Planeteer Magazine, v. 2, isssue 1, March 1939
Page 6
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along a few heat rays. We're going to arm those people aboard that space liner and give them a chance to get rid of those pirates." "And what about us, we're no angels ourselves?" put in The Asteroid. "We'll worry about that when we come to it. Come on get to work." It was a hard job to get their ship on the other side of the liner from the pirate's ship without being see, but The Planeteer did it. He tied up alongside and in space suits he went aboard the liner, The Asteroid following him, with the guns. Once aboard they took off their space suits and followed the passageway to the dining room, where as The Planeteer expected, the passengers were all lined up with hard faced men keeping them there at the point of ray guns. It was easy work for The Planeteer and The Asteroid to shoot down the three men who were guarding the passengers and then he turned to the passengers and members of the crew whom he had just freed. "Listen all of you!" said The Planeteer, "You know who I am, I'm making no bone of the fact. I want the gold aboard this ship and that's all. I'm going to give you guns to fight the pirates and I'll help you fight them, but before I leave I'm taking the gold with me. Get it?" "This is no time to worry about gold," stated one of the ship's officers, "give us those guns and lets get rid of those pirates, then we'll talk about the gold. I don't want to see our passengers taken by the crooks, I've heard of what happens to them." "OK," answered The Planeteer "pass out those guns. And you," he said turning to ten or so women, "get in the back of the ship, out of harms way." "We will like fun," spoke up a young thing. "One of those beasts slapped my face and I want to get even. Give me one of those guns and let me fight too." The Planeteer smiled and spoke to The Asteroid and two of the ship's men, "Get those women in the rear of the ship, before they turn this ship into a mad house." "Ok, boss," answered The Asteroid, "Come on girly, in the back room with you. And no back talk!" The Planeteer and the men ran to the control room, where the pirates were busy transporting the gold. The gold had come aboard in large boxes, but had been put into a special safe in the control room, once the liner had safely left the earth behind. The pirates were using a small airlock in the control room, and except for those that had been keeping the passengers in order, were all at work removing the gold. So interested were they in the gold that they had layed their guns aside, thus The Planeteer, with the passengers and crew, burst into the room, they didn't have a chance. Before they knew what had happened, they were lying dead on the floor. But one pirate coming thru the airlock, saw what was going on and gave the warning thru his helmet radio. He was killed a moment later, but the damage had been done. The pirate ship broke away from the liner and drew out in space only to come back a moment later, its forwrd guns wide open. "Quick," shouted The Planeteer to The Asteroid, "In our ship and after them." Together, the two men, ran
along a few heat rays. We're going to arm those people aboard that space liner and give them a chance to get rid of those pirates." "And what about us, we're no angels ourselves?" put in The Asteroid. "We'll worry about that when we come to it. Come on get to work." It was a hard job to get their ship on the other side of the liner from the pirate's ship without being see, but The Planeteer did it. He tied up alongside and in space suits he went aboard the liner, The Asteroid following him, with the guns. Once aboard they took off their space suits and followed the passageway to the dining room, where as The Planeteer expected, the passengers were all lined up with hard faced men keeping them there at the point of ray guns. It was easy work for The Planeteer and The Asteroid to shoot down the three men who were guarding the passengers and then he turned to the passengers and members of the crew whom he had just freed. "Listen all of you!" said The Planeteer, "You know who I am, I'm making no bone of the fact. I want the gold aboard this ship and that's all. I'm going to give you guns to fight the pirates and I'll help you fight them, but before I leave I'm taking the gold with me. Get it?" "This is no time to worry about gold," stated one of the ship's officers, "give us those guns and lets get rid of those pirates, then we'll talk about the gold. I don't want to see our passengers taken by the crooks, I've heard of what happens to them." "OK," answered The Planeteer "pass out those guns. And you," he said turning to ten or so women, "get in the back of the ship, out of harms way." "We will like fun," spoke up a young thing. "One of those beasts slapped my face and I want to get even. Give me one of those guns and let me fight too." The Planeteer smiled and spoke to The Asteroid and two of the ship's men, "Get those women in the rear of the ship, before they turn this ship into a mad house." "Ok, boss," answered The Asteroid, "Come on girly, in the back room with you. And no back talk!" The Planeteer and the men ran to the control room, where the pirates were busy transporting the gold. The gold had come aboard in large boxes, but had been put into a special safe in the control room, once the liner had safely left the earth behind. The pirates were using a small airlock in the control room, and except for those that had been keeping the passengers in order, were all at work removing the gold. So interested were they in the gold that they had layed their guns aside, thus The Planeteer, with the passengers and crew, burst into the room, they didn't have a chance. Before they knew what had happened, they were lying dead on the floor. But one pirate coming thru the airlock, saw what was going on and gave the warning thru his helmet radio. He was killed a moment later, but the damage had been done. The pirate ship broke away from the liner and drew out in space only to come back a moment later, its forwrd guns wide open. "Quick," shouted The Planeteer to The Asteroid, "In our ship and after them." Together, the two men, ran
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