Science Fiction Weekly, v. 2, issue 1, May 19, 1940
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ANGELENOTES b y MOROJO AN UNPRECENDENTED PERIOD of fan activitys in Shangri-LA lately. Fans visiting other fans, taking trips together, fotografing one another, going to shows in groups --- Ray Bradbury hikes up to "Castle Stoneybroke" & calls on Robt Anson & Leslyn MacDonald (Nova - cious) Heinlein; Heinleins call on Hornig; Hornig, 4e, myself & Bruce Yerke take trip to Santa Barbara to meet Tongue of Tomoro Delegate of that city, 4e finds 4 stf bks in 2nd hand shop there; Bradbury spends morning at Ackerman's during letter's dayoff; Hodgkins & Johnson spend evening at Heinlein's; Walt Daugherty & Virginia Laney guests of Heinlein's; 4e & I call on the Lyle Monroes (Mr wrote "Let There be Lit" in Super Science); calls made on ill B ob Olsen by Hornig, 4e, Paul Freehafer & myself; Paull Freehafer, Bruce Yerke, Ray Bradbury, Bill Crawford, & Charlie Hornig motor to Balboa for day; Walt Daugherty, Eleanor O'Brien, Russ Hodgkins, & Virginia Laney weekend at Ocean Beach; Ralph Milne Farley met in hotel room for 45-min chat, by Hornig, 4e & myself; 4e & I, Belle Wyman, Sam Brown, & Karl Forst attend preview of "Turnabout"; Hal Clerk & We see "It's All in Your Mind" ; We take in (or are taken in by) "Mars Attacks the World"; Wm Schillings of San Francisco in town 3 days, seen by 4e & myself; after publication of Polaris, Paul Freehafer, Grady McMurty, 4e & myself see "double-horror" bill "Fatal Hour" & "Human Monster" with Karloff & Lugosi; Beverly Browne, Forry's new-made fan, out to Hodgkins' house to see his collection; 'Jimmy' Laney & We see "The Man with 9 Lives"; Hornig, Bradbury, & Bruce Yerke motor to San Bernardino, meet J Harvey Haggard. VICTORY! Tongue of Tomoro to be used in 5th film, "Victory" Para pic starring Fred March. Preziden to de Esperanto Klubo speaks about Universalanguage at LASFS, "Karlo" Hornig returns talk at Esp-Klubo with topic By Telescope to Mars. Some 50 Esperantists introduced to Science Fiction-Future Fiction by Editor Nornig, who spoke for about 45 minutes about scientifiction, introducing Fojhak to his fellow Universalinguists for the 1stime in his standing as outstanding stfan. Charlie read his "Fatal Glance" (as translated into Esperanto & republisht in Heroldo) while Fojhak anglicized same. Moneys from mss auction augment club treasury, Science Fictioneers Chapt 1 grateful to headquarters. Storys by Cummings, Gallun, Vincent, & others, publisht in Astonishing & Super Science, sell well. I buy "Half-Breed" above all other bidders -- & Asimov hates women in science fiction! ADDENDA: TOM WRIGHT WRITES: "Was surprised to see my biographical sketch in SFW! Joe Fortier tells me he wrote it, and there is a little error ... The Marvel he refers to is Marvel Science Stories, not Marvel Tales. I didn't like the sex angle as Joe seemed to imply (though he didn't mean it). What I did like was some of the excellent fiction they printed re: "After World's End", "Faster Than Light" "Survival", "The Dead Spot", "The Thirty and One", etc. And another thing: I don't care much for Krupa and Schneeman in their present styles. Also liked the old Marvel for bringing back Paul." ... The Boston Stranger Club, which met on the 12th (see page one) has recently received the generous donation of 250 old Amazing Stories, Wonder Stories, etc, to serve as the nucleus of the club library. At the recent meeting, Earl Singleton was unanimously elevated to the office of Vice-Director, in charge of said library. Chief item on the agenda for this meeting was the distribution of the club organ, Fanfare. . . . Recently approved for membership by the Executive Committee of the Futurian Society of New York was Rosalind Dorothy Cohen & Marvin L Press. Membership will become definite as soon as a vote is taken at the forthcoming meeting. Inasmuch as these two new applicants, if accepted, will round out the rolls, according to the society's constitution, no new members can be taken until and unless vacancies occur. ... Miss Mary Gnaedinger of FEM_F[?] tells us that A. Merritt w as quite pleased upon seeing the poems your editor had written around "The Peopleof the Pit" & "The Woman of the Wood."
