Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no 17, August 1941
Page 23
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Phil Bronson editor Fantasite, Minneapolis fan visiting Shangri-LA, had the following unfortunateness: "In spite of the fact that the scenery is lovely to look at, I don't make a habit of riding in on the bus to L.A. (from Sta Monica beach) for the main purpose of riding back again. I had this experience just tonight, while under the impression that LASFS meetings were held at Clifton's Cafeteria every Thursday evening. Of course, I should have taken it into consideration that your treasury might not warrant the sending of postals to members and 'guests', informing them of particulars in regard to meetings. It also just occurred to me that perhaps your roster at present is so full that you are not on the look out for prospective members. In the event that I shouldn't make any more meetings of the LASFS I'll be sure to inform the MFS (a Science Fiction club) of your hospitality out here so we can emulate you as much as possible, always having looked up to the LASFS. It's absolutely all X with me if you want to print portions of my letter in VoM." G u l p ! Brother Bronson plainly is a mift -- & with reason. His introduction Way Out West ("If this be treason --") was not the best. In consequence of which he regards that highly-touted Southern (Cal) hospitality like the Pacific Ocean -- i.e., all wet. There were extenuating circumstances of which Phil was not aware; tho to cite them probly is only sophistry. Phil attended one "meeting" (we interpret quotes to mean "Yes! Perhaps twenty-five persons were present, but did you accomplish anything, did you even discuss science fiction?"), was absent the next. At this next meeting Chamberlain unexpectedly resigned Secyship. Joquel accepted office but official parafernalia (past mins., moms' adreses, stationery, etc) was not turnd over to him. Hence he was not in a position to fulfill normal functions, one of which arose at once & no absentees were informed that the next -- a Fifth Thursday meeting, traditionally an unofficial affair at a mem's place -- would be at Yerke's. Pogo even, having left the meeting early, & unconscious of a 5th Thurs, arrived at Clifton's to find no Club in "session". (We rather wonder why U 2 didn't meet.) -- But that's neither here nor here. It cannot be voucht visitor Bronson (or may I still call U Phil?) woud have been accorded any better consideration (not meaning to cast aspersions upon the seriousness with which Art Joquel regards his Secyship) had alles been in ordnung. LASFS has grown large &unwieldy of late, with attitude of indifference to elected authority, lackadaisical interest in cooperation & coherence. Yet who is the Director to object if most of the members are happy? Satisfication for some of us fails but there can be no dout Democraticonduct prevails! Director FJA woud remind disappointed stfan Bronson that he, 4e, is only that -- Director, not Dictator, & he allows the Los Angeles "Social Fun" Society free will to cause all the ill will & anarchistichaos of which its roster is capable. "...the MFS (a Science Fiction club)" sounds swell to me! Time Was when the imagi-native attended meetings to discuss science fiction; but the Director now dolefully declares "any resemblance between a meeting of the LASFS & a science fiction club is purely coincidental." Anything goes; from radio shows & "Charlie's Aunt" to Uncle Sam, his Conscription Act, & the War News. Meetings nowadays seem to serve primarily as a prelude to after-club revelry a la SaL in lower LA. The Director does not like it. To Secy (Joquel) does not like it. The Treasurer (Morojo) does not like it. And I suspect several others -- Freehafer, Fox or Franklyn Brady, for instance -- woudnt outrite refuse to mention a lil stf during meetings if U coud get the others quieted down & paying attention. Who was it -- Erle Korshak? -- who pointed out recently the socalled "Little" Brown Rm is divided into 2 parts, the Little & Big, & in reality we've been meeting in the Big. Praps the solution woud be for the fans to retire to the Little rm. Swelp me, to be a fan today in the SFS of LA invites ostracism! Can U feature it? Yecoeds lined up with the minority reactionarys who'd appreciate some plain simple common ordinary everyday honest-to-goodness old-fashioned orthodox science fiction discussion; as against the radical majority that prefers "progress" in the form of a funpun & something-stronger'n-pop-to-top-it-off club. Sorry if I tread on anybody's tendrils, walking in the clouds as I do. If too many feelings are hurt -- too badly -- it won't be necessary to create the club's first Impeachment proceedings (why that might give a guy a Martyr Complex!). I won't stand in your way (hear! hear!): Just lemme noe U don't love me no mo' for Director & presto-pronto! U shall have my resignation. Thank U, Phil Bronson! for your penetrating sarcasm which brot the matter to a head. Then I felt it was up to me to go ahead & bring it out in the open. U socialites won't listen to me (or anyone in particular, for that matter) down at the "League", so I thot all this might embarrass U into a bit of behavior befitting slans & stfans. Maybe my notions are nutty. U may choose to be stubborn & resentful. Tennyrate, just wanto state I don't hate U fellows ("If you can just manage to keep hate out of your lives" -- Heinlein) for not caring about stf like I do. I feel lucky U like it at all. All I'm crusading for is: Under the circumstances (a club created for the purpose) to stick to stf at the proper time & place. -- FJA.
