Planeteer Magazine, v. 2, isssue 1, March 1939
Page 19
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incapable of expression. The tiny mouth and all other parts of the countenance held a blank expression. Evidently only the eyes could register emotion of feeling. Gordon held out a hand. He did not flinch when it was gripped by the visitor, who sensed that handshaking was a greeting. Those on the porch watched the proceedings with horror. Gordon always had been so venturesome! His mother held a hand between clenched teeth. With hand in "hand" the two walked toward the trio on the porch. Neither seemed to detect any strangeness about the affair. They seemed to have known each other indefinitely. They made an oddly-assorted pair as they moved toward the porch. But their very congeniality disarmed those on the porch. All their horror of a moment ago fled, leaving only a vast curiosity. When the group was reached, telepathy was again employed. "You are not afraid? You need not be, for I have come on a friendly mission. Yes, I can see that you are timid. You are as queer to me as I am to you." Here there was a pause. Then one of the flexible arms was extended. Very hesitantly, and in turn each of the three took the proffered hand. Gordon watched in amusement. This ceremony over, Gordon dropped a hand on the visitors arm, and led the way inside. All sat immediately except Gordon and his guest. The creature could not sit in a chair, because his legs were very short. Gordon finally seated him comfortably on a footstool. Thereupon a slight stillness fell. Each seemed to be anticipating the other to speak. The guest began to speak an unintelligible language in the rolling liquid tones of a bird. The speech went on and on' the speaker saw that it intrigued the listeners. It ended with a single flute-like word "Ornoo". Amazement mirrored every face. The eyes of the guest registered laughter then they grew sad. "I spoke in the tongue of my people, who are not more. That last word Ornoo, is my name. I am a male -- but there are no females left of my race. In fact, I am the last of my kind.: He stopped here, a great grief filling his eyes. Continuing: " I shall tell you my story. It will help to explain my presence.: "My race were rovers. They were practically mortal, and they outlived systems. They lived for varying periods on planets scattered throughout the Universe. When they lived, a general exodus to other planets was effected. But usually they stayed on one planet for thousands of your years. "One such exodus resulted in the race settling on a planet which became their tomb. They settled around the poles. Even here there was no cold. The wrm climate was ideal, and the flourished. Great cities were built. Strides of progress were taken in all directions. Not a single obstacle barred their path. Plans were made that this should be their home until the young sun of the system become feeble with age. "Then disaster struck. A great cold descended with abrupt swiftness. With all their intellect, it was hard for my race to cope with cold. That may seem incredible to you who are so familiar with cold, but, nevertheless, it is true.
incapable of expression. The tiny mouth and all other parts of the countenance held a blank expression. Evidently only the eyes could register emotion of feeling. Gordon held out a hand. He did not flinch when it was gripped by the visitor, who sensed that handshaking was a greeting. Those on the porch watched the proceedings with horror. Gordon always had been so venturesome! His mother held a hand between clenched teeth. With hand in "hand" the two walked toward the trio on the porch. Neither seemed to detect any strangeness about the affair. They seemed to have known each other indefinitely. They made an oddly-assorted pair as they moved toward the porch. But their very congeniality disarmed those on the porch. All their horror of a moment ago fled, leaving only a vast curiosity. When the group was reached, telepathy was again employed. "You are not afraid? You need not be, for I have come on a friendly mission. Yes, I can see that you are timid. You are as queer to me as I am to you." Here there was a pause. Then one of the flexible arms was extended. Very hesitantly, and in turn each of the three took the proffered hand. Gordon watched in amusement. This ceremony over, Gordon dropped a hand on the visitors arm, and led the way inside. All sat immediately except Gordon and his guest. The creature could not sit in a chair, because his legs were very short. Gordon finally seated him comfortably on a footstool. Thereupon a slight stillness fell. Each seemed to be anticipating the other to speak. The guest began to speak an unintelligible language in the rolling liquid tones of a bird. The speech went on and on' the speaker saw that it intrigued the listeners. It ended with a single flute-like word "Ornoo". Amazement mirrored every face. The eyes of the guest registered laughter then they grew sad. "I spoke in the tongue of my people, who are not more. That last word Ornoo, is my name. I am a male -- but there are no females left of my race. In fact, I am the last of my kind.: He stopped here, a great grief filling his eyes. Continuing: " I shall tell you my story. It will help to explain my presence.: "My race were rovers. They were practically mortal, and they outlived systems. They lived for varying periods on planets scattered throughout the Universe. When they lived, a general exodus to other planets was effected. But usually they stayed on one planet for thousands of your years. "One such exodus resulted in the race settling on a planet which became their tomb. They settled around the poles. Even here there was no cold. The wrm climate was ideal, and the flourished. Great cities were built. Strides of progress were taken in all directions. Not a single obstacle barred their path. Plans were made that this should be their home until the young sun of the system become feeble with age. "Then disaster struck. A great cold descended with abrupt swiftness. With all their intellect, it was hard for my race to cope with cold. That may seem incredible to you who are so familiar with cold, but, nevertheless, it is true.
Hevelin Fanzines