Planeteer Magazine, v. 2, isssue 1, March 1939
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ADVERTISEMENT STREET & SMITH PUBLICATIONS, INC ANNOUNCES UNKNOWN On February 10, 1939, Street & Smith will release UNKNOWN, the new companion magazine to ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION. It will be the most important event in the past six years of science-fiction's history. I, as a fantasy fan of long standing, in all sincerity assure you that no magazine ever published anywhere has offered the type and quality of material consistently that UNKNOWN is to publish. Physically, UNKNOWN will be a 160 page, 20 {Alt 0162} monthly magazine with trimmed edges, resembling ASTOUNDING. Internally, it will resemble ASTOUNDING only in one respect; the quality of its material. ASTOUNDING is today the acknowledged leader among science-fiction magazines; after February 10th UNKNOWN will open an utterly new field of fiction, and lead that field in the same way. UNKNOWN's material is so different in quality and type from any previous offering that there is no term now developed that can adequately describe it. It is fantasy, and more than fantasy; its variety of manner and handling will put it entirely beyond present classifications. Its own contents alone can serve as definition -- a 90,000 word definition of a totally new type of imaginative magazine. Eric Frank Russell's great 50,000 word novel SINISTER BARRIER appears complete in the first issue, a great story no science-fiction reader can afford to miss, for it will set a pace a dozen years of effort will not surpass. It will be a classic as long remembered as Merritt's "Moon Pool" or E. E. Smith's "Skylark" stories. It is my personal promise that no magazine of the past half-dozen years has approached in value and importance this Vol. 1 No. 1 issue of Street & Smith's UNKNOWN. John W. Campbell, Jr. Editor. Paid Advertisement
ADVERTISEMENT STREET & SMITH PUBLICATIONS, INC ANNOUNCES UNKNOWN On February 10, 1939, Street & Smith will release UNKNOWN, the new companion magazine to ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION. It will be the most important event in the past six years of science-fiction's history. I, as a fantasy fan of long standing, in all sincerity assure you that no magazine ever published anywhere has offered the type and quality of material consistently that UNKNOWN is to publish. Physically, UNKNOWN will be a 160 page, 20 {Alt 0162} monthly magazine with trimmed edges, resembling ASTOUNDING. Internally, it will resemble ASTOUNDING only in one respect; the quality of its material. ASTOUNDING is today the acknowledged leader among science-fiction magazines; after February 10th UNKNOWN will open an utterly new field of fiction, and lead that field in the same way. UNKNOWN's material is so different in quality and type from any previous offering that there is no term now developed that can adequately describe it. It is fantasy, and more than fantasy; its variety of manner and handling will put it entirely beyond present classifications. Its own contents alone can serve as definition -- a 90,000 word definition of a totally new type of imaginative magazine. Eric Frank Russell's great 50,000 word novel SINISTER BARRIER appears complete in the first issue, a great story no science-fiction reader can afford to miss, for it will set a pace a dozen years of effort will not surpass. It will be a classic as long remembered as Merritt's "Moon Pool" or E. E. Smith's "Skylark" stories. It is my personal promise that no magazine of the past half-dozen years has approached in value and importance this Vol. 1 No. 1 issue of Street & Smith's UNKNOWN. John W. Campbell, Jr. Editor. Paid Advertisement
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