Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no 17, August 1941
Page 12
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12 his fellow fans. I believ it is an unnatural riter or artist indeed who, upon receiving the issue of a mag directly following the one in which an article or picture of his has apeard, does not turn hastily to the letter column & scan it for mention of his name to learn the readers' reactions to his contribution... Alchemist, Bizarre, Pluto, Stardust & Sun Spots folded without "paying off" their contributors. That is to say, as the situation stands today, lil ever will be noen of what was thot of a copula dozen difrent articles, storys, illustrations &soforth. Ofcorse, it's a lil late now to worry over what U fans thot of my autobiografy in Stardust, which was current at the Chicon; while memorys of "Wells of Wisdom" probly are fast fading even as the lite of Pluto itself dims with "femme" after fm competitively being drest today in color. --Well, there's my idea & I daresay it's a course of action every contributor, & even the noncontributoreader, woud appreciate; so spose U see what U can do about it, huh, gate? In case your pride & joy ever goes floy-floy... Others spoke. damon k: his stflag idea, Walt Liebscher on the question of falsification in fandom. Walt Daugherty spoke at length on the necessity for the unification of fandom, climaxing his speech with the presentation of 5 medals, awarding 1941's highest honor for amateur artwork to Roy Hunt; for best fanmag to Olson Wiggins (Science Fiction Fan); top humorist, damon knight; finest news-dispenser, Julie Unger (Fantasy Fiction Field); &, for "services rendered", Your Sincerely... The moment during which I was awarded the medal was the most electrical with emotion in my life, & brot me closest to a hysterical breakdown of anything that has hapnd to me thus far------------------ It seems Daugherty's speech paraleld Evans' in thot but EEE presented his prepared one nonetheless & with finesse emfasized the points presented by Walt. Tripoli's was well-applauded & led, as I recall, to a free-for-all discussion of the N-triple-F. Lowndes, Yerke, Rothman, Korshak, knight, evans, Widner, Daugherty & several others became involved prominently int his, a saga in itself. As I suspect a detaild report will apear in Bonfire, organ of the NFFF, I shall not go into it all myself, my sole comment being that to my mind Kornbiuth's uncouthness lost him considerable face with fans while Lowndes & Korshak--Erle in particular--emerged from the ordeal with increast dignity. I must not forget: Sometime during the Convention Milty invited fans to fill the few vacancys in the Fapa. During recess til Auction time, a group of us had a good time visiting several 2ndhand bkstores, Korshak, Unger, Ackerman & Freehafer being among the purchasers of various fine bargains. A jolly dinner was enjoyd by all; as I now recall, our group consisting additionly of Morojo, Liebscher, knight & Bronson. Where we ate the menues said "Yes, you may keep this" so we all passt ours around for eachothers' sigs as mementoes of the occasion. Then the waiter came and started to pick 'em up! The Auction was skeded to start at 8 but we didnt have to worry about being late 'cause we had the auctioneer with us! U probly've heard about the Auction by now--it was a memborable one! Fortunate my mind had been fortifyed by Heinlein's speech about the stfans' ability to hang on to
12 his fellow fans. I believ it is an unnatural riter or artist indeed who, upon receiving the issue of a mag directly following the one in which an article or picture of his has apeard, does not turn hastily to the letter column & scan it for mention of his name to learn the readers' reactions to his contribution... Alchemist, Bizarre, Pluto, Stardust & Sun Spots folded without "paying off" their contributors. That is to say, as the situation stands today, lil ever will be noen of what was thot of a copula dozen difrent articles, storys, illustrations &soforth. Ofcorse, it's a lil late now to worry over what U fans thot of my autobiografy in Stardust, which was current at the Chicon; while memorys of "Wells of Wisdom" probly are fast fading even as the lite of Pluto itself dims with "femme" after fm competitively being drest today in color. --Well, there's my idea & I daresay it's a course of action every contributor, & even the noncontributoreader, woud appreciate; so spose U see what U can do about it, huh, gate? In case your pride & joy ever goes floy-floy... Others spoke. damon k: his stflag idea, Walt Liebscher on the question of falsification in fandom. Walt Daugherty spoke at length on the necessity for the unification of fandom, climaxing his speech with the presentation of 5 medals, awarding 1941's highest honor for amateur artwork to Roy Hunt; for best fanmag to Olson Wiggins (Science Fiction Fan); top humorist, damon knight; finest news-dispenser, Julie Unger (Fantasy Fiction Field); &, for "services rendered", Your Sincerely... The moment during which I was awarded the medal was the most electrical with emotion in my life, & brot me closest to a hysterical breakdown of anything that has hapnd to me thus far------------------ It seems Daugherty's speech paraleld Evans' in thot but EEE presented his prepared one nonetheless & with finesse emfasized the points presented by Walt. Tripoli's was well-applauded & led, as I recall, to a free-for-all discussion of the N-triple-F. Lowndes, Yerke, Rothman, Korshak, knight, evans, Widner, Daugherty & several others became involved prominently int his, a saga in itself. As I suspect a detaild report will apear in Bonfire, organ of the NFFF, I shall not go into it all myself, my sole comment being that to my mind Kornbiuth's uncouthness lost him considerable face with fans while Lowndes & Korshak--Erle in particular--emerged from the ordeal with increast dignity. I must not forget: Sometime during the Convention Milty invited fans to fill the few vacancys in the Fapa. During recess til Auction time, a group of us had a good time visiting several 2ndhand bkstores, Korshak, Unger, Ackerman & Freehafer being among the purchasers of various fine bargains. A jolly dinner was enjoyd by all; as I now recall, our group consisting additionly of Morojo, Liebscher, knight & Bronson. Where we ate the menues said "Yes, you may keep this" so we all passt ours around for eachothers' sigs as mementoes of the occasion. Then the waiter came and started to pick 'em up! The Auction was skeded to start at 8 but we didnt have to worry about being late 'cause we had the auctioneer with us! U probly've heard about the Auction by now--it was a memborable one! Fortunate my mind had been fortifyed by Heinlein's speech about the stfans' ability to hang on to
Hevelin Fanzines