Spaceways, v. 3, issue 4, May 1941
Page 23
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SPACEWAYS 23 THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE quite all of it, but that's only to be expected.'''''Farsaci's comments inspire me to say that too many people took Miske too seriously for their own or Miske's good. I liked "Stardust" very well, but it was as often amusing as otherwise. '''''.....A curious thing about the results of the poll on favorite stories is that, since ASF and Unk are such outstanding favorites of the fans, and are read by all or nearly all of them, while none of the other magazines are read by anywhere near such a high percentage, a good story in another mag, even if it were the best of the year, in the opinion of the fans who read it, would not have much chance to rate high, simply because few would see it. (The world's worst omnibus sentence.) As it happens, I read practically every story of the year, except those appearing in the general magazines, and in some issues of Weird and Unk. Oh yes, I missed Marvel and part of Hornig's mags. In my case, at least, reading all these other mags did not affect my selection of 5 stories from ASF; but, I had been selecting 10, Planet and Astounding would have made it, and perhaps TWS. Sylvester Brown, Jr. squeals: Acewayssay amecay esterdayyah andyay isyay itequay ayay oodgay issueyay. Iyay ikelay ethay utcay orfay "Acewayssay" onyay ethay overcay. Overcay OKYAY.....Eaconbay Ighlay--7. Atherray eakway evenyay orfay ayay arterstay, utbay Iyay opehay ityay illway improveyay. Anywayay Iyay inkthay Ardust' ssay astlay issueay ANKSTAY!!!.....Iyay agreeyay ithway Ightwray andyay ivegay imhay ayay 8. Oyay, Iyay ootay amyay inyay Omtay's assclay inyay atthay Iyay amyay ayay omparativelycay ewnay eaderray ofyay stfay.....Arsacifay's ideasyay areyay oremay oryay esslay atwhay Iyay inkthay onyay ethay attermay. (But to damn the deluge, we hereby announce that no more trick letters will be published in this column. We know the things voice of the Imagi-Nation had to endure when they started it, and we'll take no chances! HW) W. Lawrence Hamling eulogizes: Honestly, you could have pushed me to the Noon on a feather when I received the shocking news that Earl Singleton had died via the self-dispatching route. Had anyone told me a day before I learned it, that Earl Singleton would kill himself, I'd have called him a liar, a dunce and a (quite appropriately) goddamned fool.'''''Earl Singleton was not, at least to me, the suicide type. I know, because I knew him. For as little a while as it might have been.'''''Earl was a dynamic individual of tremendous energies. He had a remarkable mental capacity and his future was a bright one. Any grad of M. I. T. rarely has to break his neck looking for success. You can't graduate from M. I. T. unless you've got the right stuff. Earl had it.'''''Of course, like all of us, he had his faults, of which we shall not speak here in respect to his eternal silence. Earl and I founded a little in Fanfare, as you no doubt know, but neither of us really meant anything by it.'''''At the Chicon, my most memorable moments were spent in the company of Earl, Doc Smith, and Miske. The four of us sat and talked for hours in the hotel lobby. We discussed everything from Buck Rogers to Einstein (not to mention the plot of Doc's forthcoming novel). yes, I can truthfully say that my most memorable reminiscences of the Chicon must inevitably include Earl Singleton. I would appreciate it, Harry, if you would include in the nest Readers Always Write in S, my personal tribute to his memory. Harry Schmarje pens: Pohl's article: from the title I thought it would be swell--however, it's a disappointment. I'll give it 8.'''''Tucker's piece is marvelous--10. Notice how, I give 10 points only to excellent articles. In other words, Tucker is terrific.'''''Palmer is printing stuff better than the classics.'''''Walt Sullivan's bit is OK--7. Don't get me wrong--remember his sensational 'diary' series.'''''.....Purposely I have left "Beacon Light" for last. This Mark Reinsberg--who calls himself the S F Cynic--is sensational.''''' Maybe it's Wollheim or Lowndes.'''''My deepest respect in memory of a fan whom we all admired.'''''The lettering on the cover is too fancy. come to think of it, Miske did stink at times.....Notice to fans: during the past year there has grown a powerful voice from the Midwest. Watch out. I am that Voice.....'''''I demand the return of Hamling to fnadom. Fanfare was merely kidding him.
