Scientifictionist, v. 1, issue 6, August-October 1946
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From: Scientifictionist 13618 Cedar Grove Detroit 5, Michigan Return Postage Guaranteed Contents: Printed Matter To: L.A. Eshback, Fan. Press. P.O. Box 159, Reading, Penna. ANNOUNCING -- "Spacehounds of IPC" by E. E. Smith At last this famous science fiction classic will be available to fans and collectors in a handsomely printed, illustrated, cloth bound volume! To fans who read this 90,000 word novel as a serial, the mere announcement will be sufficient; they'll want this story in permanent form. To newer readers of this epic adventure of the spaceways, we say -- it's Smith at his best! And Smith at his best is good! For you fans and collectors who are interested in owning items a bit out of the ordinary, we are preparing 300 numbered, autographed copies of "Spacehounds" which will be yours at no extra charge. These books will be autographed by Dr. Smith to the individual fan, and will be available only on prepublication orders. As orders are received, a number will be assigned to each order, and that number reserved for your copy. All orders will be acknowledged promptly, telling you the number reserved for you. The price per copy, before or after publication, is three dollars ($3.00) post-paid in the United States or Canada. The printer has promised delivery of the First Edition of "Spacehounds of IPC" in January, 1947, at which time all prepublication orders will be mailed. Reserve your copy today. We'll appreciate any comments you may care to make; we promise to answer every letter received. Can we count on your support? FANTASY PRESS, L. A. Eshbach, Director. P.O. Box 159 Reading, Penna. Clifford D. Simak's controversial story, "THE CREATOR", originally appearing in MARVEL TALES in 1934, has been reprinted in pamphlet form. The edition is printed on book paper with a stiff paper cover. Price: 50[cents] From: Crawford Publications, 8857 S. San Pedro St, Los Angeles 3, California. Editor's note: Our policy is not accept advertisements. The above are two gratis plugs; both of the projects have our whole-hearted approval.
From: Scientifictionist 13618 Cedar Grove Detroit 5, Michigan Return Postage Guaranteed Contents: Printed Matter To: L.A. Eshback, Fan. Press. P.O. Box 159, Reading, Penna. ANNOUNCING -- "Spacehounds of IPC" by E. E. Smith At last this famous science fiction classic will be available to fans and collectors in a handsomely printed, illustrated, cloth bound volume! To fans who read this 90,000 word novel as a serial, the mere announcement will be sufficient; they'll want this story in permanent form. To newer readers of this epic adventure of the spaceways, we say -- it's Smith at his best! And Smith at his best is good! For you fans and collectors who are interested in owning items a bit out of the ordinary, we are preparing 300 numbered, autographed copies of "Spacehounds" which will be yours at no extra charge. These books will be autographed by Dr. Smith to the individual fan, and will be available only on prepublication orders. As orders are received, a number will be assigned to each order, and that number reserved for your copy. All orders will be acknowledged promptly, telling you the number reserved for you. The price per copy, before or after publication, is three dollars ($3.00) post-paid in the United States or Canada. The printer has promised delivery of the First Edition of "Spacehounds of IPC" in January, 1947, at which time all prepublication orders will be mailed. Reserve your copy today. We'll appreciate any comments you may care to make; we promise to answer every letter received. Can we count on your support? FANTASY PRESS, L. A. Eshbach, Director. P.O. Box 159 Reading, Penna. Clifford D. Simak's controversial story, "THE CREATOR", originally appearing in MARVEL TALES in 1934, has been reprinted in pamphlet form. The edition is printed on book paper with a stiff paper cover. Price: 50[cents] From: Crawford Publications, 8857 S. San Pedro St, Los Angeles 3, California. Editor's note: Our policy is not accept advertisements. The above are two gratis plugs; both of the projects have our whole-hearted approval.
Hevelin Fanzines