Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 9, October 1940
Page 6
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6 of letters. So, I reckon we better lapse into our native Mid-Western. ~~So Gregor is Rothman? Am I, eventually, to find the hundreds of fans and authors whose letters and stories I have enjoyed in the past, shrunk to a few score such. each equipped with a dozen or so pseudonyms? (As the sea said upon lapping the land, "Why shore!") ~~ V. Manning's plug for PLUTO is Okay; so is PLUTO. and VOM'S elegant review of 'Gloobermory' is transcendentally quistessent! And so, with trembling tread, we approach the Scourge of the Antipodes. H-m-m-m; if a two-ton truck, (not Tony) can't stop him, there is nothing to be gained by trying to do it, myself! And from that hard-pressed out-post of fandom, the British isles, several letters; --with more between the lines than in them, seemingly Censorship is the Mother of subterfuge, perhaps. ~~Much more well worthy of comment presents itself, but this epistle expands unduly. You even have TWO letters from me, showing that you appreciate new customers. (Non-subscribers please note.--No extra charge for the plug, Co--Eds) Last but not least, the back cover, with Damon Knight's profoundly prophetic pic. ~~ Palpitatingly Yours, D.B. Thompson "from literature, Sciencse & Hobbies Club; Publishers, Pluto; Decker, Ind: "Enclosed find 60c for a renewal sub to VOM. Life would be unbearable without~~it! But oomphaticaly!) One way we have of letting our customers noe the doe they sent (sometimes it's a buck!) has been used up is to insert a slip to the effect that we are liars 'cause we claim their sub expires, when naturally they're going to renew--"rnt U"? To one of these notices J "RV" HAGGARD, the author, of San Bernardino Cal, responded: "Henceforth I considered Morojo & Ackerman as Liars. In the first place you have stated that to be the case. If you were not liars, then that statement makes you liars. ~~Realizing from this logical conclusion the status of characters, I am loath to accept the statement included in the latest voice of the Imaginaiton. ~~I am even getting to doubt that imagination has a voice. To tell you the truth, 'It ain't the way I heerd it.' In other words, if you are truthful in this respect, which of course may be doubted by your own admittance, then your Voice of the Imagination is dumb. If it has vocal chords they are omitted in transit. ~~ Yours Truly," Leslie [illegible] [Perrn?] the FuturiAnnie Oakley, shoot a letter to Morojo From 280 St Jno's PL, Bklyn NY: "it is now after the much publicized convention and we did not meet and shake hands all over again, which pains me deeply. I am terribly sorry that frederik (hubby Pohl) and I were unable to attend after all (as well) but we had planned to up until the last minute. it was one of those disgusting things which necessitated our being in some other place the saturday of that ill fated weekend. the epithets scattered scattered thickly in the atmosphere did absolutely no good and the sighs and groans of disappointment, less. however, denver it is next year and if we have to hitch-hike, we'll be there. it's a promise. ~~ from a variety of sources, including elmer perdue who spent a few days at the ivory tower, i have heard all about the convention. i hopped up and down with great glee to learn that the costumes i had made for wollheim (who got cold feet at the last moment) and lowndes wond first and second prizes. at least, that made me be there in spirit if nothing else. however, i know all about e.e. smith's speech, his daughter's description of the grey lensman's personality, pogo's evening gown, your complaint to the managements abou the absence of ladies' lounge adn all sorts of other little side notes whick make me quite up on the spirit of the thing. ~~ i am most anxious to know whether or not pogo's s.t.f magazine will continue or if it is going to be another one of those first and last issues." (Pogo joind the FAPA to put Stfette in it!) [illegible] Sophi? Russell of AUSTRALIA (no andres, no date, on the note) rote: "VOMydear, Lithographed inserts are good- ve good- but why not a lithoed cover. ~~ Here's a question for 'ee (Heh! Heh! the put will jam!) (Ouch!) What would U do if the government of USA suddenly stopped all mags from being printed? Well, something similar has happened in Australia. The Government has prohibited the importation of all American mags 'for the duration'!!! ~~Every sf mag is banned, and that aint all. We are not allowed to subscribe. ~~ So, saying we SHALL win', i'll stop right here, S'long"