Phil Bronson editor Fantasite, Minneapolis fan visiting Shangri-LA, had the following unfortunateness: "In spite of the fact that the scenery is lovely to look at, I don't make a habit of riding in on the bus to L.A. (from Sta Monica beach) for the main purpose of riding back again. I had this experience just tonight, while under the impression that LASFS meetings were held at Clifton's Cafeteria every Thursday evening. Of course, I should have taken it into consideration that your treasury might not warrant the sending of postals to members and 'guests', informing them of particulars in regard to meetings. It also just occurred to me that perhaps your roster at present is so full that you are not on the look out for prospective members. In the event that I shouldn't make any more meetings of the LASFS I'll be sure to inform the MFS (a Science Fiction club) of your hospitality out here so we can emulate you as much as possible, always having looked up to the LASFS. It's absolutely all X with me if you want to print portions of my letter in VoM." G u l p ! Brother Bronson plainly is a mift -- & with reason. His introduction Way Out West ("If this be treason --") was not the best. In consequence of which he regards that highly-touted Southern (Cal) hospitality like the Pacific Ocean -- i.e., all wet. There were extenuating circumstances of which Phil was not aware; tho to cite them probly is only sophistry. Phil attended one "meeting" (we interpret quotes to mean "Yes! Perhaps twenty-five persons were present, but did you accomplish anything, did you even discuss science fiction?"), was absent the next. At this next meeting Chamberlain unexpectedly resigned Secyship. Joquel accepted office but official parafernalia (past mins., moms' adreses, stationery, etc) was not turnd over to him. Hence he was not in a position to fulfill normal functions, one of which arose at once & no absentees were informed that the next -- a Fifth Thursday meeting, traditionally an unofficial affair at a mem's place -- would be at Yerke's. Pogo even, having left the meeting early, & unconscious of a 5th Thurs, arrived at Clifton's to find no Club in "session". (We rather wonder why U 2 didn't meet.) -- But that's neither here nor here. It cannot be voucht visitor Bronson (or may I still call U Phil?) woud have been accorded any better consideration (not meaning to cast aspersions upon the seriousness with which Art Joquel regards his Secyship) had alles been in ordnung. LASFS has grown large &unwieldy of late, with attitude of indifference to elected authority, lackadaisical interest in cooperation & coherence. Yet who is the Director to object if most of the members are happy? Satisfication for some of us fails but there can be no dout Democraticonduct prevails! Director FJA woud remind disappointed stfan Bronson that he, 4e, is only that -- Director, not Dictator, & he allows the Los Angeles "Social Fun" Society free will to cause all the ill will & anarchistichaos of which its roster is capable. "...the MFS (a Science Fiction club)" sounds swell to me! Time Was when the imagi-native attended meetings to discuss science fiction; but the Director now dolefully declares "any resemblance between a meeting of the LASFS & a science fiction club is purely coincidental." Anything goes; from radio shows & "Charlie's Aunt" to Uncle Sam, his Conscription Act, & the War News. Meetings nowadays seem to serve primarily as a prelude to after-club revelry a la SaL in lower LA. The Director does not like it. To Secy (Joquel) does not like it. The Treasurer (Morojo) does not like it. And I suspect several others -- Freehafer, Fox or Franklyn Brady, for instance -- woudnt outrite refuse to mention a lil stf during meetings if U coud get the others quieted down & paying attention. Who was it -- Erle Korshak? -- who pointed out recently the socalled "Little" Brown Rm is divided into 2 parts, the Little & Big, & in reality we've been meeting in the Big. Praps the solution woud be for the fans to retire to the Little rm. Swelp me, to be a fan today in the SFS of LA invites ostracism! Can U feature it? Yecoeds lined up with the minority reactionarys who'd appreciate some plain simple common ordinary everyday honest-to-goodness old-fashioned orthodox science fiction discussion; as against the radical majority that prefers "progress" in the form of a funpun & something-stronger'n-pop-to-top-it-off club. Sorry if I tread on anybody's tendrils, walking in the clouds as I do. If too many feelings are hurt -- too badly -- it won't be necessary to create the club's first Impeachment proceedings (why that might give a guy a Martyr Complex!). I won't stand in your way (hear! hear!): Just lemme noe U don't love me no mo' for Director & presto-pronto! U shall have my resignation. Thank U, Phil Bronson! for your penetrating sarcasm which brot the matter to a head. Then I felt it was up to me to go ahead & bring it out in the open. U socialites won't listen to me (or anyone in particular, for that matter) down at the "League", so I thot all this might embarrass U into a bit of behavior befitting slans & stfans. Maybe my notions are nutty. U may choose to be stubborn & resentful. Tennyrate, just wanto state I don't hate U fellows ("If you can just manage to keep hate out of your lives" -- Heinlein) for not caring about stf like I do. I feel lucky U like it at all. All I'm crusading for is: Under the circumstances (a club created for the purpose) to stick to stf at the proper time & place. -- FJA.
Hevelin Fanzines