SPACEWAYS 23 THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE quite all of it, but that's only to be expected.'''''Farsaci's comments inspire me to say that too many people took Miske too seriously for their own or Miske's good. I liked "Stardust" very well, but it was as often amusing as otherwise. '''''.....A curious thing about the results of the poll on favorite stories is that, since ASF and Unk are such outstanding favorites of the fans, and are read by all or nearly all of them, while none of the other magazines are read by anywhere near such a high percentage, a good story in another mag, even if it were the best of the year, in the opinion of the fans who read it, would not have much chance to rate high, simply because few would see it. (The world's worst omnibus sentence.) As it happens, I read practically every story of the year, except those appearing in the general magazines, and in some issues of Weird and Unk. Oh yes, I missed Marvel and part of Hornig's mags. In my case, at least, reading all these other mags did not affect my selection of 5 stories from ASF; but, I had been selecting 10, Planet and Astounding would have made it, and perhaps TWS. Sylvester Brown, Jr. squeals: Acewayssay amecay esterdayyah andyay isyay itequay ayay oodgay issueyay. Iyay ikelay ethay utcay orfay "Acewayssay" onyay ethay overcay. Overcay OKYAY.....Eaconbay Ighlay--7. Atherray eakway evenyay orfay ayay arterstay, utbay Iyay opehay ityay illway improveyay. Anywayay Iyay inkthay Ardust' ssay astlay issueay ANKSTAY!!!.....Iyay agreeyay ithway Ightwray andyay ivegay imhay ayay 8. Oyay, Iyay ootay amyay inyay Omtay's assclay inyay atthay Iyay amyay ayay omparativelycay ewnay eaderray ofyay stfay.....Arsacifay's ideasyay areyay oremay oryay esslay atwhay Iyay inkthay onyay ethay attermay. (But to damn the deluge, we hereby announce that no more trick letters will be published in this column. We know the things voice of the Imagi-Nation had to endure when they started it, and we'll take no chances! HW) W. Lawrence Hamling eulogizes: Honestly, you could have pushed me to the Noon on a feather when I received the shocking news that Earl Singleton had died via the self-dispatching route. Had anyone told me a day before I learned it, that Earl Singleton would kill himself, I'd have called him a liar, a dunce and a (quite appropriately) goddamned fool.'''''Earl Singleton was not, at least to me, the suicide type. I know, because I knew him. For as little a while as it might have been.'''''Earl was a dynamic individual of tremendous energies. He had a remarkable mental capacity and his future was a bright one. Any grad of M. I. T. rarely has to break his neck looking for success. You can't graduate from M. I. T. unless you've got the right stuff. Earl had it.'''''Of course, like all of us, he had his faults, of which we shall not speak here in respect to his eternal silence. Earl and I founded a little in Fanfare, as you no doubt know, but neither of us really meant anything by it.'''''At the Chicon, my most memorable moments were spent in the company of Earl, Doc Smith, and Miske. The four of us sat and talked for hours in the hotel lobby. We discussed everything from Buck Rogers to Einstein (not to mention the plot of Doc's forthcoming novel). yes, I can truthfully say that my most memorable reminiscences of the Chicon must inevitably include Earl Singleton. I would appreciate it, Harry, if you would include in the nest Readers Always Write in S, my personal tribute to his memory. Harry Schmarje pens: Pohl's article: from the title I thought it would be swell--however, it's a disappointment. I'll give it 8.'''''Tucker's piece is marvelous--10. Notice how, I give 10 points only to excellent articles. In other words, Tucker is terrific.'''''Palmer is printing stuff better than the classics.'''''Walt Sullivan's bit is OK--7. Don't get me wrong--remember his sensational 'diary' series.'''''.....Purposely I have left "Beacon Light" for last. This Mark Reinsberg--who calls himself the S F Cynic--is sensational.''''' Maybe it's Wollheim or Lowndes.'''''My deepest respect in memory of a fan whom we all admired.'''''The lettering on the cover is too fancy. come to think of it, Miske did stink at times.....Notice to fans: during the past year there has grown a powerful voice from the Midwest. Watch out. I am that Voice.....'''''I demand the return of Hamling to fnadom. Fanfare was merely kidding him.
Hevelin Fanzines