Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no 17, August 1941
Page 22
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22 Dave McGwain 14 Cotswold St., Liverpool 7, England skribas en Esperanto "Mi gojege ricevis VoM kaj la diversajn LASFJ-ajojn, kaj ("I overjoyedly rcvd" and the various LASFJ things, & tre baldau mi intencas skribi kritkan (au laudan) leteron pri ili, La Himno al (very soon I intend to write a critical (or lauding) letter about 'em. "Hymn to Satano" estas bonega ideo, sed mi ne satas la muzikon. La fino estas lau kleo (Satan" is an xlnt idea, but I do not like the music. The end is according to key diferenca al la komenco -- hontinda eraro. Se mi havos sufice da tempo, mi provos (different from the beginning -- shameful error. If I've enuf time, I shall attempt realmuzikigi la strofon, lau la stile de la modernuloj, kiel Skriabin au Sibelius (to make musical again the strophe, in the style of the moderns as "or" -- multe pli tauga por fantazipoemo al ordinara himna melodi(ac)o, cu ne? Mi (-- much more fitting for a fantasy poem than an ordinary hymnal melody?, huh? I hontegas pro mia letero en VoM...mi trovis gin plena de eraroj. Cu mi vere (am most ashamed of my letter in VoM...I found it full of errors. Did I really skribis tian malbonan Esp-on? Sajnas al mi, ke mi dovos esti tre zorgema kiam mi (write such bad Esp-o? Seems to me that I shall have to be very careful when I skribos al vi, car mi ne deziras, ke la stefanaro sciigu pri miaj teruraj pekoj (write to you, because I don't want, that fandom should know of my terrible sins kontrau la Majstro -- Heil Zamenhof!" (against the Maestro -- Heil Zamenhof!) T E D C A R N E L L! 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London: "Seems that I promised to chronicle all the interesting features that went to make up our zigzag lives -- to quote Bob Heinlein 'Keep zigging while the bombs are zagging.' As a running commentator I seem to have fallen down on the job. Reminds me that early one morning, I was doing a patrol guard round a rockgarden heavily camouflaged with inches of snow, when I fell down and forgot to go boom. Must'v' been the crack of dawn that unnerved me. At any rate I went sprawling and opened up a nice two inch gap in my left shin. By the time that was healed and I was back on my feet again, I had the right leg whipped from underneath me with a hockey stick -- so now I have the mark of Zorro on both shins, much to my zorro. I've just finished Merritt's 'The Snake Mother', which took some digging into, despite the fact that it has been lauded as a classic. Abe seems to be a master of windy verbiage, most definitely a writer of the old school. Depsite the beauty of his writing, which is old-fashioned anyhow, these long yarns of his lose much of their glamor because of their length. Which brings me to the beautiful work Bob is turning out these days. It really is a pleasure to pick up either of the S & S twins and know that somewhere within their covers is a yarn by him. I can't think of any other author who has made the grade and so consistently maintained a high literary level, can you? This bombing of the civilian population really is a swine; I can't quite clarify my opinion on what we should do as a counter measure. During the past four months I have been almost constantly on the move. I was recently in a little coastal town which boasted nothing except its scenery. A Jerry plane flew out of his way to go over the town, and let rip five oil bombs in a row right in the centre of the place. There was nothing of importance there at all, yet the swine had to drop them on innocent people. But, enough of this idle chatter. After the war, if you are that much interested, I'll write some memoirs which'll make your hair curl. Through the Voice, I would like to thank all the other American fans who send me their brain children. These mites across the ocean mean more to me than just pieces of paper. The neatness of all Californian mags gets me under the collar." To Wiggins, Tucker, DAW, the "Ivory Towerites" and "especially Dick Wilson and Dave Kyle for their good wishes for 1941" he sends sincerest thanks. And rounds off with a hello to all his "beloved friends in and around Los Angeles" whom he thinks of often, thanking his stars he knows "such charming people". A note from Ted's wife Irene, quote: "Dear forree; Thank yoo four the many books yoo have sent me. You're kindeeds ave bin much apreshiated hear7/8 espeshully the newds what the army like so. Xcuse typping as I cannot rite or read wich is wy I am so fond of science friction. Love," G. Lew [illegible] 23 Farnley Rd, S Norwood, London SE25, July 12: "It may interest my many friends to hear that I have been recommended for a post in the Navy's new "radiolocation" service. The whole scheme is "futuristic-sounding" enough to tickle my sft. taste, and is wrapped up in enough secrecy, also, to make it palatable to my "weirdy" instincts. It should prove both instructive and interesting."