ANGELENOTES b y MOROJO AN UNPRECENDENTED PERIOD of fan activitys in Shangri-LA lately. Fans visiting other fans, taking trips together, fotografing one another, going to shows in groups --- Ray Bradbury hikes up to "Castle Stoneybroke" & calls on Robt Anson & Leslyn MacDonald (Nova - cious) Heinlein; Heinleins call on Hornig; Hornig, 4e, myself & Bruce Yerke take trip to Santa Barbara to meet Tongue of Tomoro Delegate of that city, 4e finds 4 stf bks in 2nd hand shop there; Bradbury spends morning at Ackerman's during letter's dayoff; Hodgkins & Johnson spend evening at Heinlein's; Walt Daugherty & Virginia Laney guests of Heinlein's; 4e & I call on the Lyle Monroes (Mr wrote "Let There be Lit" in Super Science); calls made on ill B ob Olsen by Hornig, 4e, Paul Freehafer & myself; Paull Freehafer, Bruce Yerke, Ray Bradbury, Bill Crawford, & Charlie Hornig motor to Balboa for day; Walt Daugherty, Eleanor O'Brien, Russ Hodgkins, & Virginia Laney weekend at Ocean Beach; Ralph Milne Farley met in hotel room for 45-min chat, by Hornig, 4e & myself; 4e & I, Belle Wyman, Sam Brown, & Karl Forst attend preview of "Turnabout"; Hal Clerk & We see "It's All in Your Mind" ; We take in (or are taken in by) "Mars Attacks the World"; Wm Schillings of San Francisco in town 3 days, seen by 4e & myself; after publication of Polaris, Paul Freehafer, Grady McMurty, 4e & myself see "double-horror" bill "Fatal Hour" & "Human Monster" with Karloff & Lugosi; Beverly Browne, Forry's new-made fan, out to Hodgkins' house to see his collection; 'Jimmy' Laney & We see "The Man with 9 Lives"; Hornig, Bradbury, & Bruce Yerke motor to San Bernardino, meet J Harvey Haggard. VICTORY! Tongue of Tomoro to be used in 5th film, "Victory" Para pic starring Fred March. Preziden to de Esperanto Klubo speaks about Universalanguage at LASFS, "Karlo" Hornig returns talk at Esp-Klubo with topic By Telescope to Mars. Some 50 Esperantists introduced to Science Fiction-Future Fiction by Editor Nornig, who spoke for about 45 minutes about scientifiction, introducing Fojhak to his fellow Universalinguists for the 1stime in his standing as outstanding stfan. Charlie read his "Fatal Glance" (as translated into Esperanto & republisht in Heroldo) while Fojhak anglicized same. Moneys from mss auction augment club treasury, Science Fictioneers Chapt 1 grateful to headquarters. Storys by Cummings, Gallun, Vincent, & others, publisht in Astonishing & Super Science, sell well. I buy "Half-Breed" above all other bidders -- & Asimov hates women in science fiction! ADDENDA: TOM WRIGHT WRITES: "Was surprised to see my biographical sketch in SFW! Joe Fortier tells me he wrote it, and there is a little error ... The Marvel he refers to is Marvel Science Stories, not Marvel Tales. I didn't like the sex angle as Joe seemed to imply (though he didn't mean it). What I did like was some of the excellent fiction they printed re: "After World's End", "Faster Than Light" "Survival", "The Dead Spot", "The Thirty and One", etc. And another thing: I don't care much for Krupa and Schneeman in their present styles. Also liked the old Marvel for bringing back Paul." ... The Boston Stranger Club, which met on the 12th (see page one) has recently received the generous donation of 250 old Amazing Stories, Wonder Stories, etc, to serve as the nucleus of the club library. At the recent meeting, Earl Singleton was unanimously elevated to the office of Vice-Director, in charge of said library. Chief item on the agenda for this meeting was the distribution of the club organ, Fanfare. . . . Recently approved for membership by the Executive Committee of the Futurian Society of New York was Rosalind Dorothy Cohen & Marvin L Press. Membership will become definite as soon as a vote is taken at the forthcoming meeting. Inasmuch as these two new applicants, if accepted, will round out the rolls, according to the society's constitution, no new members can be taken until and unless vacancies occur. ... Miss Mary Gnaedinger of FEM_F[?] tells us that A. Merritt w as quite pleased upon seeing the poems your editor had written around "The Peopleof the Pit" & "The Woman of the Wood."
Hevelin Fanzines