Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 10, December 1940
Page 6
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6 it's a steel engraving, that is, but I for one wouldn't quibble over a minor point wre you to do it.) ~~ Va con foofoo." Vol Molesworths. Head fan of Australia, home adres "Del Monte", Kangaroo Pt Rd, Sylvania, NSW, on 12 Oct sent us a hospitaletter, all set up with tildes etc ready to be run: "It seems as tho' someone has declared unofficial WAR on stefans-- first Moxon (ed IMAGINATIVE STORYS) goes down with double pneumonia; we hear Mustchin is upset in a speedboat accident; Steve Taylor (co-ed AUSTRA-FANTASY) gets diptheria; Al P Roberts gets in the way of a truck (but it is rumored Miske is responsible); and now Herr Doktor Vomoswoth is superintended by women in white. ~~ Yep - down with, of all the darn things, sugar diabetes. And now I know what Kummer men\ans by giving his spacewrecked argonauts insulin to revive 'em--I've had 30 shots at 50 down to 10 grammes per needle--and Fort! how that semi-grey stuff pumps thro\u the ticker. ~~Ye Gods et little fishes!~~ Only other treatment is a diet -- help: I'm starving. ~~ Now down to stf: Capt Future was hokay. Whatever doubts may have arisen in my nimble mind as to the rotteness of the World-Saver are now gone-- he's super!~~ Black Absolute not so hot. The TWS had a good cover (for a change) but is oddly reminiscent of the Oct 38 no. Dunno why! And it's a different "World's Fair" one at that. Didn't like West Point of Tomoro but enjoyed the Stolen Spectrum. !! Amazing seems to be definately on the up-and-up again. ~~ Last nite someone was snoring and a chap through an egg at him -- the goog! And that''s the eggsact truth--what a fowl thing to do! He crowed over it--but the guy the egg hit couldn't see the yolk--he forgot to duck~~ Science-fiction plot--no! EESmith reads the Voice and I'm taking no chances! Goway Doc! ~~ Sunday morning: Just read 'Revolt on Io' --pretty good. ~~ Futurians Bert Castellari, William Voney, Ronald B. Levy (od ZEUS) and Melville Friedlander will be in to see me today. Which reminds me--the FSS has been disbanded and the remnants formed the (Sydney) Science-Fantasy Club. I am Director; RBC Sec'y. Membership includes most of the ex-Futurians. We are still to be affiliated with the Science Fictioneers as Chapter No 9, tho! ~~ I am joining the Futuremen, too. ~~ Perhaps you don't know some news--Wog Hockley has definately started the Futurian Soc'y of Melbourne with Steve Taylor, Marshall L. McLennan and Peter McPride as members. They issue Melb. Bulletin just as the (S)SFC will issue the Bulletin soon. ~~ 6 pger with members on'y writing. I have seen proofs of the first Melbourne Bulletin and its a 4-pg hecktoed job with each melbournite writing a pg. NB~~ But more of this later ~~ As to mags, the chivoice was 100%. Say I thot you said nothing was changed. What about Gallet? Mein Gott! Ujh-huh~~ Here's the senior nurse with a spear--no, my error, a syringe full of glue--insulin, I mean~~ Groans! sugar-diabeticommentatoreador!" When Senior Nurse comes with syringe, do not cringe, do not cringe. U are one with HGWells: His life, too, on insulin doth hinge. Ted Carnell of LONDON, whose life well may hinge on something more than insulin: the proper insulation from shot % shell & bomb & gas & such other necessitys & nicetys of civilization. On the last day of Aug he aird us: "I intend to chronicle as many interesting events as possible from time to time, and mail this out whent he required 3000 odd words are finished." Unfortunately we cannot publish the 5 pgs but here are some special excerpts. Ted describes "the first air battle I had seen: ...a bunch of some twenty odd Jerry junk-ers neat up out of the sun. Before they reached us, well directed AA fire split them up into smaller groups and then our boys tore into them. ~~ Irene and I couldn't make up our minds which particular section to watch at any one time. We eventually singled out a group of five practically overhead -- they turned out to be two of our Spitfires, two Jerry fighters and a bomber. After a lot of milling around and angling for position one of our Sptifires let rip with his machineguns. The shots must have ripped away a wing of one of the Messerschmitts, for it suddenly folded up in midair and came whirling down straight for us with a terrific roar. ~~ We dived for cover, and shook with fright at the unholy row, feeling sure it was our last moment. A rush of air beat into the shelter upon us, and what was left of the Jerry skimmed the house-tops and smashed into some gardens about fifty yards away, immediately catching fire. Chunks of Jerry plane were falling like leaves all around. Meanwhile our particular Spitfire had stopped a packet from the other German fighter, and was on the way down himself. A burst of AA fire wiped that debt out, and again we had falling German metal raining down upon us." Skip to 15 Sep: "My stars and stripes,
