Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 12, March 1941
Page 5
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 letter—but never to change spelling, punctuation, grammar or MEANING. To that policy The Voice is dedicated. The readers must do the rest.) — Dankon for the big fat cigar you sent me. Upon the advent of the Amazing Stork at Tuck's) and the same to Joe Gilbert for his. However, Tucker the younger complains that the tobacco is a mite too strong for his throat, and my wife declares that the three of you are old enough to know better; that little babies shouldn't be smoking cigars — please send cigarettes in the future, until the child grows strong enough to handle a cigar like a man. In connection with Gilbert's cigar, I encountered a diversion: The wrapping had been broken in transit and when it arrived it was nothing more than a cigar with Joe's sticker attached, plus some sort of a tag with my address. The clerk at the window looked at it, smelled it, compared it with post office files on illegal shipments (and promptly looked disappointed), weighed it, and searched me suspiciously with his eagle eye. I grow tired awaiting the outcome of his scrutiny and handled him a little packet of matches and said: "go ahead, try it." The clerk did not have a sense of humor. Speaking of the post office and a sense of humor reminds me to tell you that two outer-circle Eastern fans are not apt to be with us much longer. A fellow named Milt Rothman living in Washington recently sent a fellow named Don Wollheim living in Brooklyn a letter, and on the back flap this Rothman fellow etched a huge nazi cross, with XXXX kisses underneath. Now it follows that this Rothman is an alien foreigner from Norway, while this Wollheim is an alien foreigner from Zanzibar; therefore as soon as the old widow lady living next door to Wollheim gets around to reporting to the Feds what she observed on the back flap of the letter, the two will be deported." We reluctantly conclude your letter at this juncture, Bob. With a couple of paragraphs unpublished, to make way for umpteen letters to come. If this is "editing"--make the most of it! Harry Schmarje 318 Stewart Road Muscatine, Iowa "Dear VoM: I hadn't planned to resubscribe to the Voice, but after the latest issue, well here's a dime for the next ish. But come now, the 10 page business for a fan mag is going too far, considering several other mags. 25 pages at least. (Larger fmz do not have 65 elite lines per page, & lithografy.) You know, these so called science fiction fans talk about anything science fiction. They just like to gab, I suppose. I wish you would use that ultra-modern lettering all thru the mag. It would add distinction, though VOM's green ink Is also super. P.S. VOM is swell, keep up the good work." Ted Carnell of England: "Say, what's happened to the Voice since the great Chicago conflagration? Here I find a small stack of mail and fanmags waiting mastication, but not a single cheep out or the great 4SJ. Too cheap perhapsl Or — don't tell me you've been called up! Horror of horrors. Not for your sake, because it would do you the world of good, but for mine. ~~ So — l's having a great time in the Army, as I've already mentioned. Everything seems to be fun, even the hardest of work. I suggest you get in as soon as you can. Never mind the wrench from home ties and tho soft lifo you've been leading — be a man! (WHAT soft life? Anyway, I'd rather be a live fan than a dead man.) ~~ A fellow from Canada called here last week. It appeared that he had spotted a Science-Fiction Service sticker in a magazine he bought In Toronto. The night blitz has Just started. """" Huh! There's a lovely lively barrage just being put up in the heavens. Well, what the hell am I doing dithering away to you. You would hardly expect me to want to waste many of the few precious hours I should be spending on my wife's knees. PS Will you please personally thank the following for fan mags recently recelved by me, and whom I am absolutely unablo to reply to at the moment. Olon Wiggins, the Mannings, FAPA mailing secretary Robert Madle. and Pogo for STF-ETTE (very tasty, very sweet.)" Retlaw Rehcsbeil Backward of Chicago throws everything at us from shorthand to ideografs, a fair rendition of which we herewith render: "D hollyday ishu of VOM was D nuts. G I hope U aint gona go (I mighta sed goona goo) Marvel Tales on us. Dat sexy gal on D cvr of D hollyday ish wer D nuts & stuf. Seriously dough I tink dat it were much prettier dan de (ah! dandy) filatelinitermare uv D preseedin ishu.