22 Dave McGwain 14 Cotswold St., Liverpool 7, England skribas en Esperanto "Mi gojege ricevis VoM kaj la diversajn LASFJ-ajojn, kaj ("I overjoyedly rcvd" and the various LASFJ things, & tre baldau mi intencas skribi kritkan (au laudan) leteron pri ili, La Himno al (very soon I intend to write a critical (or lauding) letter about 'em. "Hymn to Satano" estas bonega ideo, sed mi ne satas la muzikon. La fino estas lau kleo (Satan" is an xlnt idea, but I do not like the music. The end is according to key diferenca al la komenco -- hontinda eraro. Se mi havos sufice da tempo, mi provos (different from the beginning -- shameful error. If I've enuf time, I shall attempt realmuzikigi la strofon, lau la stile de la modernuloj, kiel Skriabin au Sibelius (to make musical again the strophe, in the style of the moderns as "or" -- multe pli tauga por fantazipoemo al ordinara himna melodi(ac)o, cu ne? Mi (-- much more fitting for a fantasy poem than an ordinary hymnal melody?, huh? I hontegas pro mia letero en VoM...mi trovis gin plena de eraroj. Cu mi vere (am most ashamed of my letter in VoM...I found it full of errors. Did I really skribis tian malbonan Esp-on? Sajnas al mi, ke mi dovos esti tre zorgema kiam mi (write such bad Esp-o? Seems to me that I shall have to be very careful when I skribos al vi, car mi ne deziras, ke la stefanaro sciigu pri miaj teruraj pekoj (write to you, because I don't want, that fandom should know of my terrible sins kontrau la Majstro -- Heil Zamenhof!" (against the Maestro -- Heil Zamenhof!) T E D C A R N E L L! 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London: "Seems that I promised to chronicle all the interesting features that went to make up our zigzag lives -- to quote Bob Heinlein 'Keep zigging while the bombs are zagging.' As a running commentator I seem to have fallen down on the job. Reminds me that early one morning, I was doing a patrol guard round a rockgarden heavily camouflaged with inches of snow, when I fell down and forgot to go boom. Must'v' been the crack of dawn that unnerved me. At any rate I went sprawling and opened up a nice two inch gap in my left shin. By the time that was healed and I was back on my feet again, I had the right leg whipped from underneath me with a hockey stick -- so now I have the mark of Zorro on both shins, much to my zorro. I've just finished Merritt's 'The Snake Mother', which took some digging into, despite the fact that it has been lauded as a classic. Abe seems to be a master of windy verbiage, most definitely a writer of the old school. Depsite the beauty of his writing, which is old-fashioned anyhow, these long yarns of his lose much of their glamor because of their length. Which brings me to the beautiful work Bob is turning out these days. It really is a pleasure to pick up either of the S & S twins and know that somewhere within their covers is a yarn by him. I can't think of any other author who has made the grade and so consistently maintained a high literary level, can you? This bombing of the civilian population really is a swine; I can't quite clarify my opinion on what we should do as a counter measure. During the past four months I have been almost constantly on the move. I was recently in a little coastal town which boasted nothing except its scenery. A Jerry plane flew out of his way to go over the town, and let rip five oil bombs in a row right in the centre of the place. There was nothing of importance there at all, yet the swine had to drop them on innocent people. But, enough of this idle chatter. After the war, if you are that much interested, I'll write some memoirs which'll make your hair curl. Through the Voice, I would like to thank all the other American fans who send me their brain children. These mites across the ocean mean more to me than just pieces of paper. The neatness of all Californian mags gets me under the collar." To Wiggins, Tucker, DAW, the "Ivory Towerites" and "especially Dick Wilson and Dave Kyle for their good wishes for 1941" he sends sincerest thanks. And rounds off with a hello to all his "beloved friends in and around Los Angeles" whom he thinks of often, thanking his stars he knows "such charming people". A note from Ted's wife Irene, quote: "Dear forree; Thank yoo four the many books yoo have sent me. You're kindeeds ave bin much apreshiated hear7/8 espeshully the newds what the army like so. Xcuse typping as I cannot rite or read wich is wy I am so fond of science friction. Love," G. Lew [illegible] 23 Farnley Rd, S Norwood, London SE25, July 12: "It may interest my many friends to hear that I have been recommended for a post in the Navy's new "radiolocation" service. The whole scheme is "futuristic-sounding" enough to tickle my sft. taste, and is wrapped up in enough secrecy, also, to make it palatable to my "weirdy" instincts. It should prove both instructive and interesting."
Hevelin Fanzines