Science Fiction Weekly, v. 2, issue 2, May 26, 1940
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page three HIST, THEIR OWN PETARD! by Damon Knight FROM KOENIG'S COLUMN, SFW May 5. Ro. a letter by Jack Robins, re a previous statement of Koenig's. "Dick Wilson calls attention to the fact that there are over 70 of those pseudo-scientific comic books published and that the deluge is slowly but surely driving the completists crazy." (Completists deserve to be driven crazy.) "That's the idea in a nutshell. Combine the best features of the various s.f. magazines in three or four reall fine magazines: eliminate the others." (But HCK, the others don't want to be eliminated.) "Do the same thing in the fan field, ending with, let us say, about six or eight fan magazines of excellent quality." (Will you take on the job of driving home your ideas of excellent quality to the editors of all the other mags, HCK?) "Ah, what a world this would be!" (But why should all those editors destroy their fondest dreams to make a nice world for you, HCK?) GRAHAM CONWAY WRITES: "I wonder if anyone has ever explained the curious actions of Charlie Hornig? I read in Morojo's various columns accounts of the close friendship and high regard Hornig feels for herself, FJA, and the other LA boys. And of course everyone knows that Hornig is an ardent Esperantist and partial to Technocracy if not a Technocrat himself. And that, further, he is apparently staunchly loyal to Ackerman and Morojo -- witness the description of his great joy at mooting them during the convention. Yet, in his magazines, particularly in the latest issue of Future Fiction, Hornig goes out of his way to suppprt Taurasi and the Queens New Fandomites -- who are the very ones most viciously antagonistic to FJA, and who have attacked in one way or another, Esperanto, Technocracy, and everything for which Hornig is supposed to stand so far as his choice of friends and social views go. How can you explain this incongruity? How can FJA and Morojo continue to reconcile this two-faced business, or is it all just put hokum, commercialism, and a case of no one concerned really meaning a word they say? What do you think?" /Sorry, Graham, but we can't understand it, either./ ADDENDA: Harry Warner tells us:- "Here's a copy of a newspaper clipping from the Sunday, May 26, edition of the Baltimore Sunday Sun. 'London, May 25 (AP) -- This conservative island, which used to spell fishing "fisshynge", may eventually simplify some other spelling, notable the cumbersome "ough" endings. One columnist proposed "nu spelling" to save space and paper, now strictly rationed. He wanted "PM" for prime minister, "ruf", "enuf" "thru", etc. '" /Yoo hoo, Adolf; stand by for Koenig!/ ...Gereaux de la Roo, Jr., writes: "We have decided not to print Sun Spots. The reason being lack of funds and cooperation. Instead of printing it, we have decided to buy a mimeograph and make, most likely, a ten page mag." ...Leslie Perri notes: "In mentioning the new members of the Futurian Society of New York an issue or so back, you forgot to mention Hannes Bok. Cud this be jealousy?" /It could, Leslie, if we took ourself seriously as an artist. However, we do not, and we feel small as hell about having forgotten our most welcome new Futurian./... A memorandum: from the General Secretary of the Futurian League, reads: "You might mention that Miss Mary Gnaedinger and Mr Hannos Bok have been added to the lists of our organization." ... Speaking of Miss Gnaedinger reminds us that now is the time to tell you that "The Snake Mothor" will be the lead novel for Fantastic Novels #3. It will follow-up "The Face in the Abyss" slated for the O c tober Famous Fantastic Mysteries. A concc - trate of Merritt can be expected in both magazines. Finlay illustrates "Snake Mother". Miss Gnaodinger hopes to put both magazines on a monthly basis in the fall, and return trimmed edges to FFM. There is still no definite news on proposed departments by the fans in the two magazines, but as soon as the matter can be put through, fans may expect something worth th wait. "Thru the Dragon Glass" is in Fantastic Novels # 2 and, according to all reports, is most beautifully illustrated by Finlay. page three
