Science Fiction Weekly, v. 2, issue 2, May 26, 1940
Page 8
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page eight VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION (Paid Ad) 13a From an airmailetter to the LASFS from imagi-native LESLYN HEIN-LEIN (Mrs Robt A; upon arrival in NYC: "We went to call on John Campbell and there sitting in his office was 'Skylark' Smith, who just happened to be in town this week for a convention of cereal chemists. I've never met a human being who was so instantly likeable -- whom one feels at once could be trusted completely. I know now why Kimbal Kinnison has so much character. And yet Doctor Smith doesn't look like a tough guy -- he looks rather like your favorite Uncle -- the one who always brought you candy, and wouldn't let you get away with any foolishness. (Our favorite Uncle always brot us stf mags!) -- After Doctor Smith left for some convention business, we had a short visit with Mr. Campbell, and it finally wound up with our going out to his home for the evening. We spent the evening discovering that we liked the same books, people and jokes -- and that the John W. Campbell, Jrs, completely disprove the old legend that New York is an unfriendly town of unfriendly people. -- Yesterday there was a 'bull session' at the Campbell's home again -- Dr. and Mrs. Smith (and she is even more of a darling than he is), Willy Ley, the Sprague de Camp's, our host and hostess, and the jumping-up-and-down-having-a-wonderful-time Heinleins. L. Ron Hubbard was supposed to come but had been called to Washington, and apparently didn't make the plans back he had hoped to catch. -- We talked of everything from the European situation, with some interesting side-lights by Ley, to the length of skirts these days. it was just like an evening at Castle Stoneybroke (Heinleins' home in Hollywood) -- four topics going at once most of the time, and all of them fascinating. Sprague de Camp is a slightly handsomer edition of Anthony Eden, and Bob says that if Mrs. deC is what they're using for school teachers in New York these days -- he wants to go back to school. -- And Willy Ley is wonderful -- I had sort of expected a huge, dignified-German-professor type -- and he's a gentle, young man who is as easy to know as the kid in the next seat in school. - All in all, I think you must have gathered the notion that I think that the above-mentioned group of people are just as swell human beings as they are writers. -- So far the only other ScienceFictionist we've met was James Turasi, for a moment or two at the elevator yesterday just as we were leaving Street and Smith's offices for the Campbell's home. We plan to get Julie Scwartz, Otto Binder and Hank Kuttner on the phone right away and maybe have a get-together with them up here at our apartment." --The foregoing is just a sample of the sort of swelletters apearing in the current (#7) VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION, the bimonthly "Forum of Fandom" coedited by Forrest J Ackerman & feminine fan Morojo (for the woman's angle). Beverly Browne, a new girl-fan, sez "The magazine is great." "Quite a neat rag" is the comment of fan Leonard Gipson, who has just had his first professional stf acceptance. Harry Warner Jr, one of today's most important fans, calls cover by Bok "a masterpiece". From Australia Vol Molesworth rites "I guess subconsciously, I have always wanted VoM". Letters from London! Paris: Famous Fans like Warner, Wilson, Lowndes, Kislan, Fortier, Perri, Korshak, Wright, Chauvenet--authors Haggard & "Lendman" Smith. Art by Bok, Winner, Knight! Tune in today on what stfandom has to say--just adres a dime to Station M-E-T-R-O (POBox 6475 Ketropolitan Station), Los Angeles Cal. FREE with current ish: Exclusive 4-pg explanation of NEW WORLDS. "The Mag that Nearly Was" ... page eight
page eight VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION (Paid Ad) 13a From an airmailetter to the LASFS from imagi-native LESLYN HEIN-LEIN (Mrs Robt A; upon arrival in NYC: "We went to call on John Campbell and there sitting in his office was 'Skylark' Smith, who just happened to be in town this week for a convention of cereal chemists. I've never met a human being who was so instantly likeable -- whom one feels at once could be trusted completely. I know now why Kimbal Kinnison has so much character. And yet Doctor Smith doesn't look like a tough guy -- he looks rather like your favorite Uncle -- the one who always brought you candy, and wouldn't let you get away with any foolishness. (Our favorite Uncle always brot us stf mags!) -- After Doctor Smith left for some convention business, we had a short visit with Mr. Campbell, and it finally wound up with our going out to his home for the evening. We spent the evening discovering that we liked the same books, people and jokes -- and that the John W. Campbell, Jrs, completely disprove the old legend that New York is an unfriendly town of unfriendly people. -- Yesterday there was a 'bull session' at the Campbell's home again -- Dr. and Mrs. Smith (and she is even more of a darling than he is), Willy Ley, the Sprague de Camp's, our host and hostess, and the jumping-up-and-down-having-a-wonderful-time Heinleins. L. Ron Hubbard was supposed to come but had been called to Washington, and apparently didn't make the plans back he had hoped to catch. -- We talked of everything from the European situation, with some interesting side-lights by Ley, to the length of skirts these days. it was just like an evening at Castle Stoneybroke (Heinleins' home in Hollywood) -- four topics going at once most of the time, and all of them fascinating. Sprague de Camp is a slightly handsomer edition of Anthony Eden, and Bob says that if Mrs. deC is what they're using for school teachers in New York these days -- he wants to go back to school. -- And Willy Ley is wonderful -- I had sort of expected a huge, dignified-German-professor type -- and he's a gentle, young man who is as easy to know as the kid in the next seat in school. - All in all, I think you must have gathered the notion that I think that the above-mentioned group of people are just as swell human beings as they are writers. -- So far the only other ScienceFictionist we've met was James Turasi, for a moment or two at the elevator yesterday just as we were leaving Street and Smith's offices for the Campbell's home. We plan to get Julie Scwartz, Otto Binder and Hank Kuttner on the phone right away and maybe have a get-together with them up here at our apartment." --The foregoing is just a sample of the sort of swelletters apearing in the current (#7) VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION, the bimonthly "Forum of Fandom" coedited by Forrest J Ackerman & feminine fan Morojo (for the woman's angle). Beverly Browne, a new girl-fan, sez "The magazine is great." "Quite a neat rag" is the comment of fan Leonard Gipson, who has just had his first professional stf acceptance. Harry Warner Jr, one of today's most important fans, calls cover by Bok "a masterpiece". From Australia Vol Molesworth rites "I guess subconsciously, I have always wanted VoM". Letters from London! Paris: Famous Fans like Warner, Wilson, Lowndes, Kislan, Fortier, Perri, Korshak, Wright, Chauvenet--authors Haggard & "Lendman" Smith. Art by Bok, Winner, Knight! Tune in today on what stfandom has to say--just adres a dime to Station M-E-T-R-O (POBox 6475 Ketropolitan Station), Los Angeles Cal. FREE with current ish: Exclusive 4-pg explanation of NEW WORLDS. "The Mag that Nearly Was" ... page eight
Hevelin Fanzines