Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 12, March 1941
Page 6
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6 ~~Nuff o dat. D papr inside sed dat IOU mene mene tekel 4 D 4th cming ishs. N-closd pliz find thoity stenc 4 D nxt 3 numbas. — Ich ben haben bed colt. (No I won't let you call me a horse) Hopping U R D same I remain here" ART WIDNER, JR. Prophet of FooFoo, Loss of GhuGhu, Tossup of PooPoo. ryts as folos from Bx 122. Bryantville, Mass: "Mery (had a litl hahahaha) X- mas, FandM! "No prety letrhed this tym, as lm rytng from the gastagen (translation: gas station again).. "I didnt get the idea of th stamp on th covr (#10) until Id red about 1/2 the mag, & I laft hahaha, & then I was so disgustd with myself 4 not getng it b4 --pooey! "Tsk! Wat a sad endng 4 th glamrus Lupe! Mayb now shes a Lupe-garu.... "Wat has 2j got on u? I'm sik of readng his l/2 pg plugs 4 Starlyt Pubs in th main body of VoM. U shouldn't alow it. Eithr make it a str8 ad or cut it. "I've a most wondrful idea. Y dont De la Ree postpone SunSpots altogethr, til he lerns how 2 spel? Or gets sumtbody hu noos how, a also sumbody hu nnos how 2. ryt? Y shoud we put up withe results of his ignorans wile he is lerning? "Speakng of -cons, (as Rajocz was) wat woud U call a con at Macon, Ga? The MaconCon? Or the Maconga? Oh, of cors, Maconvention. That city was just made for Ackese. & dont 4get, this is Widner speakng 4 th Boskone in '44. (Howbout Boxone 122?) If Im stil ther. Mayb I'll b helpng Pogo stage th 1st spaghetticon, for Yip, yip! "Zooksl This gasta biz is enuf 2 dryv a poor fan 2 drink. A woman just came in a v16 Caddy, fills up with hi-test (That Good Gulf No-nox) then.calmly handed me a pair of peach silk panties & told me 2 wipe th windshield with them. I did so, in a daze. Am now convinced th world is rong & Im ryt, No, he lives in Martinez. Then who thell am I? Glub-glub Shub-Niggurath. I'm Joe Cthulhu Gillespie, whose pic Im enclosng. "Im stil waitng 4 th femfans to start sendng me delicacys 2 prove they can cook betr than Mrs. Swishr. I shal b forcd 2 th conclusn that they cant. If any of them wont take th dare, send all pies, cakes, & similr speshlties 2 bx 122, bryantvil-nas. Open 4 biznes on a 24hr skedl. My mouth, Im talkng about, "Hu is Miela K. ("Honey" Smith—Doc's dawter—her Esperanto name) & wat doz that French mean, & wat th deviI iszt doing in my letr? (Eskimo Christians, Italian Noel Liza.) "3 litl dimmos sitng in a ro lyk 3 fat friars wich evrybody noes proves 4e & Morojo r 2 big liars" [ARTWORK] The mARTch Of DIMES
6 ~~Nuff o dat. D papr inside sed dat IOU mene mene tekel 4 D 4th cming ishs. N-closd pliz find thoity stenc 4 D nxt 3 numbas. — Ich ben haben bed colt. (No I won't let you call me a horse) Hopping U R D same I remain here" ART WIDNER, JR. Prophet of FooFoo, Loss of GhuGhu, Tossup of PooPoo. ryts as folos from Bx 122. Bryantville, Mass: "Mery (had a litl hahahaha) X- mas, FandM! "No prety letrhed this tym, as lm rytng from the gastagen (translation: gas station again).. "I didnt get the idea of th stamp on th covr (#10) until Id red about 1/2 the mag, & I laft hahaha, & then I was so disgustd with myself 4 not getng it b4 --pooey! "Tsk! Wat a sad endng 4 th glamrus Lupe! Mayb now shes a Lupe-garu.... "Wat has 2j got on u? I'm sik of readng his l/2 pg plugs 4 Starlyt Pubs in th main body of VoM. U shouldn't alow it. Eithr make it a str8 ad or cut it. "I've a most wondrful idea. Y dont De la Ree postpone SunSpots altogethr, til he lerns how 2 spel? Or gets sumtbody hu noos how, a also sumbody hu nnos how 2. ryt? Y shoud we put up withe results of his ignorans wile he is lerning? "Speakng of -cons, (as Rajocz was) wat woud U call a con at Macon, Ga? The MaconCon? Or the Maconga? Oh, of cors, Maconvention. That city was just made for Ackese. & dont 4get, this is Widner speakng 4 th Boskone in '44. (Howbout Boxone 122?) If Im stil ther. Mayb I'll b helpng Pogo stage th 1st spaghetticon, for Yip, yip! "Zooksl This gasta biz is enuf 2 dryv a poor fan 2 drink. A woman just came in a v16 Caddy, fills up with hi-test (That Good Gulf No-nox) then.calmly handed me a pair of peach silk panties & told me 2 wipe th windshield with them. I did so, in a daze. Am now convinced th world is rong & Im ryt, No, he lives in Martinez. Then who thell am I? Glub-glub Shub-Niggurath. I'm Joe Cthulhu Gillespie, whose pic Im enclosng. "Im stil waitng 4 th femfans to start sendng me delicacys 2 prove they can cook betr than Mrs. Swishr. I shal b forcd 2 th conclusn that they cant. If any of them wont take th dare, send all pies, cakes, & similr speshlties 2 bx 122, bryantvil-nas. Open 4 biznes on a 24hr skedl. My mouth, Im talkng about, "Hu is Miela K. ("Honey" Smith—Doc's dawter—her Esperanto name) & wat doz that French mean, & wat th deviI iszt doing in my letr? (Eskimo Christians, Italian Noel Liza.) "3 litl dimmos sitng in a ro lyk 3 fat friars wich evrybody noes proves 4e & Morojo r 2 big liars" [ARTWORK] The mARTch Of DIMES
Hevelin Fanzines