Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 12, March 1941
Page 11
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 11 property of nullifying gravity and is gaurded by the shadow of an ultra-terrestrial. THE ROCKET, or SHANGRI-LA, or POLARIS might go for it. Creepyarn! ~~Next ish, Nov, COSMOS goes green ink! Erf! Erf. And now for some fan fun: ~~,*! I like to see these symbols--tilde, circumflex, cidilla, asterisk--in print. This is a fiendish scheme to do same! And so, Cosmosincerely," From Mt. Melleray, Victoria Ave, Colwyn Bay, N Wales, on 2 Jan 41 typt [signature] Arthur C. Clarke: "I enjoyed VoM and was flatterd to see that I had hogged so much of the British Supplement. I don't fathom Speer's remarks about me being taken in by the Ministry of Propaganda, altogether apart from the fact that there is no such Ministry. I'd love to know what the censor thinks of Ackermanese! Beauty and the Bugle make a fine cover; if it's by an amateur it's a jolly fine bit of work, and a professional could'nt grumble. ' ' Migorsh, what a time letters take to get over now! Probably the invasion will be over by the time you get this." "Greedinx, CoedS:" greeted DON B THOMPSON of 2302 U St, Lincolnebraska, in a carryover from way last Dec 15th: "The current VOICE is quite sprightly. Can't see why you didn't follow Warner's suggestion in the matter of the 'steel engraving' on the cover, though. Oh, well, there are esthetic reasons for your selection, no doubt. ' ' Leigh Brackett's ideas on 'The Intellectual Brotherhood of Pro-Scientists' necessarily put her letter at the top of the list. I'm no 'Anti-Scientist,' as you probably know;--I've been amusing Palmer for some time with my contention that he prints 'good stories, but not good science fiction;'--but I'm afraid I'm more in accord with damon k. and T. B. Yerkes than I am with Van Houton and Duncan. The much cussed and discussed 'brotherhood' seems slightly silly, to me. ' ' D. B., for Rajocz's information, is more often interpreted 'Dirty Bum,' or 'Dumb Bunny.' Anyway, I think I can perceive something mildly sarcastic in his interpretation. If I'm wrong, he is just mistaken, through lack of information, and I dumbly apologize. ' ' Have you noted the near-miraculous similarity in the misspelling of those two advocates of originality, young Gerry of Westwood, and T. B. Yerkes of La Ciudad de los (lost) Angeles? They double the same wrong letters in the same wrong places, use '-icle' for 'ical' and vice-versa. ' ' Anet FRONTIER, which you plug so nicely, the forthcoming issue will introduce a brand-new artist to the fans. Having been related to him for some 30 years, I can assure you that he knows his art. (And I don't mean the Galluper.) ' ' Lupe Amador aparece ser una Senorita de muy mucho inteligencia. And that last name of hers--how 'lovable!' ' ' VOMhemently Yours," "Kara Forecjo," skribis la bone konata angla stefano la unuan de januare de 14, Cotswold Strato, Liverpool, 7, Anglio. Lia letero, en Esperanto, sekyas: "Dankon pro via novjara karto (designita de Doreti) kaj ankaa la fotografajo, kiujn mi ricevis hodiau. Tiu ci surprizis min kiam mi gin vidis, car vi sajnas tiom simila al mi. Mi konjektas ke vi estas tre altkreska .. proksimume ses futoj da alteco, cu ne? Mi ankau. Kaj, visage, vi estas similia al mi. Kia koincido! Morojo estas tre dezirinda; sendu sin al anglujo kiel eble plej baldau per pakaj-posto. La Nvconaj vestoj ekmirigis min. Mi vidas ke vi portas la stelon Esperantan. ' ' Antau nelonge, mi rekontis Esperantiston en Liverpool nomatan S-ro Blaise, kiu povas paroli francan, belgan, germanan, tiel ankau anglan kaj Esperanton. Plue, li parolas Idon, Occidental, Idiom Neutral, (kiu estas la sama kiel Occidental, mi kredas) Volapuk, kaj kelkajn aliajn lingvojn internacianj. Instruate de li, mi progresas bone. (Bonege!) ' ' La tria eldonajo de Gargoyle estas jam enpostigita. Mi bedauras ke la presajo estas nelegebla iomparte, kaj ankau ke la kvalito de la artikoloj estas malpli bona. Tamen, mi esperas ke mi povos eldoni 'GG' pli regule en la estonto. ' ' Mi ne povas skribi ion pri la milito au la aeratakoj sur Liverpool. Efektive, guste kiam mi skribis la antauen frazon, la sirenoj sonis. Nentempe, la aeratakoj estas amase, kaj, kvankam ili igas malpli oftaj, tamen, ili estas tre egaj. Sed vi sendube legis cion pri ili en la jurnaloj usonaj. ' ' Mi devas fini tiun ci leteron nun, car estus necese ke mi iru sub la stupare, se bomboj ekfalus." (Jes, mi staras ses futojn unu colon alte, k mi samopinias, ke ni aspektas iomete similaj, precipe nia onda, altstara hararo! - Guis [M]ogon, la Gargojlon, dankon! - Morojo k mi esperas renkonti cin ce iu estonta [M]ondkongreso Esperantista. - Skribu ree. - Bonan sanan k bonan sancon! --Fojak.)