page three HIST, THEIR OWN PETARD! by Damon Knight FROM KOENIG'S COLUMN, SFW May 5. Ro. a letter by Jack Robins, re a previous statement of Koenig's. "Dick Wilson calls attention to the fact that there are over 70 of those pseudo-scientific comic books published and that the deluge is slowly but surely driving the completists crazy." (Completists deserve to be driven crazy.) "That's the idea in a nutshell. Combine the best features of the various s.f. magazines in three or four reall fine magazines: eliminate the others." (But HCK, the others don't want to be eliminated.) "Do the same thing in the fan field, ending with, let us say, about six or eight fan magazines of excellent quality." (Will you take on the job of driving home your ideas of excellent quality to the editors of all the other mags, HCK?) "Ah, what a world this would be!" (But why should all those editors destroy their fondest dreams to make a nice world for you, HCK?) GRAHAM CONWAY WRITES: "I wonder if anyone has ever explained the curious actions of Charlie Hornig? I read in Morojo's various columns accounts of the close friendship and high regard Hornig feels for herself, FJA, and the other LA boys. And of course everyone knows that Hornig is an ardent Esperantist and partial to Technocracy if not a Technocrat himself. And that, further, he is apparently staunchly loyal to Ackerman and Morojo -- witness the description of his great joy at mooting them during the convention. Yet, in his magazines, particularly in the latest issue of Future Fiction, Hornig goes out of his way to suppprt Taurasi and the Queens New Fandomites -- who are the very ones most viciously antagonistic to FJA, and who have attacked in one way or another, Esperanto, Technocracy, and everything for which Hornig is supposed to stand so far as his choice of friends and social views go. How can you explain this incongruity? How can FJA and Morojo continue to reconcile this two-faced business, or is it all just put hokum, commercialism, and a case of no one concerned really meaning a word they say? What do you think?" /Sorry, Graham, but we can't understand it, either./ ADDENDA: Harry Warner tells us:- "Here's a copy of a newspaper clipping from the Sunday, May 26, edition of the Baltimore Sunday Sun. 'London, May 25 (AP) -- This conservative island, which used to spell fishing "fisshynge", may eventually simplify some other spelling, notable the cumbersome "ough" endings. One columnist proposed "nu spelling" to save space and paper, now strictly rationed. He wanted "PM" for prime minister, "ruf", "enuf" "thru", etc. '" /Yoo hoo, Adolf; stand by for Koenig!/ ...Gereaux de la Roo, Jr., writes: "We have decided not to print Sun Spots. The reason being lack of funds and cooperation. Instead of printing it, we have decided to buy a mimeograph and make, most likely, a ten page mag." ...Leslie Perri notes: "In mentioning the new members of the Futurian Society of New York an issue or so back, you forgot to mention Hannes Bok. Cud this be jealousy?" /It could, Leslie, if we took ourself seriously as an artist. However, we do not, and we feel small as hell about having forgotten our most welcome new Futurian./... A memorandum: from the General Secretary of the Futurian League, reads: "You might mention that Miss Mary Gnaedinger and Mr Hannos Bok have been added to the lists of our organization." ... Speaking of Miss Gnaedinger reminds us that now is the time to tell you that "The Snake Mothor" will be the lead novel for Fantastic Novels #3. It will follow-up "The Face in the Abyss" slated for the O c tober Famous Fantastic Mysteries. A concc - trate of Merritt can be expected in both magazines. Finlay illustrates "Snake Mother". Miss Gnaodinger hopes to put both magazines on a monthly basis in the fall, and return trimmed edges to FFM. There is still no definite news on proposed departments by the fans in the two magazines, but as soon as the matter can be put through, fans may expect something worth th wait. "Thru the Dragon Glass" is in Fantastic Novels # 2 and, according to all reports, is most beautifully illustrated by Finlay. page three
Hevelin Fanzines