Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no 17, August 1941
Page 14
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14 Anachronism: This hapnd earlier during the Denvention, I noe, but I did not think of it bfor so tho it completely is out of its chronological order I can do no better than report it now. A telegram was rcvd from Tucker to the special attention of Anson MacDonald, & read to the effect that the $25 prize urgently was required as he had been stopt on the way to the convention in his priestly robe, staff & beard (masquerading as a "6th Column"ist)... taken for a tramp & held by local authoritys! I was honord to have an invitation to Heinleins' suite for a couple hrs' relaxation bfor the Banquet. Eek! Speak of one anachronism (paragraf one, above) & it brings a 2d to mind. Hope this "don't" start a string of returning memorys just when we shoud be turning to the Banquet. However, here it is, & this does go far bfor the beginning! "In the Denvention on LeZ, BT said he'd decided at the eleventh hour to bung the ish off to subbers so's the mailman'd hand it to 'em just as they were dashing out the garden state, or mma'd give it to her dimpled darling just as she was putting him on the plane. Well, it actually hapnd that way in my case: Morojo brot the Voice of Box 260 to me from Bx 6475 Met Sta just bfor I boarded the bus! Just as I feard: the foregoing steerd my memory onto another earlier track. I never told U what hapnd Sat nite after the Auction, did U realize that? Well, a car- & a bus-load of us went out to some amusement park & rode the rolly-coasters, the rocket-ride, bumpt into each other in midget autos (very antisocial), some foold around in the Fun House, the Dancing Daughertys found a band... Unger, Hart, Morojo, Liebscher, McKeel, Freehafer, Rothman, Ackerman, Daugherty, Lowndes, Madle et autres. Probly a total of $10 was spent...& once Walt Liebscher askt me if I were worryd about something...& another time Milty, realizing, said "Forry, you think too much." For what those same $10 coudve meant to the British boys, transformd into stf mags; the project they coudve financed; or help been, however small, to the American Rocket Society--- So by a devious route we find ourselves back at the Banquet. the attendance was large (40), the meal xlnt, the after-dinner doings replete with surprises. There were Heinlein's "scraps of paper" & his story about Ole Brother Hubbard (L. Ron) who went to the starboard (of his boat, the Magician III, I believ) & there discoverd a bar; Willard Hawkins' speech ("It's the world that's out of step--not the stf fans"); Walt Duagherty's masterful mc'ing, & impersonation of Roosevelt that brot down the house (to coin a cliche); the award to Allen Class of the Denvention "Difficulty Prize"; Claudegler's "Remember the Martians!"; Lowndes' "What's to Do About It?"; Rothman's message from Perdue; Julie Unger's deadpan presentation with byplay from "Granny" Widner; applause for the newlyweds Walt & Eleanor Daugherty, who chose the Denvention as the time & place for their honeymoon; Franklyn Brady's spokesmanship for the assembled fans in presenting Honor Guest Heinlein with 7 superior bks, procured thru popular subscription, on the occasion of the celebration of his birthday, & Heinlein's request that everyone present sign one bk or another; the round-robin comments by the diners; "Auld Lang Syne"; & the lingering-after for farewells to friends, a few more fotos, fonograf records...& "FINIS" reluctantly is appended. It's ended!! (To be concluded. The Day in Denver after the detour to Frisco...gabbing with the Golden Gate Futurians...the Meeting of Tigrina...the Korshak Episode...finally Home to Hollywood...)
14 Anachronism: This hapnd earlier during the Denvention, I noe, but I did not think of it bfor so tho it completely is out of its chronological order I can do no better than report it now. A telegram was rcvd from Tucker to the special attention of Anson MacDonald, & read to the effect that the $25 prize urgently was required as he had been stopt on the way to the convention in his priestly robe, staff & beard (masquerading as a "6th Column"ist)... taken for a tramp & held by local authoritys! I was honord to have an invitation to Heinleins' suite for a couple hrs' relaxation bfor the Banquet. Eek! Speak of one anachronism (paragraf one, above) & it brings a 2d to mind. Hope this "don't" start a string of returning memorys just when we shoud be turning to the Banquet. However, here it is, & this does go far bfor the beginning! "In the Denvention on LeZ, BT said he'd decided at the eleventh hour to bung the ish off to subbers so's the mailman'd hand it to 'em just as they were dashing out the garden state, or mma'd give it to her dimpled darling just as she was putting him on the plane. Well, it actually hapnd that way in my case: Morojo brot the Voice of Box 260 to me from Bx 6475 Met Sta just bfor I boarded the bus! Just as I feard: the foregoing steerd my memory onto another earlier track. I never told U what hapnd Sat nite after the Auction, did U realize that? Well, a car- & a bus-load of us went out to some amusement park & rode the rolly-coasters, the rocket-ride, bumpt into each other in midget autos (very antisocial), some foold around in the Fun House, the Dancing Daughertys found a band... Unger, Hart, Morojo, Liebscher, McKeel, Freehafer, Rothman, Ackerman, Daugherty, Lowndes, Madle et autres. Probly a total of $10 was spent...& once Walt Liebscher askt me if I were worryd about something...& another time Milty, realizing, said "Forry, you think too much." For what those same $10 coudve meant to the British boys, transformd into stf mags; the project they coudve financed; or help been, however small, to the American Rocket Society--- So by a devious route we find ourselves back at the Banquet. the attendance was large (40), the meal xlnt, the after-dinner doings replete with surprises. There were Heinlein's "scraps of paper" & his story about Ole Brother Hubbard (L. Ron) who went to the starboard (of his boat, the Magician III, I believ) & there discoverd a bar; Willard Hawkins' speech ("It's the world that's out of step--not the stf fans"); Walt Duagherty's masterful mc'ing, & impersonation of Roosevelt that brot down the house (to coin a cliche); the award to Allen Class of the Denvention "Difficulty Prize"; Claudegler's "Remember the Martians!"; Lowndes' "What's to Do About It?"; Rothman's message from Perdue; Julie Unger's deadpan presentation with byplay from "Granny" Widner; applause for the newlyweds Walt & Eleanor Daugherty, who chose the Denvention as the time & place for their honeymoon; Franklyn Brady's spokesmanship for the assembled fans in presenting Honor Guest Heinlein with 7 superior bks, procured thru popular subscription, on the occasion of the celebration of his birthday, & Heinlein's request that everyone present sign one bk or another; the round-robin comments by the diners; "Auld Lang Syne"; & the lingering-after for farewells to friends, a few more fotos, fonograf records...& "FINIS" reluctantly is appended. It's ended!! (To be concluded. The Day in Denver after the detour to Frisco...gabbing with the Golden Gate Futurians...the Meeting of Tigrina...the Korshak Episode...finally Home to Hollywood...)
Hevelin Fanzines