Science Fiction Collector, v. 4, issue 3, whole no. 21, August 1938
Page 25
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S - F Collector --- Page Twenty-Five There you are, Mr. Rosenblum. I truth that this myth of the future will prove of interest to you. As for myself, I believe it implicitly. And I think that it is quite unique. [[drawing of spaceships by Ossie Train]] THE ETERNAL WANDERER The latest issue of the Family Circle magazine contained a real, pleasant surprise. A fine cover by Paul, really some of his best work to date, and a lengthy article in the interior by Stewart Robertson, really an interview with Frank R. Paul. Besides an excellent picture of the artist, there are also reproductions of eleven of his famous covers, some of them for the early Amazing, Air and Science Wonder Stories, and Wonder Stories. Paul gives his impressions of the stories he illustrates. Does Paul every do anything besides covers? Yea. He has had published in Life a vast perspective weather map of the United States as seen from the air with all storm centers charted, and illustrations for school and college text books. He made a picture of what New York would look like if the bay were filled in, thus allowing more room for expansion, and just recently he submitted to the authorities of the New York World's Fair for 1939 a drawing of a three hundred and fifth foot building for an educational exhibit. In the interview he even gives the plot skeleton of hundreds of science fiction stories. Oh, yes, whether you care to admit it or not, the science fiction magazines
S - F Collector --- Page Twenty-Five There you are, Mr. Rosenblum. I truth that this myth of the future will prove of interest to you. As for myself, I believe it implicitly. And I think that it is quite unique. [[drawing of spaceships by Ossie Train]] THE ETERNAL WANDERER The latest issue of the Family Circle magazine contained a real, pleasant surprise. A fine cover by Paul, really some of his best work to date, and a lengthy article in the interior by Stewart Robertson, really an interview with Frank R. Paul. Besides an excellent picture of the artist, there are also reproductions of eleven of his famous covers, some of them for the early Amazing, Air and Science Wonder Stories, and Wonder Stories. Paul gives his impressions of the stories he illustrates. Does Paul every do anything besides covers? Yea. He has had published in Life a vast perspective weather map of the United States as seen from the air with all storm centers charted, and illustrations for school and college text books. He made a picture of what New York would look like if the bay were filled in, thus allowing more room for expansion, and just recently he submitted to the authorities of the New York World's Fair for 1939 a drawing of a three hundred and fifth foot building for an educational exhibit. In the interview he even gives the plot skeleton of hundreds of science fiction stories. Oh, yes, whether you care to admit it or not, the science fiction magazines
Hevelin Fanzines