Spaceways, v. 3, issue 4, May 1941
Page 11
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SPACEWAYS 11 THE END OF PENNYWHISTLE with slogans such as "Beware the Belligerent Buttock!" and other even less susceptible of repetition. The susceptibility of the Thickerwhichet-on-the-Singlebottomian populace was such that popular sentiment at once followed the lead of young Upperthrottle and his band of ruffians, and hilariously entered into the campaign of ridicule. Having somehow discovered the whereabouts of Pennywhistle, Upperthrottle ' s group, followed by crowds of other amusement-seekers, swarmed down on the place, just as Mortimer was about to be removed for transportation to Antarctica. Here, by various stratagems, and by the sheer weight of their numbers, theyheld up the take-off for a full day, at the end of which time, of course, uncounted damage was being done in cities within twenty miles of Mortimer. And then--just as Mortimer's plane, shaking off the crowd, who were trying to paint obscene pictures on it, was at last taking off--word came that final, devastating blow had been struck. The fearful emanations from Mortimer Pennywhistle's trousers seat had induced similar radiations in at least ten other posteriors, in a radius of twenty miles! The government did what could be done; as quickly as possible it isolated the newly-infected centers of radiation and packed them off to the Poles, but the contagion was spreading with ever-increasing rapidity. As soon as ten of the infected persons were removed, another ten fell victims. Supplies of brooms and ratchet handles were crumbling on all sides; rapidly panic swept the land. In another single week the remaining, salvaged supplies had been completely exhausted by the wheels of industry. Slowly, one by one, the great factories were shut down. Manufacturers frantically made more, only to find the radiations were no so widespread that nowhere could they be kept in safety, once made! It was the beginning of the end. When the last broom, the last ratchet handle, was used up, our civilization, built up and dependent upon these precious commodities, collapsed like a house of cards. Chaos reigned. Now, out of the shattered wreckage of the old civilization, a few are beginning to build up the beginnings of a new, saner one; a civilization based on radio tubes and floorpaint. But it will be long ere we reach the level we once attained; decades until our commerce reaches, as it once did, to the furthermost limits of the earth; decades until we learn the fate of him who innocently brought the world crashing down. For what has become of my friend, Mortimer Pennywhistle? Has he already perished in the cold Antarctic wastes? Or does he live on, his strange emanations reaching farther and yet farther out until, perhaps, they bring doom to some other inhabited planet? I wonder. L'APRES-MIDI D'UN FAN (conclude from page 7) ly be the most prolific fan writer, since a bulk of the first two's credit are in the form of letters to promags since 'way back when. Tucker has filled in even three cards, and Lowndes 2 1-2, with Moskowitz just starting his third, and Warner making two even. Some 25 other fans have managed to fill one or more cards. This checkup about wound up the evening's festivities, and with a promise of reserved seat with the Swishers for Fantasia, yhos switched on the mighty Beregenholms, and started the forty-mile trek back to "Hidden House" in the wilds of Bryantville. If the word "expired is to be found in the space to the left, it signifies that your subscription to Spaceways runs out with the issue. No more Spaceways until you renew, then; why not attend to it now, before it slips your mind? Back issues sell out at times, and if you put if off there's liable to be a gap in your files you'll have trouble replacing. Let's hear from you soon. It's most economical to send 25c for three issues.
SPACEWAYS 11 THE END OF PENNYWHISTLE with slogans such as "Beware the Belligerent Buttock!" and other even less susceptible of repetition. The susceptibility of the Thickerwhichet-on-the-Singlebottomian populace was such that popular sentiment at once followed the lead of young Upperthrottle and his band of ruffians, and hilariously entered into the campaign of ridicule. Having somehow discovered the whereabouts of Pennywhistle, Upperthrottle ' s group, followed by crowds of other amusement-seekers, swarmed down on the place, just as Mortimer was about to be removed for transportation to Antarctica. Here, by various stratagems, and by the sheer weight of their numbers, theyheld up the take-off for a full day, at the end of which time, of course, uncounted damage was being done in cities within twenty miles of Mortimer. And then--just as Mortimer's plane, shaking off the crowd, who were trying to paint obscene pictures on it, was at last taking off--word came that final, devastating blow had been struck. The fearful emanations from Mortimer Pennywhistle's trousers seat had induced similar radiations in at least ten other posteriors, in a radius of twenty miles! The government did what could be done; as quickly as possible it isolated the newly-infected centers of radiation and packed them off to the Poles, but the contagion was spreading with ever-increasing rapidity. As soon as ten of the infected persons were removed, another ten fell victims. Supplies of brooms and ratchet handles were crumbling on all sides; rapidly panic swept the land. In another single week the remaining, salvaged supplies had been completely exhausted by the wheels of industry. Slowly, one by one, the great factories were shut down. Manufacturers frantically made more, only to find the radiations were no so widespread that nowhere could they be kept in safety, once made! It was the beginning of the end. When the last broom, the last ratchet handle, was used up, our civilization, built up and dependent upon these precious commodities, collapsed like a house of cards. Chaos reigned. Now, out of the shattered wreckage of the old civilization, a few are beginning to build up the beginnings of a new, saner one; a civilization based on radio tubes and floorpaint. But it will be long ere we reach the level we once attained; decades until our commerce reaches, as it once did, to the furthermost limits of the earth; decades until we learn the fate of him who innocently brought the world crashing down. For what has become of my friend, Mortimer Pennywhistle? Has he already perished in the cold Antarctic wastes? Or does he live on, his strange emanations reaching farther and yet farther out until, perhaps, they bring doom to some other inhabited planet? I wonder. L'APRES-MIDI D'UN FAN (conclude from page 7) ly be the most prolific fan writer, since a bulk of the first two's credit are in the form of letters to promags since 'way back when. Tucker has filled in even three cards, and Lowndes 2 1-2, with Moskowitz just starting his third, and Warner making two even. Some 25 other fans have managed to fill one or more cards. This checkup about wound up the evening's festivities, and with a promise of reserved seat with the Swishers for Fantasia, yhos switched on the mighty Beregenholms, and started the forty-mile trek back to "Hidden House" in the wilds of Bryantville. If the word "expired is to be found in the space to the left, it signifies that your subscription to Spaceways runs out with the issue. No more Spaceways until you renew, then; why not attend to it now, before it slips your mind? Back issues sell out at times, and if you put if off there's liable to be a gap in your files you'll have trouble replacing. Let's hear from you soon. It's most economical to send 25c for three issues.
Hevelin Fanzines