6 it's a steel engraving, that is, but I for one wouldn't quibble over a minor point wre you to do it.) ~~ Va con foofoo." Vol Molesworths. Head fan of Australia, home adres "Del Monte", Kangaroo Pt Rd, Sylvania, NSW, on 12 Oct sent us a hospitaletter, all set up with tildes etc ready to be run: "It seems as tho' someone has declared unofficial WAR on stefans-- first Moxon (ed IMAGINATIVE STORYS) goes down with double pneumonia; we hear Mustchin is upset in a speedboat accident; Steve Taylor (co-ed AUSTRA-FANTASY) gets diptheria; Al P Roberts gets in the way of a truck (but it is rumored Miske is responsible); and now Herr Doktor Vomoswoth is superintended by women in white. ~~ Yep - down with, of all the darn things, sugar diabetes. And now I know what Kummer men\ans by giving his spacewrecked argonauts insulin to revive 'em--I've had 30 shots at 50 down to 10 grammes per needle--and Fort! how that semi-grey stuff pumps thro\u the ticker. ~~Ye Gods et little fishes!~~ Only other treatment is a diet -- help: I'm starving. ~~ Now down to stf: Capt Future was hokay. Whatever doubts may have arisen in my nimble mind as to the rotteness of the World-Saver are now gone-- he's super!~~ Black Absolute not so hot. The TWS had a good cover (for a change) but is oddly reminiscent of the Oct 38 no. Dunno why! And it's a different "World's Fair" one at that. Didn't like West Point of Tomoro but enjoyed the Stolen Spectrum. !! Amazing seems to be definately on the up-and-up again. ~~ Last nite someone was snoring and a chap through an egg at him -- the goog! And that''s the eggsact truth--what a fowl thing to do! He crowed over it--but the guy the egg hit couldn't see the yolk--he forgot to duck~~ Science-fiction plot--no! EESmith reads the Voice and I'm taking no chances! Goway Doc! ~~ Sunday morning: Just read 'Revolt on Io' --pretty good. ~~ Futurians Bert Castellari, William Voney, Ronald B. Levy (od ZEUS) and Melville Friedlander will be in to see me today. Which reminds me--the FSS has been disbanded and the remnants formed the (Sydney) Science-Fantasy Club. I am Director; RBC Sec'y. Membership includes most of the ex-Futurians. We are still to be affiliated with the Science Fictioneers as Chapter No 9, tho! ~~ I am joining the Futuremen, too. ~~ Perhaps you don't know some news--Wog Hockley has definately started the Futurian Soc'y of Melbourne with Steve Taylor, Marshall L. McLennan and Peter McPride as members. They issue Melb. Bulletin just as the (S)SFC will issue the Bulletin soon. ~~ 6 pger with members on'y writing. I have seen proofs of the first Melbourne Bulletin and its a 4-pg hecktoed job with each melbournite writing a pg. NB~~ But more of this later ~~ As to mags, the chivoice was 100%. Say I thot you said nothing was changed. What about Gallet? Mein Gott! Ujh-huh~~ Here's the senior nurse with a spear--no, my error, a syringe full of glue--insulin, I mean~~ Groans! sugar-diabeticommentatoreador!" When Senior Nurse comes with syringe, do not cringe, do not cringe. U are one with HGWells: His life, too, on insulin doth hinge. Ted Carnell of LONDON, whose life well may hinge on something more than insulin: the proper insulation from shot % shell & bomb & gas & such other necessitys & nicetys of civilization. On the last day of Aug he aird us: "I intend to chronicle as many interesting events as possible from time to time, and mail this out whent he required 3000 odd words are finished." Unfortunately we cannot publish the 5 pgs but here are some special excerpts. Ted describes "the first air battle I had seen: ...a bunch of some twenty odd Jerry junk-ers neat up out of the sun. Before they reached us, well directed AA fire split them up into smaller groups and then our boys tore into them. ~~ Irene and I couldn't make up our minds which particular section to watch at any one time. We eventually singled out a group of five practically overhead -- they turned out to be two of our Spitfires, two Jerry fighters and a bomber. After a lot of milling around and angling for position one of our Sptifires let rip with his machineguns. The shots must have ripped away a wing of one of the Messerschmitts, for it suddenly folded up in midair and came whirling down straight for us with a terrific roar. ~~ We dived for cover, and shook with fright at the unholy row, feeling sure it was our last moment. A rush of air beat into the shelter upon us, and what was left of the Jerry skimmed the house-tops and smashed into some gardens about fifty yards away, immediately catching fire. Chunks of Jerry plane were falling like leaves all around. Meanwhile our particular Spitfire had stopped a packet from the other German fighter, and was on the way down himself. A burst of AA fire wiped that debt out, and again we had falling German metal raining down upon us." Skip to 15 Sep: "My stars and stripes,
Hevelin Fanzines