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 letter—but never to change spelling, punctuation, grammar or MEANING. To that policy The Voice is dedicated. The readers must do the rest.) — Dankon for the big fat cigar you sent me. Upon the advent of the Amazing Stork at Tuck's) and the same to Joe Gilbert for his. However, Tucker the younger complains that the tobacco is a mite too strong for his throat, and my wife declares that the three of you are old enough to know better; that little babies shouldn't be smoking cigars — please send cigarettes in the future, until the child grows strong enough to handle a cigar like a man. In connection with Gilbert's cigar, I encountered a diversion: The wrapping had been broken in transit and when it arrived it was nothing more than a cigar with Joe's sticker attached, plus some sort of a tag with my address. The clerk at the window looked at it, smelled it, compared it with post office files on illegal shipments (and promptly looked disappointed), weighed it, and searched me suspiciously with his eagle eye. I grow tired awaiting the outcome of his scrutiny and handled him a little packet of matches and said: "go ahead, try it." The clerk did not have a sense of humor. Speaking of the post office and a sense of humor reminds me to tell you that two outer-circle Eastern fans are not apt to be with us much longer. A fellow named Milt Rothman living in Washington recently sent a fellow named Don Wollheim living in Brooklyn a letter, and on the back flap this Rothman fellow etched a huge nazi cross, with XXXX kisses underneath. Now it follows that this Rothman is an alien foreigner from Norway, while this Wollheim is an alien foreigner from Zanzibar; therefore as soon as the old widow lady living next door to Wollheim gets around to reporting to the Feds what she observed on the back flap of the letter, the two will be deported." We reluctantly conclude your letter at this juncture, Bob. With a couple of paragraphs unpublished, to make way for umpteen letters to come. If this is "editing"--make the most of it! Harry Schmarje 318 Stewart Road Muscatine, Iowa "Dear VoM: I hadn't planned to resubscribe to the Voice, but after the latest issue, well here's a dime for the next ish. But come now, the 10 page business for a fan mag is going too far, considering several other mags. 25 pages at least. (Larger fmz do not have 65 elite lines per page, & lithografy.) You know, these so called science fiction fans talk about anything science fiction. They just like to gab, I suppose. I wish you would use that ultra-modern lettering all thru the mag. It would add distinction, though VOM's green ink Is also super. P.S. VOM is swell, keep up the good work." Ted Carnell of England: "Say, what's happened to the Voice since the great Chicago conflagration? Here I find a small stack of mail and fanmags waiting mastication, but not a single cheep out or the great 4SJ. Too cheap perhapsl Or — don't tell me you've been called up! Horror of horrors. Not for your sake, because it would do you the world of good, but for mine. ~~ So — l's having a great time in the Army, as I've already mentioned. Everything seems to be fun, even the hardest of work. I suggest you get in as soon as you can. Never mind the wrench from home ties and tho soft lifo you've been leading — be a man! (WHAT soft life? Anyway, I'd rather be a live fan than a dead man.) ~~ A fellow from Canada called here last week. It appeared that he had spotted a Science-Fiction Service sticker in a magazine he bought In Toronto. The night blitz has Just started. """" Huh! There's a lovely lively barrage just being put up in the heavens. Well, what the hell am I doing dithering away to you. You would hardly expect me to want to waste many of the few precious hours I should be spending on my wife's knees. PS Will you please personally thank the following for fan mags recently recelved by me, and whom I am absolutely unablo to reply to at the moment. Olon Wiggins, the Mannings, FAPA mailing secretary Robert Madle. and Pogo for STF-ETTE (very tasty, very sweet.)" Retlaw Rehcsbeil Backward of Chicago throws everything at us from shorthand to ideografs, a fair rendition of which we herewith render: "D hollyday ishu of VOM was D nuts. G I hope U aint gona go (I mighta sed goona goo) Marvel Tales on us. Dat sexy gal on D cvr of D hollyday ish wer D nuts & stuf. Seriously dough I tink dat it were much prettier dan de (ah! dandy) filatelinitermare uv D preseedin ishu.
Hevelin Fanzines