Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 12, March 1941
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POTPOURRI by 4e: Burroughs' first novel was written on the backs of envelopes & spare sheets of paper. Lovecraft, too, it would seem from Derleth's revelation re: the "Ward" ms., wrote all over the place. So, hoping to emulate these 2 acknowledged masters of fantastic fiction, & become famous, I am composing this column from odd scraps of paper accumulated from hither, thither & yither: notes from all the pockets of my coats & in my pants k from my address bk & (ala ERB) on the backs of envelopes & (in the manner of HPL) on the reverse side of letters (circulars: Rosicrucian, Subscribe to Esquire, Is There Life After Marriage? etc). All sorts of items intended for Fantasy Fiction Field's Spotlite and/or The Calif Mercury which I just never got around to submitting. This pg this time will serve for editorial & to introduce what is to be a regular feature: LAtest News~the happenings of the Los Angeles-Hollywood set in the several wks prior to publishing Vom. Vom is very late this ish because this baby has been burning the neon tube at cathode & anode. For the sake of the records, we'll say our job required us to work the equivalent of 6 wks during Jan, while Feb saw in the neighborhood of 90 overtime hrs put in. Now this, chums, is not our idea of living; so we had no alternative but to resign. This may mean the end of tho Litho Era of the Voice; & we have no choice but to suspend 'angeling' The Damn Thing. My English & Aussy pals will understand, I trust, if I go bust, that no more mags arrive for awhile. But, in thend, I believe it will be betr. Another Voice, already underway, ought to be in your hands within a month. After that—depends. Primarily, of course, it is of first importance to me to attend the Denvention, & this I am determined to do at all costs. Fandom First! is my motto... Am trying out a little thing with Teddy Emsheimer (our Vomultilither, who also resigned from the Academy, to have more time for his interests, several of which are learning Esperanto & fixing to attend the Denvention. Myt even publish his own fm.)— am trying out a little idea with TE & his wife, which myt turn into a Big Idea (ala Cummings). S'Called...Assorted Services, so if U noe anybody who wants some stenciling done or a party planned or to borrow a bk or be reminded when it's their favorite Aunt's birthday- just send 'em out to Calif & we'll fix 'em up! Now to give U the news: First off. some real super-stuff we should like to've run in giantype, litho'd in red; have to stencil it instead but our hearts are behind it: EARTH MAN TO MARRY MARS PRINCESS! BOY GETS BARSOOM GIRL! WALT DAUGHERTY TO WED ELEANOR 'DEJAH THORIS* O'BRIEN! DIRECTOR OF LASFS & BRIDE-TO-BE PLAN DENVENTION HONEYMOON. Now, aint that sumpin?! Hitchike to Shangri-LA; WillarDewey, stfan from Everett, Wn, was in LA one day recently, thumbing his way down to Mexico. Spent an afternoon with Bradbury, talkt with 4e on the fone. Contest Winner: Latest imagi-native to join the LASFS is J. Arlo K. Richards, 3d prize-copper in AmS' recent "Planet of Errors" contest. Watch for work by Richards (fiction, fact articles) in Astra Pubs & others. Spectra to be hekto'd. First of its kind from LA since first IMAGINATION! Specula #2 will feature a piece of Northern Cal fan fiction in "Me & the Mite", emanating from the vicinity of Berkeley. North Meets South! 4some -Sees Fearsome Film. Walt Daugherty & fiancee, Virginia Laney & Forry, recently took in together a local revival of the old Chaney opus, "Phantom of the Opera", by Gaston Leroux. 4some Has Some Food. (Gad! What won't Ackerman call 'news' next?) After fan-working at 4e's flat one recent Sunday, Walt, 'LN-or' & Morojo went out & rustled up some vitamins & the 2 gals prepared suppers for the 2 guys & themselves. Work done primarily was on dummying of the Denvention Shangri-LA which will be dedicated to an oversea's fan. References were made to 4e's pro & art collection for a novel type of illustrating for Cornell's sequel to "Art! I Choke!". 'Insiders' letter in latest Weird has brought in 2 inquiries about LASFS & 4 visitors, one fellow from Iowa & a lady from Detroit. Incidently, it no longer'11 be the Brown Rm at Clifton's. Was all set to start a Club Column called "It Hapnd in Monterey" when we moved to rm of same name; but we have left Clifton's & may go out to Exposition Pk for our meetings. Calling to your attn. "Cashing in on Fantasy" on pg 568 of Pop Mechanix for Apr. Fan pictured is LA's Own Ray Harryhausen (Hon Mem LASFS) who came to our notice when he attended a revival of "King Kong" at a theater where imagi-native Roy Test Jr was working at the time. Stills loaned by me to the theater attracted Ray to me & hence to the Club. I'm proud to be the owner, by the way, of that original of the Jupiterian Monster pic on 569. Art Joquel new Club Librarian. In this connexion, our Library needs the following mags, on which we have the following quotations & if any fan can better them, for ppd copys in good condition, contact Art at once at 1426 W 38 St, LA: AmS #1, $2.50; #2, $2; #3, $1.50; #1 Ast, $1.50. Not one mad scientist but 3 were seen in a school play concocted by T. Bruce Yerke, with cast including Yerke, Welles, Brown & Gershon. C U2 8 DENVER! 4e