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 11 property of nullifying gravity and is gaurded by the shadow of an ultra-terrestrial. THE ROCKET, or SHANGRI-LA, or POLARIS might go for it. Creepyarn! ~~Next ish, Nov, COSMOS goes green ink! Erf! Erf. And now for some fan fun: ~~,*! I like to see these symbols--tilde, circumflex, cidilla, asterisk--in print. This is a fiendish scheme to do same! And so, Cosmosincerely," From Mt. Melleray, Victoria Ave, Colwyn Bay, N Wales, on 2 Jan 41 typt [signature] Arthur C. Clarke: "I enjoyed VoM and was flatterd to see that I had hogged so much of the British Supplement. I don't fathom Speer's remarks about me being taken in by the Ministry of Propaganda, altogether apart from the fact that there is no such Ministry. I'd love to know what the censor thinks of Ackermanese! Beauty and the Bugle make a fine cover; if it's by an amateur it's a jolly fine bit of work, and a professional could'nt grumble. ' ' Migorsh, what a time letters take to get over now! Probably the invasion will be over by the time you get this." "Greedinx, CoedS:" greeted DON B THOMPSON of 2302 U St, Lincolnebraska, in a carryover from way last Dec 15th: "The current VOICE is quite sprightly. Can't see why you didn't follow Warner's suggestion in the matter of the 'steel engraving' on the cover, though. Oh, well, there are esthetic reasons for your selection, no doubt. ' ' Leigh Brackett's ideas on 'The Intellectual Brotherhood of Pro-Scientists' necessarily put her letter at the top of the list. I'm no 'Anti-Scientist,' as you probably know;--I've been amusing Palmer for some time with my contention that he prints 'good stories, but not good science fiction;'--but I'm afraid I'm more in accord with damon k. and T. B. Yerkes than I am with Van Houton and Duncan. The much cussed and discussed 'brotherhood' seems slightly silly, to me. ' ' D. B., for Rajocz's information, is more often interpreted 'Dirty Bum,' or 'Dumb Bunny.' Anyway, I think I can perceive something mildly sarcastic in his interpretation. If I'm wrong, he is just mistaken, through lack of information, and I dumbly apologize. ' ' Have you noted the near-miraculous similarity in the misspelling of those two advocates of originality, young Gerry of Westwood, and T. B. Yerkes of La Ciudad de los (lost) Angeles? They double the same wrong letters in the same wrong places, use '-icle' for 'ical' and vice-versa. ' ' Anet FRONTIER, which you plug so nicely, the forthcoming issue will introduce a brand-new artist to the fans. Having been related to him for some 30 years, I can assure you that he knows his art. (And I don't mean the Galluper.) ' ' Lupe Amador aparece ser una Senorita de muy mucho inteligencia. And that last name of hers--how 'lovable!' ' ' VOMhemently Yours," "Kara Forecjo," skribis la bone konata angla stefano la unuan de januare de 14, Cotswold Strato, Liverpool, 7, Anglio. Lia letero, en Esperanto, sekyas: "Dankon pro via novjara karto (designita de Doreti) kaj ankaa la fotografajo, kiujn mi ricevis hodiau. Tiu ci surprizis min kiam mi gin vidis, car vi sajnas tiom simila al mi. Mi konjektas ke vi estas tre altkreska .. proksimume ses futoj da alteco, cu ne? Mi ankau. Kaj, visage, vi estas similia al mi. Kia koincido! Morojo estas tre dezirinda; sendu sin al anglujo kiel eble plej baldau per pakaj-posto. La Nvconaj vestoj ekmirigis min. Mi vidas ke vi portas la stelon Esperantan. ' ' Antau nelonge, mi rekontis Esperantiston en Liverpool nomatan S-ro Blaise, kiu povas paroli francan, belgan, germanan, tiel ankau anglan kaj Esperanton. Plue, li parolas Idon, Occidental, Idiom Neutral, (kiu estas la sama kiel Occidental, mi kredas) Volapuk, kaj kelkajn aliajn lingvojn internacianj. Instruate de li, mi progresas bone. (Bonege!) ' ' La tria eldonajo de Gargoyle estas jam enpostigita. Mi bedauras ke la presajo estas nelegebla iomparte, kaj ankau ke la kvalito de la artikoloj estas malpli bona. Tamen, mi esperas ke mi povos eldoni 'GG' pli regule en la estonto. ' ' Mi ne povas skribi ion pri la milito au la aeratakoj sur Liverpool. Efektive, guste kiam mi skribis la antauen frazon, la sirenoj sonis. Nentempe, la aeratakoj estas amase, kaj, kvankam ili igas malpli oftaj, tamen, ili estas tre egaj. Sed vi sendube legis cion pri ili en la jurnaloj usonaj. ' ' Mi devas fini tiun ci leteron nun, car estus necese ke mi iru sub la stupare, se bomboj ekfalus." (Jes, mi staras ses futojn unu colon alte, k mi samopinias, ke ni aspektas iomete similaj, precipe nia onda, altstara hararo! - Guis [M]ogon, la Gargojlon, dankon! - Morojo k mi esperas renkonti cin ce iu estonta [M]ondkongreso Esperantista. - Skribu ree. - Bonan sanan k bonan sancon! --Fojak.)
Hevelin Fanzines