Shangri-la, issue 7, July-August 1948
Page 15
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June 3rd; 443rd Consecutive Meeting: The treasury had an extra ten dollars in it this week. 4SJ explained that the ten dollars was a contribution from Mr. and Mrs. van Vogt, who made it "in remembrance" of the club and in the hope that we might be able to use it when so many of our paying members left for the TORCON leaving the club desolate and destitute. Eph Koenigsberg thought it would be nice if we could buy some little gift for L. Ron Hubbard, currently ill abed. Louise Lupeir testified that he had a sweet tooth so a box of candy was bought--and a card. The card was a birth announcement, humorously done up (sic.), in commemoration of the publishing of "FINAL BLACKOUT." Mike Scoles announced that Hubbard is doing a dissertation on a part of the first chapter of his mysterious book, "EXCALIBUR," and that he will permit us to read it. He is writing a book along the same lines, to be entitled TRAUMATIC PSYCHOLOGY. (Forrest denies this; he says the titled is to be, DON'T BE MAD BECAUSE YOU'RE CRAZY.) June 10th; 444th Consecutive Meeting: Forrest advertised that he had just sold a van Vogt short story, "Dear Pen Pal--", to Derleth for the SAMPLER. Derleth is going to put out a special edition for his science fiction issue. This one will have 2500 copies instead of the usual 1000. He also told us that the ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLER, which he calls "the rich man's FANTASY ADVERTISER," is going to publish an all-fantasy issue. It'll be out the 29th of June. This meeting was concluded by an article read to us by Forrest. The title of the article was "Rocket Target Number Two". "Rocket Target Number One", by the same author, Richard Farnsworth, President of the American Rocket Society, had already been sold by Merwin of STARTLING and WONDER. This article concerned Mars; the first the moon. In it, Mr. Farnsworth conclusively proved that there are dippos on that planet, or something to that efefect. Knowing FOrrest, I have little doubt that he used our enthusiastic reception of it as a devastating argument to Merwin why he should buy this one, also. June 17th; 445th Consecutive Meeting: Kenneth Bonnell read us an interesting bit of news from a little weekly pamphlet put out by the SATURDAY EVENING POST called "INSIDE INFORMATION." The item, "Einstein Brings The Post Back To The Third Dimension", told how Albert had recognized himself in a Post science-fiction story, MORNING STAR", by Robert Spencer Carr, and had thanked them for their sympathetic portrayal of him. The movie rights to this story, which concerns a space flight to the planet Venus, have been bought by Leland Heyward. The story is said to have caused much excitement among a certain esoteric cult which is believed to be receiving daily space flights from that planet; in fact, they held a special meeting because of it. (15.)
June 3rd; 443rd Consecutive Meeting: The treasury had an extra ten dollars in it this week. 4SJ explained that the ten dollars was a contribution from Mr. and Mrs. van Vogt, who made it "in remembrance" of the club and in the hope that we might be able to use it when so many of our paying members left for the TORCON leaving the club desolate and destitute. Eph Koenigsberg thought it would be nice if we could buy some little gift for L. Ron Hubbard, currently ill abed. Louise Lupeir testified that he had a sweet tooth so a box of candy was bought--and a card. The card was a birth announcement, humorously done up (sic.), in commemoration of the publishing of "FINAL BLACKOUT." Mike Scoles announced that Hubbard is doing a dissertation on a part of the first chapter of his mysterious book, "EXCALIBUR," and that he will permit us to read it. He is writing a book along the same lines, to be entitled TRAUMATIC PSYCHOLOGY. (Forrest denies this; he says the titled is to be, DON'T BE MAD BECAUSE YOU'RE CRAZY.) June 10th; 444th Consecutive Meeting: Forrest advertised that he had just sold a van Vogt short story, "Dear Pen Pal--", to Derleth for the SAMPLER. Derleth is going to put out a special edition for his science fiction issue. This one will have 2500 copies instead of the usual 1000. He also told us that the ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLER, which he calls "the rich man's FANTASY ADVERTISER," is going to publish an all-fantasy issue. It'll be out the 29th of June. This meeting was concluded by an article read to us by Forrest. The title of the article was "Rocket Target Number Two". "Rocket Target Number One", by the same author, Richard Farnsworth, President of the American Rocket Society, had already been sold by Merwin of STARTLING and WONDER. This article concerned Mars; the first the moon. In it, Mr. Farnsworth conclusively proved that there are dippos on that planet, or something to that efefect. Knowing FOrrest, I have little doubt that he used our enthusiastic reception of it as a devastating argument to Merwin why he should buy this one, also. June 17th; 445th Consecutive Meeting: Kenneth Bonnell read us an interesting bit of news from a little weekly pamphlet put out by the SATURDAY EVENING POST called "INSIDE INFORMATION." The item, "Einstein Brings The Post Back To The Third Dimension", told how Albert had recognized himself in a Post science-fiction story, MORNING STAR", by Robert Spencer Carr, and had thanked them for their sympathetic portrayal of him. The movie rights to this story, which concerns a space flight to the planet Venus, have been bought by Leland Heyward. The story is said to have caused much excitement among a certain esoteric cult which is believed to be receiving daily space flights from that planet; in fact, they held a special meeting because of it. (15.)
Hevelin Fanzines