Funtasy, v. 1, issue 1, Supplement 1, 1939
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FUNTASY opus offers most significant enlightment on the world of hyper-space. Gad. tho, the place has changed since the days when I served as Commisioner of Hyper-Spacial Colonization. Why Jak-27 was just a little fellow then. Many a time I have bounced him on my knee, v/hile muttering "kootchokoo* thru my chaw of the native squilgurch weed! Well, time does fly, even in hyper-space, I suppose. Another flagon of ale, Major, and another bar of "Old Lang Syne"I Cordially, Joe Kempe..... From Ray Pauley recently came this message: "Gad, sir, what a magazine FUNTASY proved to be. I cannot commend you too highly on this initial ish. Tiz without precedent you may be sure. As I remarked to Von Tucker not so long ago, he'd better watch his P's and Q's, else he'll find F leading D'J in the field like the China Clipper would a snail! (Thanks for the good wishes, Ray. Perhaps Bob would have had a chance to watch ye olde P's and Q's if more fans had been like you and sent in repeat orders, But as it was, we received so few that it was hardly worth the risk of getting out a second full sized issue.)...There's only one fault I could find in the hull darn thing and to use a bit of figurative language, God knows I've burnt the woods and sifted the ashes looking for defects. The fault I'm refer- ring to lies in the coverl Nope, I make no reference to Wally's artistic abilities; it's the subject I would speak of. Myself--I think you will concur—I would divine the amiable Pong as being a critter with a jovial and beaming countenance, having rosy cheeks and an ear-to-ear smile. But what did Wally do, well you can see, he depicted a sad-eyed, lean faced, long nosed mongrel looking affair in whose vocabulary, the word smile has no meaning! (But that's really how Pong looks, despite his rollicking nature!!! He inherits his face, you know, from that fiend of a cousin who was continually getting in Hawk Carse's soupI Don't look it up now and don't ask me to, because you know darn well I haven't those old mags.But I have eyes and ears, so that's how I know! Pong can't deny it!I jsa.) Speaking of old-timers, here's a fellow that really has a claim to fame in the matter of sfn. He's from Maine, too, and doesn't live far from our hq..Just finished reading the mag. yesterday. I wish to say that I was delighted with it. As I have just become Interested in this "Fan" business, I don't know very much about it. I have received several fan magazines and they were all Interesting, but your's was off the beaten path which made It appeal to me very much. I got a great kick out of "Tho Flight of The Busta Guttery" also "A Fan Goes to Hyper-Space." Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Eddie Smart. (Eddie further states that he started reading sfn. in 1926-27 and at one time had quite a collection. He is now making a comeback. We're expecting big things of him....) Notice, too, how the State of Maine Is perking up in sfn! There are now as a good a percentage of active and semi-active fans as in most any other state. Just wait till we got together!!! It may not be long at that.............. That was by no means all the nice and otherwise letters that TIZZIE received, but it's all we have room for In this supplement. We'd have a larger letter section if humanly possible, because we honestly believe that they are the life of any mag, whether pro or fan. But space being what it is, a few will have to be omitted.... A brief concensus of the first issue shows that the PHUNTASY PHIZ QUIZ leads all other departments and stories in popularity, followed closely by Bob Tucker's serial and Sullivan's short-short. The MSS Investigation was a dismal flop, we're sorry to say! ***
FUNTASY opus offers most significant enlightment on the world of hyper-space. Gad. tho, the place has changed since the days when I served as Commisioner of Hyper-Spacial Colonization. Why Jak-27 was just a little fellow then. Many a time I have bounced him on my knee, v/hile muttering "kootchokoo* thru my chaw of the native squilgurch weed! Well, time does fly, even in hyper-space, I suppose. Another flagon of ale, Major, and another bar of "Old Lang Syne"I Cordially, Joe Kempe..... From Ray Pauley recently came this message: "Gad, sir, what a magazine FUNTASY proved to be. I cannot commend you too highly on this initial ish. Tiz without precedent you may be sure. As I remarked to Von Tucker not so long ago, he'd better watch his P's and Q's, else he'll find F leading D'J in the field like the China Clipper would a snail! (Thanks for the good wishes, Ray. Perhaps Bob would have had a chance to watch ye olde P's and Q's if more fans had been like you and sent in repeat orders, But as it was, we received so few that it was hardly worth the risk of getting out a second full sized issue.)...There's only one fault I could find in the hull darn thing and to use a bit of figurative language, God knows I've burnt the woods and sifted the ashes looking for defects. The fault I'm refer- ring to lies in the coverl Nope, I make no reference to Wally's artistic abilities; it's the subject I would speak of. Myself--I think you will concur—I would divine the amiable Pong as being a critter with a jovial and beaming countenance, having rosy cheeks and an ear-to-ear smile. But what did Wally do, well you can see, he depicted a sad-eyed, lean faced, long nosed mongrel looking affair in whose vocabulary, the word smile has no meaning! (But that's really how Pong looks, despite his rollicking nature!!! He inherits his face, you know, from that fiend of a cousin who was continually getting in Hawk Carse's soupI Don't look it up now and don't ask me to, because you know darn well I haven't those old mags.But I have eyes and ears, so that's how I know! Pong can't deny it!I jsa.) Speaking of old-timers, here's a fellow that really has a claim to fame in the matter of sfn. He's from Maine, too, and doesn't live far from our hq..Just finished reading the mag. yesterday. I wish to say that I was delighted with it. As I have just become Interested in this "Fan" business, I don't know very much about it. I have received several fan magazines and they were all Interesting, but your's was off the beaten path which made It appeal to me very much. I got a great kick out of "Tho Flight of The Busta Guttery" also "A Fan Goes to Hyper-Space." Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Eddie Smart. (Eddie further states that he started reading sfn. in 1926-27 and at one time had quite a collection. He is now making a comeback. We're expecting big things of him....) Notice, too, how the State of Maine Is perking up in sfn! There are now as a good a percentage of active and semi-active fans as in most any other state. Just wait till we got together!!! It may not be long at that.............. That was by no means all the nice and otherwise letters that TIZZIE received, but it's all we have room for In this supplement. We'd have a larger letter section if humanly possible, because we honestly believe that they are the life of any mag, whether pro or fan. But space being what it is, a few will have to be omitted.... A brief concensus of the first issue shows that the PHUNTASY PHIZ QUIZ leads all other departments and stories in popularity, followed closely by Bob Tucker's serial and Sullivan's short-short. The MSS Investigation was a dismal flop, we're sorry to say! ***
Hevelin Fanzines