Funtasy, v. 1, issue 1, Supplement 1, 1939
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MARVEL, SCIENCE, DYNAMIC, UNKNOWN. I then found out about the British pro and fan mags., and proceeded to buy them up. Here comes the keeper. I wonder if he has read the latest issue of "Snazzy Tales", or "Astounding Tales of Wonderful Super Fantasy Science Stories"? Gosh, it is awfully hot in this padded cell, but I shall be out as soon as I finish my space-time-size machine. WHO IS NUMBER I FAN?? by Bob Tucker Jack Darrow top fan? T. Bruce Yerke top fan? Don Wollheim top fan? Sam Moskowitz top fan? James Taurasi top fan? F.J Ackerman top fan? Pish-tosh. Pfui. Pfffft. I scoff. There is only one top fan: Bob Tucker! Who is the man that originated and ably ran the only unofficial department in any professional magazine? Bob Tucker and his SPWSSTFM. During the lean years when things were tough and stories dull, the SPW kept the reader's columns more interesting than the magazine's contents. Bob Tucker drew more readers than any professional author! Who is the man that puts out the two most popular fan mags in existence? Bob Tucker! His weekly gossip-sheet is acclaimed the leader of its field; and his annual Yearbook was, until recently the only thing of its kind in the world. (An imitator just appeared.) Who gives away more fan publications than any other five fans publishing? Bob Tucker! Anyone may have a sample copy of his newssheet, "Le Zombie", by merely sending out a postcard asking for a copy. That may sound like a plug, I know, but famous fan tucker deserves it! Who is the man whose very absence at the recent N.Y.C, convention crested a furore? Bob Tucker! A round dozen letters poured in on him bewailing his non-appearance, some claiming certain events would have been vastly different had he been there! Who is the man who has been in science fiction ten years and just this summer put out a free fan magazine commemorating the anniversary? Bob Tucker! Copies may still be had for 1 1/2 cent stamp! Who is the man who has created the most entertaining, humorous, different, and regular character that has become as great an institution as the famous "Hawk Carse"? Bob Tucker! His Hoy Ping Pong, nicknamed "the Chinese Buck Rogers" was born in a 1933 professional magazine, and continues today unabated, acclaimed by all except a disgruntled fan called "Loki" as the utmost in fan humor! All in all, just who is the greatest fan today? The best liked fan? The most popular fan? The person who does most to further fandom? The bright and shining mark for all readers to shoot at? One, and one only: Bob Tucker. I vote for Bob Tucker as top fan. Bob Tucker, P.O. Box 260. Bloomington, Ill. Note: The above letter is reprinted by GOLDEN ATOM from the discussions department of "Amazing Stories" as being suitable in FUNTASY. I hope ye Ed. didn't make a bad choice or take an undue privilege! LE ZOMBIE! The other day a man dead and supposedly buried three years walked into a public library and demanded to read the latest LE ZOMBIE. "The Ghoul's Ghazette". ITs just the thing to take with you on that trip to Valhalla! Three issues for 10 cents. Box 260, Bloomington, Ill. 24
MARVEL, SCIENCE, DYNAMIC, UNKNOWN. I then found out about the British pro and fan mags., and proceeded to buy them up. Here comes the keeper. I wonder if he has read the latest issue of "Snazzy Tales", or "Astounding Tales of Wonderful Super Fantasy Science Stories"? Gosh, it is awfully hot in this padded cell, but I shall be out as soon as I finish my space-time-size machine. WHO IS NUMBER I FAN?? by Bob Tucker Jack Darrow top fan? T. Bruce Yerke top fan? Don Wollheim top fan? Sam Moskowitz top fan? James Taurasi top fan? F.J Ackerman top fan? Pish-tosh. Pfui. Pfffft. I scoff. There is only one top fan: Bob Tucker! Who is the man that originated and ably ran the only unofficial department in any professional magazine? Bob Tucker and his SPWSSTFM. During the lean years when things were tough and stories dull, the SPW kept the reader's columns more interesting than the magazine's contents. Bob Tucker drew more readers than any professional author! Who is the man that puts out the two most popular fan mags in existence? Bob Tucker! His weekly gossip-sheet is acclaimed the leader of its field; and his annual Yearbook was, until recently the only thing of its kind in the world. (An imitator just appeared.) Who gives away more fan publications than any other five fans publishing? Bob Tucker! Anyone may have a sample copy of his newssheet, "Le Zombie", by merely sending out a postcard asking for a copy. That may sound like a plug, I know, but famous fan tucker deserves it! Who is the man whose very absence at the recent N.Y.C, convention crested a furore? Bob Tucker! A round dozen letters poured in on him bewailing his non-appearance, some claiming certain events would have been vastly different had he been there! Who is the man who has been in science fiction ten years and just this summer put out a free fan magazine commemorating the anniversary? Bob Tucker! Copies may still be had for 1 1/2 cent stamp! Who is the man who has created the most entertaining, humorous, different, and regular character that has become as great an institution as the famous "Hawk Carse"? Bob Tucker! His Hoy Ping Pong, nicknamed "the Chinese Buck Rogers" was born in a 1933 professional magazine, and continues today unabated, acclaimed by all except a disgruntled fan called "Loki" as the utmost in fan humor! All in all, just who is the greatest fan today? The best liked fan? The most popular fan? The person who does most to further fandom? The bright and shining mark for all readers to shoot at? One, and one only: Bob Tucker. I vote for Bob Tucker as top fan. Bob Tucker, P.O. Box 260. Bloomington, Ill. Note: The above letter is reprinted by GOLDEN ATOM from the discussions department of "Amazing Stories" as being suitable in FUNTASY. I hope ye Ed. didn't make a bad choice or take an undue privilege! LE ZOMBIE! The other day a man dead and supposedly buried three years walked into a public library and demanded to read the latest LE ZOMBIE. "The Ghoul's Ghazette". ITs just the thing to take with you on that trip to Valhalla! Three issues for 10 cents. Box 260, Bloomington, Ill. 24
Hevelin Fanzines