Science Fiction Weekly, v. 1, issue 13, May 12, 1940
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Science Fiction Weekly the national fantasy news-review VOLUME 1 No 13 2574 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, New York May, 12, 1940 5 [cents sign] MARVEL SCIENCE RETURNS! HOUSING FOR THE FUTURE A NEW INDUSTRIAL ART EXHIBIT at the New York Museum of Art provides an extremely interesting glimpse into what the styles and materials of the world of the future might be like. As far ahead of the conventional ultra modern styles as the modern over the Victorian, and the entire exhibit is a raging delight to the eye. Science and are have been explored to their ranges and depths to provide the gorgeous splendor of the effects. Plastics and colored metals and artificial fabrics come into their own at last. Ingeniously contrived lighting of the very latest methods sets off the various rooms of the exhibit in a dazzling glow of exquisite colors. It is of note, incidentally, that only the very rich can possibly afford these wonders, though, speaking scientifically, the cost of the materials, and the whole of the exhibit, itself, through the magic of mass production, would be practically nothing. FUTURIAN NEWS MAKING THEIR VACATION a bit early this year, Richard Wilson, Jack Gillespie, and Dirk Wylie set out last week on a motor-vagabond trip upstate. Just where they will go is unknown. Their plans call for just drifting via Dick's car from place to place, and camping out nights. Reports of their trip are meager, but indicate that the trip stalled for a few days at Delhi, New York, where the boys are besieging the Girl's State Agri. College. Reports from the office of Red Circle Magazines confirm that Marvel Science Stories will again appear on the news stands. Robert O. Erisman, who edited it from the start, is now reading material for the forthcoming issue. The reason for the decision to re-issue a science fiction magazine and to discontinue the sex-fantastic Marvel Tales is not due to any preference for science fiction but to the strong campaign being pushed from a number of sources, and backed by the US Post Office, against magazines of the sadist-horror type, charging that they tend to be breeders of crime and encouragers of sexual outrages. Science Fiction Weekly reported several issues ago that this campaign had compelled a shift in the nature of Popular's and Fictioneer's horror pulps, such as Horror Stories & Terror Tales. The extension of this campaign has finally resulted favorably for science-fiction by this discontinuance of Marvel Tales, and the return of the well-liked Marvel Science Stories. It is not yet known just what will be done with Red Circle Magazines' other offending pulps, Uncanny Tales, Real Mystery, and Mystery Tales. QSFL MEETING THE MEETING EMERGED from obscurity promptly at 3, called to order by Jimmie Taurasi. Strange Stories slated for review, was dropped upon discovering that only five present had read it. No professionals were present.
Science Fiction Weekly the national fantasy news-review VOLUME 1 No 13 2574 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, New York May, 12, 1940 5 [cents sign] MARVEL SCIENCE RETURNS! HOUSING FOR THE FUTURE A NEW INDUSTRIAL ART EXHIBIT at the New York Museum of Art provides an extremely interesting glimpse into what the styles and materials of the world of the future might be like. As far ahead of the conventional ultra modern styles as the modern over the Victorian, and the entire exhibit is a raging delight to the eye. Science and are have been explored to their ranges and depths to provide the gorgeous splendor of the effects. Plastics and colored metals and artificial fabrics come into their own at last. Ingeniously contrived lighting of the very latest methods sets off the various rooms of the exhibit in a dazzling glow of exquisite colors. It is of note, incidentally, that only the very rich can possibly afford these wonders, though, speaking scientifically, the cost of the materials, and the whole of the exhibit, itself, through the magic of mass production, would be practically nothing. FUTURIAN NEWS MAKING THEIR VACATION a bit early this year, Richard Wilson, Jack Gillespie, and Dirk Wylie set out last week on a motor-vagabond trip upstate. Just where they will go is unknown. Their plans call for just drifting via Dick's car from place to place, and camping out nights. Reports of their trip are meager, but indicate that the trip stalled for a few days at Delhi, New York, where the boys are besieging the Girl's State Agri. College. Reports from the office of Red Circle Magazines confirm that Marvel Science Stories will again appear on the news stands. Robert O. Erisman, who edited it from the start, is now reading material for the forthcoming issue. The reason for the decision to re-issue a science fiction magazine and to discontinue the sex-fantastic Marvel Tales is not due to any preference for science fiction but to the strong campaign being pushed from a number of sources, and backed by the US Post Office, against magazines of the sadist-horror type, charging that they tend to be breeders of crime and encouragers of sexual outrages. Science Fiction Weekly reported several issues ago that this campaign had compelled a shift in the nature of Popular's and Fictioneer's horror pulps, such as Horror Stories & Terror Tales. The extension of this campaign has finally resulted favorably for science-fiction by this discontinuance of Marvel Tales, and the return of the well-liked Marvel Science Stories. It is not yet known just what will be done with Red Circle Magazines' other offending pulps, Uncanny Tales, Real Mystery, and Mystery Tales. QSFL MEETING THE MEETING EMERGED from obscurity promptly at 3, called to order by Jimmie Taurasi. Strange Stories slated for review, was dropped upon discovering that only five present had read it. No professionals were present.
Hevelin Fanzines