Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 12, March 1941
Page 12
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12 [SIGNATURE] gripes, from 634 - 45 Ave, Franclsco, Cal: "In VOM no. 9, Page 5, I read this: 'LEIGH BRACKETT, young Angeleno Authoress of 'Beings Like These' and others . . .' UNquote. "If this refers to BEINGS LIKE THESE which appeared in January Super Science Miss Brackett didn't write it - I did. Miss Brackett has a lot of yarns spread through the field - I've read 'em all - whereas my claim to fame in 1940 rests solely on the yarn BEINGS LIKE THESE. Therefore Miss Brackett can't have it. I need it more than she does. "Moreover I'm proud that editor Pohl retained my original title, BEINGS LIKE THESE. If you didn't read the story, just let me tell you that it deals with BEINGS who are solid, three dimensional images (got anything like that in the Academy?) which images are focused to earth from another plane. These bozos, called Rogats, fix up to resemble senators, or the President of the U.S., or certain fan mag editors. Then these Rogat doubles get themselves focused to earth into the exact spot occupied by the guys they resemble. The electrons of the unfortunate humans' bodies are sent scattering and in their places - presto! - are these three-dimensional flicker beings. So one knows the difference - not even the wives and chilluns. "The reason I bring this up about the Rogats is simply to prove that I wrote the yarn. Only a Rogat could have written the yarn. I AM THAT ROGAT. Therefore, I happen to know that Miss Brackett is not a Rogat. She has not been substituted by a flicker being - yet. The head Rogat flicker being wanted to focus a substitute at Miss Brackett when he first read in Fantasy News that Miss Brackett had written BEINGS LIKE THESE, but no good looking girl flicker being was available at the time, so Miss Brackett is still her original self. "However, Fan Mag editors or co-eds who wish to stay that way will do well in the future, when mentioning BEINGS LIKE THESE, to credit it correctly. Otherwise I'll have a flicker-image focused to supplant them. We Rogats have had our triple-vision apochromatic eyes on Southern California for some time." (Hold Dat Rogatl Give us a little Leigh way. Bracky ready to murder Acky too. Twas all the fault of a false report In FANTASY News.) Off the RECORD(S). Circulating around the Imagi-nation, now are a number (half a dozen, at least; we frankly have lost count) of soundiscs with various Angelenos' voices. Comments voiced on some of these follow: LOUIS KUSLAN (Who met us at the Nycon): "As I remember your voices, the record sounded quite natural. and both Gertrude and I were immensely pleased." EARLE BARR HANSEN (Fla): "Item; first record release by the 'LASFS Players1. Idea: ideal. Execution: execrable. Favourite bit: Bradbury's thought for the day - POTpourri. Perplexity— h'come Jack Williamson sang the same tune on both sides?Sly bit - 4e's pun. Disgusting reaction: How about a chain fotograph of the Dizzy Dozen, featuring 'curvacious' Laney?" JOE GILBERT ( Deep South): "Platter arrived, and was played on a friend's record player. Yerke sounds like Kaltenborn; 4e like a radio comedian whose name I don't recall; Bradbury like nothing human, (I suspect he ain't!); Freehafer like the swell guy he is; the girls voices were lovely, and you all sounded like people I'd sure like to know." FRED'K A KUMMER JR (Md): "A good idea and a good record. Am passing it on today. Think you're starting something big in fandom. We'll want to hear recordings of the 1941 Convention, too." BOB MADLE: "I received one of your recordings yesterday — the one which is going the route in reverse. It pleased me very much to find that 1 am to receive the records — I was suffering under a delusion that you did not intend to allow the records to enter Philly. About the platter: it played very well on my machine. I especially liked the professional-like voice of Walt, altho it was great to hear all of you." "THE SAGE OF SALT CREEK". Record arrived. Slightly damaged in spots, but sounds OK." Got quite a kick out hearing all the Angels (!) especially 4e's Grandmother. Next Ish: Vomissives from--- Harry Warner Jr, Bob Tucker, Louis Kuslan, Elmer Perdue, WEMarconette, Rajocz, Carnell, Youd, Molesworth, Schumann...
