Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5 April 1940
Page 5
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 school paper, the Campus gave me quite a write up because of my publishing activities. Now I'm known as 'that crazy freshman'. ~~ I'd really like to attend the Chicago convention, but I'm afraid it's impossible, since I'll have to work all summer; however, if some kind soul could offer my sister a ride from New York, she could go. (Some hint!) (Some sister!) ~~ I see that the 'exclusion act' controversy is still raging. My only hope is that it be forgotten as soon as possible by all. It's over with, and no amount of discussion can ever change it. ~~ To briefly comment on FuFa, it's good! (Angeleno editor Bradbury thanx U kindly.) ~~ In conclusion, might I say that I enjoyed meeting you at the NYConvention (U myt, if U permit us to say the same), and that I hope to see you again, the sooner the better (ju pli baidau, des pli bona!)." [signature] Marky [/signature] -- "MIDWEST" MARKY--Editor Ad Astra & conceiver of the CHICON, says "experiment in unique signature that went sour!" & proceeds to present us with another of those strate-edged letters, the more remarkable that we understand it was written after midnyt! Good nyt! (Reinsberg's adres: 3156 Cambridge Ave, Chi) "'Coeds': As usual, I must marvel at the almost perfect mimeographing of VOM and the attractiveness of its general format. Quality mimeo'ing seems to be the common characteristic of all LA publications, dating as far back as #2 MADGE. Before that, I wouldn't know. ~~ Atanyrate, #4 VOM at hand, and, surprise!, also the 'Dum-Dum' to that gala issue, sent to me by 4sJ. Although I can't understand why I was honored thus----I presume it is an honor to place such an item in one's collection----you have my needlessly-voiced thanks. The rather unique dummy of VOM #4 ., with all its weird scribblings, hasty penotes, typed pages and mistakes thereon, and---shall we let the rest go with---'etc', made the published copy infintely more interesting. Perhaps I appreciate the work require to give VOM that 'breezy, informal and highly spontaneous atmosphere', too, more than before. (Beware, Bob Tucker! We have selected U as our 2d victim & soon U shall receive the "Dum-Dum" of this Vom; Vom dummy #6 we'll fix up & send to Harry Warner, s'il tu plait, ami Harree; & after that we'll let our Vomshell dum-dums fall on volunteer victims--in other words, if any of U of the imagi-nation r intrested in own a dummy 'Voice", it's easy to b a ventriloquist: Just throw your voice our way without delay--first come first serve-- & we'll send U without charge the make-up edition of Vom.) ~~ One thing is apparent from reading my published letter in #4, and that is: he who writes letters in Ackermanese..and knows not how to effectively use the aforesaid, makes one big fool of self! And things get more lethal when writer says nothing particularly intelligent, anyhow. So there! Never again will I use 'Ack-ese' publicly. It's plenty OK to drivel it in some il-advised letter to an understanding pen-pal........ but to the un-understanding world, not until I know how! ~~ This afternoon, I met Elner Perdue, VOM-writer famed for the 'ephless typewriter'. He was passing east en route to Washington D.C., to take a government job there. Strangely, I was the first fan he had met, and Richard Meyer, who put in an appearance at his hotel room, also, is No. 2. Speer or Rothman will be #3. ~~ Came upon a cute idea for really unique science fiction correspondence. May not be original..or practical...but, it's good enough to pass along to anyfan who wants to try this gala scheme, himself. Idea thusly: Get access to a Dicta- or Edi-phone. Record your voice-message on the wax roller. Send recorded-roller to vocal-correspondent with access also to the same type affairs. Correspondent transcribes message on his..or her, or their..Dicta-phone, scrapes same roller with message on it, for repeat use. Then he, in turn, records his vocal letter and sends it to the original correspondent. And so it will progress. ~~ But the glamour of the whole idea lies in the almost limitless possibilities of such an exchange correspondence. A group in one city could prepare a clever 'broadcast', with all the prominent fans participating vocally, and send it to another active group, who would reciprocate. Cost to send a roll through the mail safely shouldn't run above a dime or so. And the cost of one wax recording roll is about sixty cents. Such rolls can be used around fifty times, scraped at each end, after the message has been transcribed. Dicta-phones can be obtained for hourly use on a rental basis, so the problem of the machine shouldn't
