Planeteer Magazine, v. 2, isssue 1, March 1939
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A Cosmic Publication The PLANETEER MAGAZINE TEN CENTS A COPY VOLUME TWO -o- MATCH 1939 -o- NUMBER ONE CONTENTS THE PLANETEER YARN "It Happened In Space", by James V. Taurasi...PAGE (4) THRILLING STF STORIES "The Dreamer" by Gertrude Kuslan ... PAGE (9) "He of The Xandy" by Walter E. Marconette (Illustrated by Walter E. Marconette) ... PAGE (10) "Crack-Up Rocky" by John Giunta (Illustrated by John Giunta)... PAGE (14) "The Coming Of Ornoo" by Dale Hart (Illustrated by James V. Taurasi) ... PAGE (17) ARTICLES "Smallest Thing" by Marie Racic ... PAGE (24) EDITORIAL by The Editor: This issue brings back to the fan world that likeable character, THE PLANETEER. Tho, we are quite late in finishing this issue, we know that you will not mind, once you read the dandy yarns in this issue. WE have some sad news for you. We find it impossible to continue a magazine of this size due to the work necessary on our sister magazine, or should I say Newspaper, FANTASY-NEWS, SO WE ARE DOING THE NEXT BEST THING, WE ARE GOING TO PUBLISH "THE PLANETEER MAGAZNIE" as a supplement to FANTASY-NEWS, and issue it FREE to all supscribers of that paper. We'll publish one Planeteer yarn and one other story in each issue of the coming PLANETEER MAGAZINE. It'll only be 10 pages, but 10 pages of enjoyment. Look for future issues of THE PLANETEER with FANTASY-NEWS. Your letters commenting this issue will be appreciated. -- THE EDITOR. THIS MAGZINE IS PUBLISHED AT: 137-07 32nd Av. - Flushing, N.Y.
A Cosmic Publication The PLANETEER MAGAZINE TEN CENTS A COPY VOLUME TWO -o- MATCH 1939 -o- NUMBER ONE CONTENTS THE PLANETEER YARN "It Happened In Space", by James V. Taurasi...PAGE (4) THRILLING STF STORIES "The Dreamer" by Gertrude Kuslan ... PAGE (9) "He of The Xandy" by Walter E. Marconette (Illustrated by Walter E. Marconette) ... PAGE (10) "Crack-Up Rocky" by John Giunta (Illustrated by John Giunta)... PAGE (14) "The Coming Of Ornoo" by Dale Hart (Illustrated by James V. Taurasi) ... PAGE (17) ARTICLES "Smallest Thing" by Marie Racic ... PAGE (24) EDITORIAL by The Editor: This issue brings back to the fan world that likeable character, THE PLANETEER. Tho, we are quite late in finishing this issue, we know that you will not mind, once you read the dandy yarns in this issue. WE have some sad news for you. We find it impossible to continue a magazine of this size due to the work necessary on our sister magazine, or should I say Newspaper, FANTASY-NEWS, SO WE ARE DOING THE NEXT BEST THING, WE ARE GOING TO PUBLISH "THE PLANETEER MAGAZNIE" as a supplement to FANTASY-NEWS, and issue it FREE to all supscribers of that paper. We'll publish one Planeteer yarn and one other story in each issue of the coming PLANETEER MAGAZINE. It'll only be 10 pages, but 10 pages of enjoyment. Look for future issues of THE PLANETEER with FANTASY-NEWS. Your letters commenting this issue will be appreciated. -- THE EDITOR. THIS MAGZINE IS PUBLISHED AT: 137-07 32nd Av. - Flushing, N.Y.
Hevelin Fanzines