6 of letters. So, I reckon we better lapse into our native Mid-Western. ~~So Gregor is Rothman? Am I, eventually, to find the hundreds of fans and authors whose letters and stories I have enjoyed in the past, shrunk to a few score such. each equipped with a dozen or so pseudonyms? (As the sea said upon lapping the land, "Why shore!") ~~ V. Manning's plug for PLUTO is Okay; so is PLUTO. and VOM'S elegant review of 'Gloobermory' is transcendentally quistessent! And so, with trembling tread, we approach the Scourge of the Antipodes. H-m-m-m; if a two-ton truck, (not Tony) can't stop him, there is nothing to be gained by trying to do it, myself! And from that hard-pressed out-post of fandom, the British isles, several letters; --with more between the lines than in them, seemingly Censorship is the Mother of subterfuge, perhaps. ~~Much more well worthy of comment presents itself, but this epistle expands unduly. You even have TWO letters from me, showing that you appreciate new customers. (Non-subscribers please note.--No extra charge for the plug, Co--Eds) Last but not least, the back cover, with Damon Knight's profoundly prophetic pic. ~~ Palpitatingly Yours, D.B. Thompson "from literature, Sciencse & Hobbies Club; Publishers, Pluto; Decker, Ind: "Enclosed find 60c for a renewal sub to VOM. Life would be unbearable without~~it! But oomphaticaly!) One way we have of letting our customers noe the doe they sent (sometimes it's a buck!) has been used up is to insert a slip to the effect that we are liars 'cause we claim their sub expires, when naturally they're going to renew--"rnt U"? To one of these notices J "RV" HAGGARD, the author, of San Bernardino Cal, responded: "Henceforth I considered Morojo & Ackerman as Liars. In the first place you have stated that to be the case. If you were not liars, then that statement makes you liars. ~~Realizing from this logical conclusion the status of characters, I am loath to accept the statement included in the latest voice of the Imaginaiton. ~~I am even getting to doubt that imagination has a voice. To tell you the truth, 'It ain't the way I heerd it.' In other words, if you are truthful in this respect, which of course may be doubted by your own admittance, then your Voice of the Imagination is dumb. If it has vocal chords they are omitted in transit. ~~ Yours Truly," Leslie [illegible] [Perrn?] the FuturiAnnie Oakley, shoot a letter to Morojo From 280 St Jno's PL, Bklyn NY: "it is now after the much publicized convention and we did not meet and shake hands all over again, which pains me deeply. I am terribly sorry that frederik (hubby Pohl) and I were unable to attend after all (as well) but we had planned to up until the last minute. it was one of those disgusting things which necessitated our being in some other place the saturday of that ill fated weekend. the epithets scattered scattered thickly in the atmosphere did absolutely no good and the sighs and groans of disappointment, less. however, denver it is next year and if we have to hitch-hike, we'll be there. it's a promise. ~~ from a variety of sources, including elmer perdue who spent a few days at the ivory tower, i have heard all about the convention. i hopped up and down with great glee to learn that the costumes i had made for wollheim (who got cold feet at the last moment) and lowndes wond first and second prizes. at least, that made me be there in spirit if nothing else. however, i know all about e.e. smith's speech, his daughter's description of the grey lensman's personality, pogo's evening gown, your complaint to the managements abou the absence of ladies' lounge adn all sorts of other little side notes whick make me quite up on the spirit of the thing. ~~ i am most anxious to know whether or not pogo's s.t.f magazine will continue or if it is going to be another one of those first and last issues." (Pogo joind the FAPA to put Stfette in it!) [illegible] Sophi? Russell of AUSTRALIA (no andres, no date, on the note) rote: "VOMydear, Lithographed inserts are good- ve good- but why not a lithoed cover. ~~ Here's a question for 'ee (Heh! Heh! the put will jam!) (Ouch!) What would U do if the government of USA suddenly stopped all mags from being printed? Well, something similar has happened in Australia. The Government has prohibited the importation of all American mags 'for the duration'!!! ~~Every sf mag is banned, and that aint all. We are not allowed to subscribe. ~~ So, saying we SHALL win', i'll stop right here, S'long"
Hevelin Fanzines