12 [SIGNATURE] gripes, from 634 - 45 Ave, Franclsco, Cal: "In VOM no. 9, Page 5, I read this: 'LEIGH BRACKETT, young Angeleno Authoress of 'Beings Like These' and others . . .' UNquote. "If this refers to BEINGS LIKE THESE which appeared in January Super Science Miss Brackett didn't write it - I did. Miss Brackett has a lot of yarns spread through the field - I've read 'em all - whereas my claim to fame in 1940 rests solely on the yarn BEINGS LIKE THESE. Therefore Miss Brackett can't have it. I need it more than she does. "Moreover I'm proud that editor Pohl retained my original title, BEINGS LIKE THESE. If you didn't read the story, just let me tell you that it deals with BEINGS who are solid, three dimensional images (got anything like that in the Academy?) which images are focused to earth from another plane. These bozos, called Rogats, fix up to resemble senators, or the President of the U.S., or certain fan mag editors. Then these Rogat doubles get themselves focused to earth into the exact spot occupied by the guys they resemble. The electrons of the unfortunate humans' bodies are sent scattering and in their places - presto! - are these three-dimensional flicker beings. So one knows the difference - not even the wives and chilluns. "The reason I bring this up about the Rogats is simply to prove that I wrote the yarn. Only a Rogat could have written the yarn. I AM THAT ROGAT. Therefore, I happen to know that Miss Brackett is not a Rogat. She has not been substituted by a flicker being - yet. The head Rogat flicker being wanted to focus a substitute at Miss Brackett when he first read in Fantasy News that Miss Brackett had written BEINGS LIKE THESE, but no good looking girl flicker being was available at the time, so Miss Brackett is still her original self. "However, Fan Mag editors or co-eds who wish to stay that way will do well in the future, when mentioning BEINGS LIKE THESE, to credit it correctly. Otherwise I'll have a flicker-image focused to supplant them. We Rogats have had our triple-vision apochromatic eyes on Southern California for some time." (Hold Dat Rogatl Give us a little Leigh way. Bracky ready to murder Acky too. Twas all the fault of a false report In FANTASY News.) Off the RECORD(S). Circulating around the Imagi-nation, now are a number (half a dozen, at least; we frankly have lost count) of soundiscs with various Angelenos' voices. Comments voiced on some of these follow: LOUIS KUSLAN (Who met us at the Nycon): "As I remember your voices, the record sounded quite natural. and both Gertrude and I were immensely pleased." EARLE BARR HANSEN (Fla): "Item; first record release by the 'LASFS Players1. Idea: ideal. Execution: execrable. Favourite bit: Bradbury's thought for the day - POTpourri. Perplexity— h'come Jack Williamson sang the same tune on both sides?Sly bit - 4e's pun. Disgusting reaction: How about a chain fotograph of the Dizzy Dozen, featuring 'curvacious' Laney?" JOE GILBERT ( Deep South): "Platter arrived, and was played on a friend's record player. Yerke sounds like Kaltenborn; 4e like a radio comedian whose name I don't recall; Bradbury like nothing human, (I suspect he ain't!); Freehafer like the swell guy he is; the girls voices were lovely, and you all sounded like people I'd sure like to know." FRED'K A KUMMER JR (Md): "A good idea and a good record. Am passing it on today. Think you're starting something big in fandom. We'll want to hear recordings of the 1941 Convention, too." BOB MADLE: "I received one of your recordings yesterday — the one which is going the route in reverse. It pleased me very much to find that 1 am to receive the records — I was suffering under a delusion that you did not intend to allow the records to enter Philly. About the platter: it played very well on my machine. I especially liked the professional-like voice of Walt, altho it was great to hear all of you." "THE SAGE OF SALT CREEK". Record arrived. Slightly damaged in spots, but sounds OK." Got quite a kick out hearing all the Angels (!) especially 4e's Grandmother. Next Ish: Vomissives from--- Harry Warner Jr, Bob Tucker, Louis Kuslan, Elmer Perdue, WEMarconette, Rajocz, Carnell, Youd, Molesworth, Schumann...
Hevelin Fanzines