Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 10, December 1940
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THE FAN WHO CRYD "WOLF!" ENGRAVING ON THE COVER, eh? Well! Bet U won't bliev a word we say after all the recent hoseplav. Nextime, another noveltv. Early in this coeditorial we want to give credit where credit's overdue. Many of U will remember just a few mos. ago the hue & cry raised on our coed's pg about the blotchy red cover, & that that was the end onf lithograficolor asfaras The Voice was concernd. U must have wonderd when the very next no. apeard with a fancy effect in 2 colors; this one in brown; & the numerous colord adlets of VOM that're going around in various fanmags. U even may be seeing something decently in red, one these days. The explanation is: a new multilith at the Academy -- plus an operatior par xlnt for it: Ted Emsheimer! Teddy, take a bow. A prince of good-fellow, tho not a fan he is a great guy to help in the best way he can to vitalize the Voice: with litho & color. Thanx lots & lots, Ted. & not to overlook my immediate boss, Sam E Brown, who is a regular reader of science fiction, & keeps an open eye for me for anything he thinks myt be adaptable for the Voice (watch for our "Martian" ads in all the fanmags in a few mos.) MIXUPS HAPN. Heap Big Headache & fandom's latest bone of dissension has been the Newarkon (vention, -ference, -fab). We say, thankfully, has been. What fandom obviously needs is some sort of a Reuter service to spread news around more swiftly & surely. Anachronisticonfusion, but our last-minute understanding is that the entire idea of an Eastern watchamacallit is off. We believe it better so. Also, that several of those who have distinguisht themselves in the fanfield as trouble-makers have turnd pro. Prans now they will trouble us no more. A grand solution. THE DAMN THING. Have U seen Yerke's new mag? Yes, isnt it! If I may interrupt in the first person for a moment (4e) should like to set a few things strate. Now when I told TB I'd finance the DT for him, it was to be as a silent supporter. I honestly had no idea he was going to stick my name on the cover as Financer, feature an article on me & include me in editorial remarks. In some cases Bruce quoted me as saying things I never did, OK in a way because I'd told him he could make the mag just what he wanted--need not empoly Ack'ese, plug Esp, run articles by Weaver Wright or get my approval on the dummy. I've noen Bruce for a no. of yrs & like Tubby despite his brashness & tendency to be tactless. Bruce is a smart kid. So's Bradbury--always a pleasure to plug Brad. But I wander. I merely wisht to make it possible for Bruce to express himself as a publisher like most every other fan in LA. Lo, tho, he has proved a young Stankenfrein monster, insofaras he publisht a no. of things I do not approve--at my expense! Frinstance, an avowd pro-scientist, my funds finance an attack on the antiscience attack soc'v! Of corse, knight's article woud had to've apeard in the Voice otherwise, but it's rather ironical. U'll agree, however, it woud be petty of me abruptly to refuse further monetary assistance for Bruce because of the circumstances. That woud be to say: Play my way - print what I want - or U don't get the backing. The Damn Thing woud then become only an Ackerman organ. So - yes, I am the Patron Saint of the Damn Thing - but Bruce Yerkc is yed, & his views on all subjecs are not necessarily my own. Incidently, in case U've not seen this mag yet, sample copy is 10c from Bx o475. Also incidently: There still are a few (hundred) copys of MONTERS OF THE MOON left, at 25c per. From the Vom Bx, or 4e personly. THE VOICE REALLY SPEAKS. Soon circulating thruout the imagination will be a fonograf record, with your coeds greeting U, & including the voices of Bradbury, Yerke, Daugherty & others. Comments will be publisht here! Watch for 'em! MEXICAN SPITFIRE: Hot Enchilady is Lupé Amador, the señorita who works (when she isnt thinking of RoberTaylor) at the Ampas (Acad. Motion Pic. Arts & Sciences) & is always after my heart--with a knife! Lupé professes to hate science fiction & expresses her disapproval by bedeviling me at the office. She pours perfume on me, snips my hair, calls me "Rat Face" & periodicly hides my briefcase. When we had a nu-typ lithograf plate to test one day, I took a grease pencil & rote (as U see on the back of this ish) VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION, intending to blurb a bit about our superb hit, etc. When I returnd from a call to the fone, however (?saaay, I wonder if Loop arranged that?--wait'll I see her meñana), I found...well, U see for yourself. The funny part was, Looper-Dooper in her haste originly had ritten "is a one". "A-l!" I exclaimd; "y, gracias, Lupé!" Then she erased the "a". The other day, because I laft when she dropt her lipstick she came & slasht me on the neck with it. A little later, she laft when I dropt my knife... 4e (This ish publisht 24 Nov 40--4e's 24th birthday! Morojo)
