Science Fiction Weekly, v. 1, issue 4, March 10, 1940
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Science Fiction Weekly Volume 1 No 4 March 10, 1940 2574 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, New York 5c FUTURIAN LEAGUE FORMED Brooklyn, NY. March 8: Announcement was made here of the launching of a new all-embracing science-fiction organization to carry the title of the Futurian League. The new League will not charter branches nor consider itself to be in conflict or competition with either the Science Fictioneers or the Science Fiction League. The General Secretary of the new organization explained the reason for its formation as follows: "The term Futurian has come to be one that many fans residing outside of New York City have wished the right to use. Since the only organization carrying that title today was the Futurian Society of New York, a local club, it was difficult to register oneself as a Futurian. Last year, Frederik Pohl, now Managing Secretary of the Science Fictioneers, organized, with the aid of the Futurians of New York, the Futurian Federation of the World. Within a short space of time this organization had gained quite a large number of members; when the FFW became dormant, many of these members continued to use the term Futurian. Since that time, any number of requests have come to the members of the Futurian Society that some sort of method be arranged to revive the old Federation or else launch a new nation-wide Futurian organization. "The Futurian League is devised to fit that purpose. By the term "Futurian" we mean someone who is not merely a science-fiction fan. We mean someone who sees in science fiction a means toward greater things -- not merely a form of entertainment but something more than that. A Futurian is one, who, through science fiction rises to vision: a greater world, a greater future for the whole of mankind, and who wishes to utilize his idealistic convictions for aid in a generally cooperative and diverse movement for the betterment of the world along democratic, non self-glorifying, impersonal, unselfish lines. The Futurian League serves merely: to register those who are in agreement with this principle. It has no other aims. It will have no local organizations, no official organ, no complicated dues, no board of directors or staff of advisors. Futurians are expected to live up to their principles in their own manners, their own way. No other obligation foes with this membership: a Futurian is expected to be honest in intentions and cooperative in attitude toward other Futurians. To join the Futurian League, merely address a letter to the General Secretary, Futurian League, 2574 Bedford Avenue, Brookly, New York. State that you wish membership and enclose a dime to cover costs of your membership card and handling. No further financial obligation ensues." SUPERMAN BANNED IN CANADA March 8: The comic strip Superman has been banned from Canada by order of the War Government. This comic strip, written by old-time stf fans Siegel & Schuster, faetures [sic] a super-powerful man from another planet. In a recent strip Superman stopped a war by capturing a character who resembled Hitler and another resembling Churchill. Because of the latter fact, Canadian newspapers have been ordered to discontinue the strip.
Science Fiction Weekly Volume 1 No 4 March 10, 1940 2574 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, New York 5c FUTURIAN LEAGUE FORMED Brooklyn, NY. March 8: Announcement was made here of the launching of a new all-embracing science-fiction organization to carry the title of the Futurian League. The new League will not charter branches nor consider itself to be in conflict or competition with either the Science Fictioneers or the Science Fiction League. The General Secretary of the new organization explained the reason for its formation as follows: "The term Futurian has come to be one that many fans residing outside of New York City have wished the right to use. Since the only organization carrying that title today was the Futurian Society of New York, a local club, it was difficult to register oneself as a Futurian. Last year, Frederik Pohl, now Managing Secretary of the Science Fictioneers, organized, with the aid of the Futurians of New York, the Futurian Federation of the World. Within a short space of time this organization had gained quite a large number of members; when the FFW became dormant, many of these members continued to use the term Futurian. Since that time, any number of requests have come to the members of the Futurian Society that some sort of method be arranged to revive the old Federation or else launch a new nation-wide Futurian organization. "The Futurian League is devised to fit that purpose. By the term "Futurian" we mean someone who is not merely a science-fiction fan. We mean someone who sees in science fiction a means toward greater things -- not merely a form of entertainment but something more than that. A Futurian is one, who, through science fiction rises to vision: a greater world, a greater future for the whole of mankind, and who wishes to utilize his idealistic convictions for aid in a generally cooperative and diverse movement for the betterment of the world along democratic, non self-glorifying, impersonal, unselfish lines. The Futurian League serves merely: to register those who are in agreement with this principle. It has no other aims. It will have no local organizations, no official organ, no complicated dues, no board of directors or staff of advisors. Futurians are expected to live up to their principles in their own manners, their own way. No other obligation foes with this membership: a Futurian is expected to be honest in intentions and cooperative in attitude toward other Futurians. To join the Futurian League, merely address a letter to the General Secretary, Futurian League, 2574 Bedford Avenue, Brookly, New York. State that you wish membership and enclose a dime to cover costs of your membership card and handling. No further financial obligation ensues." SUPERMAN BANNED IN CANADA March 8: The comic strip Superman has been banned from Canada by order of the War Government. This comic strip, written by old-time stf fans Siegel & Schuster, faetures [sic] a super-powerful man from another planet. In a recent strip Superman stopped a war by capturing a character who resembled Hitler and another resembling Churchill. Because of the latter fact, Canadian newspapers have been ordered to discontinue the strip.
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