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 school paper, the Campus gave me quite a write up because of my publishing activities. Now I'm known as 'that crazy freshman'. ~~ I'd really like to attend the Chicago convention, but I'm afraid it's impossible, since I'll have to work all summer; however, if some kind soul could offer my sister a ride from New York, she could go. (Some hint!) (Some sister!) ~~ I see that the 'exclusion act' controversy is still raging. My only hope is that it be forgotten as soon as possible by all. It's over with, and no amount of discussion can ever change it. ~~ To briefly comment on FuFa, it's good! (Angeleno editor Bradbury thanx U kindly.) ~~ In conclusion, might I say that I enjoyed meeting you at the NYConvention (U myt, if U permit us to say the same), and that I hope to see you again, the sooner the better (ju pli baidau, des pli bona!)." [signature] Marky [/signature] -- "MIDWEST" MARKY--Editor Ad Astra & conceiver of the CHICON, says "experiment in unique signature that went sour!" & proceeds to present us with another of those strate-edged letters, the more remarkable that we understand it was written after midnyt! Good nyt! (Reinsberg's adres: 3156 Cambridge Ave, Chi) "'Coeds': As usual, I must marvel at the almost perfect mimeographing of VOM and the attractiveness of its general format. Quality mimeo'ing seems to be the common characteristic of all LA publications, dating as far back as #2 MADGE. Before that, I wouldn't know. ~~ Atanyrate, #4 VOM at hand, and, surprise!, also the 'Dum-Dum' to that gala issue, sent to me by 4sJ. Although I can't understand why I was honored thus----I presume it is an honor to place such an item in one's collection----you have my needlessly-voiced thanks. The rather unique dummy of VOM #4 ., with all its weird scribblings, hasty penotes, typed pages and mistakes thereon, and---shall we let the rest go with---'etc', made the published copy infintely more interesting. Perhaps I appreciate the work require to give VOM that 'breezy, informal and highly spontaneous atmosphere', too, more than before. (Beware, Bob Tucker! We have selected U as our 2d victim & soon U shall receive the "Dum-Dum" of this Vom; Vom dummy #6 we'll fix up & send to Harry Warner, s'il tu plait, ami Harree; & after that we'll let our Vomshell dum-dums fall on volunteer victims--in other words, if any of U of the imagi-nation r intrested in own a dummy 'Voice", it's easy to b a ventriloquist: Just throw your voice our way without delay--first come first serve-- & we'll send U without charge the make-up edition of Vom.) ~~ One thing is apparent from reading my published letter in #4, and that is: he who writes letters in Ackermanese..and knows not how to effectively use the aforesaid, makes one big fool of self! And things get more lethal when writer says nothing particularly intelligent, anyhow. So there! Never again will I use 'Ack-ese' publicly. It's plenty OK to drivel it in some il-advised letter to an understanding pen-pal........ but to the un-understanding world, not until I know how! ~~ This afternoon, I met Elner Perdue, VOM-writer famed for the 'ephless typewriter'. He was passing east en route to Washington D.C., to take a government job there. Strangely, I was the first fan he had met, and Richard Meyer, who put in an appearance at his hotel room, also, is No. 2. Speer or Rothman will be #3. ~~ Came upon a cute idea for really unique science fiction correspondence. May not be original..or practical...but, it's good enough to pass along to anyfan who wants to try this gala scheme, himself. Idea thusly: Get access to a Dicta- or Edi-phone. Record your voice-message on the wax roller. Send recorded-roller to vocal-correspondent with access also to the same type affairs. Correspondent transcribes message on his..or her, or their..Dicta-phone, scrapes same roller with message on it, for repeat use. Then he, in turn, records his vocal letter and sends it to the original correspondent. And so it will progress. ~~ But the glamour of the whole idea lies in the almost limitless possibilities of such an exchange correspondence. A group in one city could prepare a clever 'broadcast', with all the prominent fans participating vocally, and send it to another active group, who would reciprocate. Cost to send a roll through the mail safely shouldn't run above a dime or so. And the cost of one wax recording roll is about sixty cents. Such rolls can be used around fifty times, scraped at each end, after the message has been transcribed. Dicta-phones can be obtained for hourly use on a rental basis, so the problem of the machine shouldn't
Hevelin Fanzines