Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no 17, August 1941
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DENVER DE DAYS! 4SJ So Morojo & Belle "Zululu" Wyman were at the bustation to kiss the boy goodby & at quarter of 8pm on the first of July Forrest was on his way to the DENVENTICN. A couple hrs later we made a rest stop at San Bernardino. I utilized the time to hop Into a fone booth & give J *rv' Haggard a buzz. However, Harvey wasnt at home. I had justlme for the pause that refreshes, so I askt, "Anything uncarbonated?" (Past experience has taut me that "pop" beverages Injure the delicate taste-buds of the tongue, & once these are destroyd— well, what Is life without taste, bud? So, in all my innocence, I let them serve me a 7UP ...and had a beautiful case of the burps for the next 100 miles. From llthlcrayon to Iithicola...! During the trip I read all the "Friendly Corpse" Ish of Unk & read a̲t̲ "The Metal Monster". At Albuquerque I was going to look up Walt Sulivan in the bk & fone him. We arrived there around noon; stopt about 45 mins, too; but (I hang my haid In the sunless shade) I completely forgot about Walt when our time came. For no good reason that I noe. The bus busted a tire (Blowouts Happen!) & I took advantage of the hr they were fixing the flat to touch up my Prepared Speech for the 4th time. At one time we were 3 hrs behind schedule; but, If not a Santa Claus, there's a Santa Fe, & they got us into Denver not more'n 5 mins late. Olon Wiggins welcomed me. With him was Denverlte Adam Lang whom of corse everyone called "Adam Link" thruout the Convention. Around the corner & to the private transportation car, when comin' runnln' up the street a-hooping & a-hollerlng Is Rustebar (formerly of Riverside, CaI; an LASFS acquaintance! & Lew Martin &, meeting tor the flrstime, Al McKeel of Missouri. We squeeze into the jalopy (previously described as "private transportation") --the 7 of us--& off to the Shirley-Savoy. When they drop me they're sposed to hi-tail it back to a bustation to pick up Joe Fortlcer. It develops I'm the only one noes Joe tho so Ihey desire me to go to Identity him. But I'm too tired after 36 hrs--those bus seats alnt no lounge tor a long fellow like me--& wanna go up to my rm & refreshen a bit bfor meeting any more fans. So I give 'em a description so they'll be sure & recognize Joe: Medium height, black hair, baggage & a bewilderd look. I don't noe what more U could ask for? And yet, when 2J arrived later on at the Shirley, it seemd my description had been Inadequate, as he was unaccompanyd, & that was how that song was originated, "Stomping at the Savoy". I found to my joy the Heinlein-Daugherty party, whose arrival I had not anticipated til tord sundown that afternoon, had preceded me, pulling In the previous evening. A contingent of 5 NY Futurians was present. Phil Bronson was due around 2. While shaving got a fone call from Johnny Michel who said "How about Doc & Daw & I having breakfast with U if U havent eaten yet? & I said Alrite, fine. But I can't remember now whether I breakfasted with them after all. I noe I ate with a crowdlet that included Walt & Eleanor Daugherty but of the rest of U I cannot be quite certain. Al McKeel? Rustebar (Rust E. Barron)? Lowndes, Michel & Wollheim? "Gus"?
DENVER DE DAYS! 4SJ So Morojo & Belle "Zululu" Wyman were at the bustation to kiss the boy goodby & at quarter of 8pm on the first of July Forrest was on his way to the DENVENTICN. A couple hrs later we made a rest stop at San Bernardino. I utilized the time to hop Into a fone booth & give J *rv' Haggard a buzz. However, Harvey wasnt at home. I had justlme for the pause that refreshes, so I askt, "Anything uncarbonated?" (Past experience has taut me that "pop" beverages Injure the delicate taste-buds of the tongue, & once these are destroyd— well, what Is life without taste, bud? So, in all my innocence, I let them serve me a 7UP ...and had a beautiful case of the burps for the next 100 miles. From llthlcrayon to Iithicola...! During the trip I read all the "Friendly Corpse" Ish of Unk & read a̲t̲ "The Metal Monster". At Albuquerque I was going to look up Walt Sulivan in the bk & fone him. We arrived there around noon; stopt about 45 mins, too; but (I hang my haid In the sunless shade) I completely forgot about Walt when our time came. For no good reason that I noe. The bus busted a tire (Blowouts Happen!) & I took advantage of the hr they were fixing the flat to touch up my Prepared Speech for the 4th time. At one time we were 3 hrs behind schedule; but, If not a Santa Claus, there's a Santa Fe, & they got us into Denver not more'n 5 mins late. Olon Wiggins welcomed me. With him was Denverlte Adam Lang whom of corse everyone called "Adam Link" thruout the Convention. Around the corner & to the private transportation car, when comin' runnln' up the street a-hooping & a-hollerlng Is Rustebar (formerly of Riverside, CaI; an LASFS acquaintance! & Lew Martin &, meeting tor the flrstime, Al McKeel of Missouri. We squeeze into the jalopy (previously described as "private transportation") --the 7 of us--& off to the Shirley-Savoy. When they drop me they're sposed to hi-tail it back to a bustation to pick up Joe Fortlcer. It develops I'm the only one noes Joe tho so Ihey desire me to go to Identity him. But I'm too tired after 36 hrs--those bus seats alnt no lounge tor a long fellow like me--& wanna go up to my rm & refreshen a bit bfor meeting any more fans. So I give 'em a description so they'll be sure & recognize Joe: Medium height, black hair, baggage & a bewilderd look. I don't noe what more U could ask for? And yet, when 2J arrived later on at the Shirley, it seemd my description had been Inadequate, as he was unaccompanyd, & that was how that song was originated, "Stomping at the Savoy". I found to my joy the Heinlein-Daugherty party, whose arrival I had not anticipated til tord sundown that afternoon, had preceded me, pulling In the previous evening. A contingent of 5 NY Futurians was present. Phil Bronson was due around 2. While shaving got a fone call from Johnny Michel who said "How about Doc & Daw & I having breakfast with U if U havent eaten yet? & I said Alrite, fine. But I can't remember now whether I breakfasted with them after all. I noe I ate with a crowdlet that included Walt & Eleanor Daugherty but of the rest of U I cannot be quite certain. Al McKeel? Rustebar (Rust E. Barron)? Lowndes, Michel & Wollheim? "Gus"?
Hevelin Fanzines