather strange since that's about twice the length TWS usually uses for their novels. But there's an explanation for that: Wonder and Startling are going to expand again. He also told us that Derleth is going to put out an all science-fiction issue of ARKHAM SAMPLER. Derleth has asked him to do a 1,000 word article on what consititutes the basic twenty books that every reader of science-fiction should have and submit a list of these books with the article. Van Vogt asked us to help him in picking them out. Ha! By the time the furore subsided, the place was in pieces. As we all know, van Vogt is a hypnosis-enthusiast, as is also his quiet wife. Van is pretty good at self-hypnosis. He has one little trick which he demonstrated for the benefit of a few people in the clubroom. He learned it in ten minutes. All he has to do is say "A!" and his left arm and shoulder wither up in a peculiarly paralyzed fashion. When this happens, he is unable to move arm, shoulders or fingers. To disrupt the paralysis, to make his arm relax, he says "B!" Mike Scoles and Bill Cox asked him if he was able to give this control over to other people. Van, at some length, said 'yes' and explained just how it could be done. To demonstrate his lecture, he gave Mike Scoles the power to paralyze him by saying "A" and Bill Cox the power to relax him by saying "B." Then, he told them to go ahead. Both of these boys are two of our younger members. Ah, unhappy man! To have entrusted his fate to two impetuous youths! "A, " said Mike Scoles and he withered up. "B, " said Bill Cox and he relaxed. "A " said Mike Scoles. "B, " said Bill Cox. "A!" "B! " "A! " "B! " said Mike Scoles. "B, " said Bill Cox. "A!" "B!" "A!" "B!" And there was van Vogt contorting and dis-contorting and un-dis-controting. For some reason, he took away their power of suggestion, as soon he was able. (14)
Hevelin Fanzines