THE FAN WHO CRYD "WOLF!" ENGRAVING ON THE COVER, eh? Well! Bet U won't bliev a word we say after all the recent hoseplav. Nextime, another noveltv. Early in this coeditorial we want to give credit where credit's overdue. Many of U will remember just a few mos. ago the hue & cry raised on our coed's pg about the blotchy red cover, & that that was the end onf lithograficolor asfaras The Voice was concernd. U must have wonderd when the very next no. apeard with a fancy effect in 2 colors; this one in brown; & the numerous colord adlets of VOM that're going around in various fanmags. U even may be seeing something decently in red, one these days. The explanation is: a new multilith at the Academy -- plus an operatior par xlnt for it: Ted Emsheimer! Teddy, take a bow. A prince of good-fellow, tho not a fan he is a great guy to help in the best way he can to vitalize the Voice: with litho & color. Thanx lots & lots, Ted. & not to overlook my immediate boss, Sam E Brown, who is a regular reader of science fiction, & keeps an open eye for me for anything he thinks myt be adaptable for the Voice (watch for our "Martian" ads in all the fanmags in a few mos.) MIXUPS HAPN. Heap Big Headache & fandom's latest bone of dissension has been the Newarkon (vention, -ference, -fab). We say, thankfully, has been. What fandom obviously needs is some sort of a Reuter service to spread news around more swiftly & surely. Anachronisticonfusion, but our last-minute understanding is that the entire idea of an Eastern watchamacallit is off. We believe it better so. Also, that several of those who have distinguisht themselves in the fanfield as trouble-makers have turnd pro. Prans now they will trouble us no more. A grand solution. THE DAMN THING. Have U seen Yerke's new mag? Yes, isnt it! If I may interrupt in the first person for a moment (4e) should like to set a few things strate. Now when I told TB I'd finance the DT for him, it was to be as a silent supporter. I honestly had no idea he was going to stick my name on the cover as Financer, feature an article on me & include me in editorial remarks. In some cases Bruce quoted me as saying things I never did, OK in a way because I'd told him he could make the mag just what he wanted--need not empoly Ack'ese, plug Esp, run articles by Weaver Wright or get my approval on the dummy. I've noen Bruce for a no. of yrs & like Tubby despite his brashness & tendency to be tactless. Bruce is a smart kid. So's Bradbury--always a pleasure to plug Brad. But I wander. I merely wisht to make it possible for Bruce to express himself as a publisher like most every other fan in LA. Lo, tho, he has proved a young Stankenfrein monster, insofaras he publisht a no. of things I do not approve--at my expense! Frinstance, an avowd pro-scientist, my funds finance an attack on the antiscience attack soc'v! Of corse, knight's article woud had to've apeard in the Voice otherwise, but it's rather ironical. U'll agree, however, it woud be petty of me abruptly to refuse further monetary assistance for Bruce because of the circumstances. That woud be to say: Play my way - print what I want - or U don't get the backing. The Damn Thing woud then become only an Ackerman organ. So - yes, I am the Patron Saint of the Damn Thing - but Bruce Yerkc is yed, & his views on all subjecs are not necessarily my own. Incidently, in case U've not seen this mag yet, sample copy is 10c from Bx o475. Also incidently: There still are a few (hundred) copys of MONTERS OF THE MOON left, at 25c per. From the Vom Bx, or 4e personly. THE VOICE REALLY SPEAKS. Soon circulating thruout the imagination will be a fonograf record, with your coeds greeting U, & including the voices of Bradbury, Yerke, Daugherty & others. Comments will be publisht here! Watch for 'em! MEXICAN SPITFIRE: Hot Enchilady is Lupé Amador, the señorita who works (when she isnt thinking of RoberTaylor) at the Ampas (Acad. Motion Pic. Arts & Sciences) & is always after my heart--with a knife! Lupé professes to hate science fiction & expresses her disapproval by bedeviling me at the office. She pours perfume on me, snips my hair, calls me "Rat Face" & periodicly hides my briefcase. When we had a nu-typ lithograf plate to test one day, I took a grease pencil & rote (as U see on the back of this ish) VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION, intending to blurb a bit about our superb hit, etc. When I returnd from a call to the fone, however (?saaay, I wonder if Loop arranged that?--wait'll I see her meñana), I found...well, U see for yourself. The funny part was, Looper-Dooper in her haste originly had ritten "is a one". "A-l!" I exclaimd; "y, gracias, Lupé!" Then she erased the "a". The other day, because I laft when she dropt her lipstick she came & slasht me on the neck with it. A little later, she laft when I dropt my knife... 4e (This ish publisht 24 Nov 40--4e's 24th birthday! Morojo)
Hevelin Fanzines