Science Fiction Collector, v. 4, issue 3, whole no. 21, August 1938
Page 14
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Page Fourteen --- S - F Collector --- Not So Long Ago [drawing of building] As memories fade into the hazy distances and each forward step thins out the trail ahead the fan looks forward with expectation to winning national recognition for his work. Forward, ever forward, to the brilliant lights that lie but a few steps ahead. Like a mountain climber who has ascended to the highest peak and suddenly comes to the abrupt realization that there is no place to go but down. In going down, the mountain climber has not the feeling of defeated purpose, but rather assumes the attitude of one who has mastered another of nature's great works, and, seeking greater fields to conquer knows that for each new conquest you must start at the bottom. I have climber a peak; and in descending to the bottom in preparation to climb another I have lightly brushed past the familiar landmarks that guided me on my ascent. My peak might be labeled science-fiction fandom; and its climbing has been hard, though most enjoyable. On my way to the top, I have not almost every type of fan and scientifictionist. I have indulged in almost every activity common to the fan field, and, having gained the first peak and begun my climb up the
Page Fourteen --- S - F Collector --- Not So Long Ago [drawing of building] As memories fade into the hazy distances and each forward step thins out the trail ahead the fan looks forward with expectation to winning national recognition for his work. Forward, ever forward, to the brilliant lights that lie but a few steps ahead. Like a mountain climber who has ascended to the highest peak and suddenly comes to the abrupt realization that there is no place to go but down. In going down, the mountain climber has not the feeling of defeated purpose, but rather assumes the attitude of one who has mastered another of nature's great works, and, seeking greater fields to conquer knows that for each new conquest you must start at the bottom. I have climber a peak; and in descending to the bottom in preparation to climb another I have lightly brushed past the familiar landmarks that guided me on my ascent. My peak might be labeled science-fiction fandom; and its climbing has been hard, though most enjoyable. On my way to the top, I have not almost every type of fan and scientifictionist. I have indulged in almost every activity common to the fan field, and, having gained the first peak and begun my climb up the
Hevelin Fanzines