Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 12, March 1941
Page 9
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Our last letters from the late Earl Singleton Dear Moroj's and 4E Thanks for latest Vom. What has happened to Rothman? I miss his delightful vomisslves. It's O.K., 4e, for you to be In favor of science--I'm all for science myself --but do you have to call yourself a "pro-scientist"? The word wafts an odor of Van Houten with it--unpIeasantIy. Van Houten Is plainly stupid. Science has nothing to do with Van Houten, and Van Houten is all drippy when he thinks he has something to do with science... Fandom, awakel Make no mistake. Join the N.F. F. F. F. F. F. ...etc., all knight. Heed not the bray of donkey Ray:to be pro-sclentlfIc, grow scientific; Edmond Hall, a scientist, found with Increase of knowledge, decrease of happiness; Ray Van Houten, no scientist, finds without any knowledge, increase of sapplness. But this is wasted energy--to have done with "pro-science" quote and unquote, I say with Brackett, sack it!! Who Is Harry Warner? Munn, or Lunn? I'm done. I don't doubt but what I'm all wet about A.P.R. But is he bona-fide? Vom is getting better and better --- I'm always awaiting Its arrival. That was swell of you guys sending us the Christmas record. We are planning to cut a bit of wax in reply, come the BOSKONE. 'Till then — Spaceward
Our last letters from the late Earl Singleton Dear Moroj's and 4E Thanks for latest Vom. What has happened to Rothman? I miss his delightful vomisslves. It's O.K., 4e, for you to be In favor of science--I'm all for science myself --but do you have to call yourself a "pro-scientist"? The word wafts an odor of Van Houten with it--unpIeasantIy. Van Houten Is plainly stupid. Science has nothing to do with Van Houten, and Van Houten is all drippy when he thinks he has something to do with science... Fandom, awakel Make no mistake. Join the N.F. F. F. F. F. F. ...etc., all knight. Heed not the bray of donkey Ray:to be pro-sclentlfIc, grow scientific; Edmond Hall, a scientist, found with Increase of knowledge, decrease of happiness; Ray Van Houten, no scientist, finds without any knowledge, increase of sapplness. But this is wasted energy--to have done with "pro-science" quote and unquote, I say with Brackett, sack it!! Who Is Harry Warner? Munn, or Lunn? I'm done. I don't doubt but what I'm all wet about A.P.R. But is he bona-fide? Vom is getting better and better --- I'm always awaiting Its arrival. That was swell of you guys sending us the Christmas record. We are planning to cut a bit of wax in reply, come the BOSKONE. 'Till then — Spaceward
Hevelin Fanzines