Planeteer Magazine, v. 2, isssue 1, March 1939
Page 16
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to be buffeted to the ground by the howling wind. He cursed feebly, his spirits not daunted as he fought to survive where only death was meted out. Even if he was able to struggle to his feet, he would never be able to reach the city even if he were well fed and not wounded. Burning, firy pain shooting through his whole body, his leg swelling as the fine, pumice trickled through the rent suit, he finally slumped into unconsciousness, maybe never to come out of it. But, fate and lady luck met and intervened as two figures appeared through the whirling sand, approached Rocky's unconscious form and stooped to pick him up. One of them spoke as he helped lift the unconscious weight. "It's a good thing we were passing by here and happened to see him in out televisor screen. Well, anyway he's saved and we have have a long hike to our ship." "Yeah! answered his companion. And so, they carried Rocky away from an experience he would never forget. Their stooped forms, weighted down by his body, vanished in the swirling sand obscuring them from sight. ***FINIS*** IT'S A COSMIC PUBLICATION COSMIC TALES: Published every month. 16 pages of fan fiction and articles. Well mimeographed Stories by Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, and others appear in every issue. A magazine you will like. 10{Alt 0162} per copy, 3 issues for 25{Alt 0162}. Write to: Louis Kuslan, 170 Washington Ave, West Haven, Conn. IT'S A COSMIC PUBLICATION FANTASY NEWS: PIBLISHED every week. Contains all the latest news of the stf world. New professional and fan magazines that come out are announced in this newspaper. **MOVIES: PLAYS: STF FAN ACTIVITIES: STORIES THAT WILL APPEAR IN FUTURE ISSUES OF THE PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINES: FAN MAGAZINES' REVIEW: A L L are found, every week, in FANTASY NEWS! 2 large size pages, neatly mimeographed. 3 issues for 10{Alt 0162}. Order your copies to-day. *Write to: F A N T A S Y N E W S 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York IT'S A COSMIC PUBLICATIONS THE SCIENCE FICTION FAN: Published every month, right on the dot! Contains articles of interest go every science fiction fan. 20 or more pages, neatly hectographed. A magazine you will enjoy. Write now to: OLON F. WIGGINS, 2251 Welton Street, Denver, Colorado for full details. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT OTHER FANS LOOK LIKE? OF COURSE YOU DO! I HAVE QUITE A NUMBER OF PICTURES OF N.Y.*N.J. FANS. 5{Alt 0162} a print, 6 prints for 25{Alt 0162}. For more detailed information write to MARIO RACIC, Jr. 22-32 33rd Street, Astoria, New York WANTED: OLD fan magazines, The Cover of the first issue of SCIENCE MIRICLE AND FANTASY STORIES. Write to JAMES V. TAURASI, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York. Scintillate, scintillate, gloluile vivifie, Fain would I fathom they nature specifie; Loftly posed mid ether capacious, Strongly resembling a gem carbionaceous. -- Science & Invention
to be buffeted to the ground by the howling wind. He cursed feebly, his spirits not daunted as he fought to survive where only death was meted out. Even if he was able to struggle to his feet, he would never be able to reach the city even if he were well fed and not wounded. Burning, firy pain shooting through his whole body, his leg swelling as the fine, pumice trickled through the rent suit, he finally slumped into unconsciousness, maybe never to come out of it. But, fate and lady luck met and intervened as two figures appeared through the whirling sand, approached Rocky's unconscious form and stooped to pick him up. One of them spoke as he helped lift the unconscious weight. "It's a good thing we were passing by here and happened to see him in out televisor screen. Well, anyway he's saved and we have have a long hike to our ship." "Yeah! answered his companion. And so, they carried Rocky away from an experience he would never forget. Their stooped forms, weighted down by his body, vanished in the swirling sand obscuring them from sight. ***FINIS*** IT'S A COSMIC PUBLICATION COSMIC TALES: Published every month. 16 pages of fan fiction and articles. Well mimeographed Stories by Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, and others appear in every issue. A magazine you will like. 10{Alt 0162} per copy, 3 issues for 25{Alt 0162}. Write to: Louis Kuslan, 170 Washington Ave, West Haven, Conn. IT'S A COSMIC PUBLICATION FANTASY NEWS: PIBLISHED every week. Contains all the latest news of the stf world. New professional and fan magazines that come out are announced in this newspaper. **MOVIES: PLAYS: STF FAN ACTIVITIES: STORIES THAT WILL APPEAR IN FUTURE ISSUES OF THE PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINES: FAN MAGAZINES' REVIEW: A L L are found, every week, in FANTASY NEWS! 2 large size pages, neatly mimeographed. 3 issues for 10{Alt 0162}. Order your copies to-day. *Write to: F A N T A S Y N E W S 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York IT'S A COSMIC PUBLICATIONS THE SCIENCE FICTION FAN: Published every month, right on the dot! Contains articles of interest go every science fiction fan. 20 or more pages, neatly hectographed. A magazine you will enjoy. Write now to: OLON F. WIGGINS, 2251 Welton Street, Denver, Colorado for full details. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT OTHER FANS LOOK LIKE? OF COURSE YOU DO! I HAVE QUITE A NUMBER OF PICTURES OF N.Y.*N.J. FANS. 5{Alt 0162} a print, 6 prints for 25{Alt 0162}. For more detailed information write to MARIO RACIC, Jr. 22-32 33rd Street, Astoria, New York WANTED: OLD fan magazines, The Cover of the first issue of SCIENCE MIRICLE AND FANTASY STORIES. Write to JAMES V. TAURASI, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York. Scintillate, scintillate, gloluile vivifie, Fain would I fathom they nature specifie; Loftly posed mid ether capacious, Strongly resembling a gem carbionaceous. -- Science & Invention
Hevelin Fanzines