Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 10, December 1940
Page 7
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 7 this is the first time I've opened this machine since the above was completed. In fact, I found it round the roller, where it was hurriedly curled up when a night raid interupted my flow of conversation. ~~ The old family is still in existence despite the terrific aerial war which has been in progress for over a week. ´´´ It's romarkable how we, and the rest of the populace, have changed over to the new order. It isn't a particularly pleasant one, you will probably realise, but we intend to stick it out come what may. ~~ City life has been considerable tangled up owing to the continued bombing of London. ´´´ I missed one day at business during the last week to get my nerves back to normal. ~~ The different districts I have been through on my way to Town have given me a comprehensive outline of the damage done to London as a whole. Its been pretty gruesome, especially on the civilians, but the place isn't in complete ruins as reports would seem to indicate. ´´´ Maybe when we start the rebuilding, London will be decently planned as a city instead of the hodge-podge of streets it now is." 2 days later. "I'm so sorry that the above was curtailed, but the Jerry night shift came over, and, as they were operating fairly near here, we thought discretion was the better part of valor, and went to earth. ~~ Working hours and conditions (as far as I am concorned), are now considerably altered. ´´´ (At work) we have installed the 'spotter' system, whereby someone keeps watch on the roof for local activity, while we work on." 18 Sep: "6.00 a.m. Had to give the above up after all, as there wasn't a lot of light to see by, and things thickened up somewaht. Also I fell asleep. Therefore, I guess this will have to do for this trip." Another pg from the Carnelletter in The Denventioneer VOM. Another letter from Ted nextime. Editor Speed Devils, rites us for the firstime from Oakland Cal, no further adres given. Norm says: "I have before me the December, '39 issue of VoM. Darn good cover, swell mimeo job, don't think much of the monopoly on the green ink. Tain't a bad mag 'tall but could stand a little improvement. Or maybe you don't agree with me, eh what? Why don't you mix a little pica type now and then among that elite? The main point though, is that your letters are too run together. Find a better methos of setting them apart. You should make each one stand out by itself. As it is, it looks to monotonous. I know that my opinion isn't worth a d--- (by a "d" we take it U mean an English pence, or 2c. How naive of us!), so you don't have to pay any attention. My advice to you is to disregard it entirely. ~~ Shangri-La is the best mag I've soen in many a month but you've got some criticism coming there too. That modern type of yours serves the same purpose as bold type in printing. It makes certain sentences and sometimes paragraphs stand out quite effectively, but when you use it completely, tch, tch! ~~ I ain't got nothin' else to write so I'll try this old gag. C E N S O R E D It worked. Took up quite a little space, too. Bye now." Another firstimer, with a signature to rival Korshak's & Miske's, informs us via one those deepurple typryteribbons a la Jack Darrow: "Having a mimeograph, a few supplies, little money, few brains (apparently) and lots and lots of amition, I have decided to enter (heaven forbid!) the mysterious precincts of fanmag publishing. ~~ I have been warned against this move by those who know. But being one of those restless souls who are never happy unless they have their fingers covered with ink, I have with one stroke burned my bridges behind me and prepared to embark on the treacherous sea of publication. ~~ In a word, then, SPECULA will make its appearance around the second week in December. Present plans call for an issue of 72 pages-small size--though this may be enlarged or diminished as circumstances warrant--and at least a bi-monthly publication schedule, though this is also subject to the whims of fate. Price--10c, 3 for 25c. ~~ This mag will contain mainly fan and amateur fiction, though there will be some departments and articles. It is dedicated to the belief that there is plenty of stf, fantasy and weird fiction written for enjoyment-- not for money. The general opinion seems to be that if a fiction story appears in a fanmag, it is only because it wasn't good enough for the pros. I regard that as a base canard, and will refute it if it takes my last breath. (Suffocation--oh, what a death!)
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 7 this is the first time I've opened this machine since the above was completed. In fact, I found it round the roller, where it was hurriedly curled up when a night raid interupted my flow of conversation. ~~ The old family is still in existence despite the terrific aerial war which has been in progress for over a week. ´´´ It's romarkable how we, and the rest of the populace, have changed over to the new order. It isn't a particularly pleasant one, you will probably realise, but we intend to stick it out come what may. ~~ City life has been considerable tangled up owing to the continued bombing of London. ´´´ I missed one day at business during the last week to get my nerves back to normal. ~~ The different districts I have been through on my way to Town have given me a comprehensive outline of the damage done to London as a whole. Its been pretty gruesome, especially on the civilians, but the place isn't in complete ruins as reports would seem to indicate. ´´´ Maybe when we start the rebuilding, London will be decently planned as a city instead of the hodge-podge of streets it now is." 2 days later. "I'm so sorry that the above was curtailed, but the Jerry night shift came over, and, as they were operating fairly near here, we thought discretion was the better part of valor, and went to earth. ~~ Working hours and conditions (as far as I am concorned), are now considerably altered. ´´´ (At work) we have installed the 'spotter' system, whereby someone keeps watch on the roof for local activity, while we work on." 18 Sep: "6.00 a.m. Had to give the above up after all, as there wasn't a lot of light to see by, and things thickened up somewaht. Also I fell asleep. Therefore, I guess this will have to do for this trip." Another pg from the Carnelletter in The Denventioneer VOM. Another letter from Ted nextime. Editor Speed Devils, rites us for the firstime from Oakland Cal, no further adres given. Norm says: "I have before me the December, '39 issue of VoM. Darn good cover, swell mimeo job, don't think much of the monopoly on the green ink. Tain't a bad mag 'tall but could stand a little improvement. Or maybe you don't agree with me, eh what? Why don't you mix a little pica type now and then among that elite? The main point though, is that your letters are too run together. Find a better methos of setting them apart. You should make each one stand out by itself. As it is, it looks to monotonous. I know that my opinion isn't worth a d--- (by a "d" we take it U mean an English pence, or 2c. How naive of us!), so you don't have to pay any attention. My advice to you is to disregard it entirely. ~~ Shangri-La is the best mag I've soen in many a month but you've got some criticism coming there too. That modern type of yours serves the same purpose as bold type in printing. It makes certain sentences and sometimes paragraphs stand out quite effectively, but when you use it completely, tch, tch! ~~ I ain't got nothin' else to write so I'll try this old gag. C E N S O R E D It worked. Took up quite a little space, too. Bye now." Another firstimer, with a signature to rival Korshak's & Miske's, informs us via one those deepurple typryteribbons a la Jack Darrow: "Having a mimeograph, a few supplies, little money, few brains (apparently) and lots and lots of amition, I have decided to enter (heaven forbid!) the mysterious precincts of fanmag publishing. ~~ I have been warned against this move by those who know. But being one of those restless souls who are never happy unless they have their fingers covered with ink, I have with one stroke burned my bridges behind me and prepared to embark on the treacherous sea of publication. ~~ In a word, then, SPECULA will make its appearance around the second week in December. Present plans call for an issue of 72 pages-small size--though this may be enlarged or diminished as circumstances warrant--and at least a bi-monthly publication schedule, though this is also subject to the whims of fate. Price--10c, 3 for 25c. ~~ This mag will contain mainly fan and amateur fiction, though there will be some departments and articles. It is dedicated to the belief that there is plenty of stf, fantasy and weird fiction written for enjoyment-- not for money. The general opinion seems to be that if a fiction story appears in a fanmag, it is only because it wasn't good enough for the pros. I regard that as a base canard, and will refute it if it takes my last breath. (Suffocation--oh, what a death!)
Hevelin Fanzines