POTPOURRI by 4e: Burroughs' first novel was written on the backs of envelopes & spare sheets of paper. Lovecraft, too, it would seem from Derleth's revelation re: the "Ward" ms., wrote all over the place. So, hoping to emulate these 2 acknowledged masters of fantastic fiction, & become famous, I am composing this column from odd scraps of paper accumulated from hither, thither & yither: notes from all the pockets of my coats & in my pants k from my address bk & (ala ERB) on the backs of envelopes & (in the manner of HPL) on the reverse side of letters (circulars: Rosicrucian, Subscribe to Esquire, Is There Life After Marriage? etc). All sorts of items intended for Fantasy Fiction Field's Spotlite and/or The Calif Mercury which I just never got around to submitting. This pg this time will serve for editorial & to introduce what is to be a regular feature: LAtest News~the happenings of the Los Angeles-Hollywood set in the several wks prior to publishing Vom. Vom is very late this ish because this baby has been burning the neon tube at cathode & anode. For the sake of the records, we'll say our job required us to work the equivalent of 6 wks during Jan, while Feb saw in the neighborhood of 90 overtime hrs put in. Now this, chums, is not our idea of living; so we had no alternative but to resign. This may mean the end of tho Litho Era of the Voice; & we have no choice but to suspend 'angeling' The Damn Thing. My English & Aussy pals will understand, I trust, if I go bust, that no more mags arrive for awhile. But, in thend, I believe it will be betr. Another Voice, already underway, ought to be in your hands within a month. After that—depends. Primarily, of course, it is of first importance to me to attend the Denvention, & this I am determined to do at all costs. Fandom First! is my motto... Am trying out a little thing with Teddy Emsheimer (our Vomultilither, who also resigned from the Academy, to have more time for his interests, several of which are learning Esperanto & fixing to attend the Denvention. Myt even publish his own fm.)— am trying out a little idea with TE & his wife, which myt turn into a Big Idea (ala Cummings). S'Called...Assorted Services, so if U noe anybody who wants some stenciling done or a party planned or to borrow a bk or be reminded when it's their favorite Aunt's birthday- just send 'em out to Calif & we'll fix 'em up! Now to give U the news: First off. some real super-stuff we should like to've run in giantype, litho'd in red; have to stencil it instead but our hearts are behind it: EARTH MAN TO MARRY MARS PRINCESS! BOY GETS BARSOOM GIRL! WALT DAUGHERTY TO WED ELEANOR 'DEJAH THORIS* O'BRIEN! DIRECTOR OF LASFS & BRIDE-TO-BE PLAN DENVENTION HONEYMOON. Now, aint that sumpin?! Hitchike to Shangri-LA; WillarDewey, stfan from Everett, Wn, was in LA one day recently, thumbing his way down to Mexico. Spent an afternoon with Bradbury, talkt with 4e on the fone. Contest Winner: Latest imagi-native to join the LASFS is J. Arlo K. Richards, 3d prize-copper in AmS' recent "Planet of Errors" contest. Watch for work by Richards (fiction, fact articles) in Astra Pubs & others. Spectra to be hekto'd. First of its kind from LA since first IMAGINATION! Specula #2 will feature a piece of Northern Cal fan fiction in "Me & the Mite", emanating from the vicinity of Berkeley. North Meets South! 4some -Sees Fearsome Film. Walt Daugherty & fiancee, Virginia Laney & Forry, recently took in together a local revival of the old Chaney opus, "Phantom of the Opera", by Gaston Leroux. 4some Has Some Food. (Gad! What won't Ackerman call 'news' next?) After fan-working at 4e's flat one recent Sunday, Walt, 'LN-or' & Morojo went out & rustled up some vitamins & the 2 gals prepared suppers for the 2 guys & themselves. Work done primarily was on dummying of the Denvention Shangri-LA which will be dedicated to an oversea's fan. References were made to 4e's pro & art collection for a novel type of illustrating for Cornell's sequel to "Art! I Choke!". 'Insiders' letter in latest Weird has brought in 2 inquiries about LASFS & 4 visitors, one fellow from Iowa & a lady from Detroit. Incidently, it no longer'11 be the Brown Rm at Clifton's. Was all set to start a Club Column called "It Hapnd in Monterey" when we moved to rm of same name; but we have left Clifton's & may go out to Exposition Pk for our meetings. Calling to your attn. "Cashing in on Fantasy" on pg 568 of Pop Mechanix for Apr. Fan pictured is LA's Own Ray Harryhausen (Hon Mem LASFS) who came to our notice when he attended a revival of "King Kong" at a theater where imagi-native Roy Test Jr was working at the time. Stills loaned by me to the theater attracted Ray to me & hence to the Club. I'm proud to be the owner, by the way, of that original of the Jupiterian Monster pic on 569. Art Joquel new Club Librarian. In this connexion, our Library needs the following mags, on which we have the following quotations & if any fan can better them, for ppd copys in good condition, contact Art at once at 1426 W 38 St, LA: AmS #1, $2.50; #2, $2; #3, $1.50; #1 Ast, $1.50. Not one mad scientist but 3 were seen in a school play concocted by T. Bruce Yerke, with cast including Yerke, Welles, Brown & Gershon. C U2 8 DENVER! 4e
Hevelin Fanzines