Mutant, v. 2, issue 2, May 1948
Page 7
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IN WHICH DARWIN IS CONFUSED, AND SINGER IS PRESENTED WITH THE PROSPECT OF ATOMIC DEATH by Radell Nelson So Darwin did get a little confused as he grew old. He wasn't a Christian, but then, he wasn't an atheist either. He was an agnostic. He wasn't sure there was a God, and he wasn't sure there wasn't, so I doubt if he'd call himself an atheist. He just didn't know. Why did God create the tyrannosaurus? Only He really knows the answer to that one, but I can make guesses. Perhaps he likes to experiment. Perhaps he creates these animals and gives them the gift of free will as part of the equipment they need for life. When free will is involved, the outcome of creature's evolution is not predestined, and hence, not forseeable, --even by God. Why did God give the pterodactyl such useless wings? Those wings were just a stepping stone between the dinosaur and the bird. God burdened the pterodactyl with rudimentary wings so that He could (using one of his most effective tools, --evolution) create a bird. The fittest animals are not the ones who survive! The survivors are the animals who best serve God's will. There will be no argument about who is the "fittest." I would just like to point out that it was God who produced the food shortage to kill of the tyrannosaurus. God was just cleaning up after his experiment. When you criticize God for producing disease, you miss the whole point. Why even now, God, thru his gift to us of intelligence, is hard at work destroying these menaces to his latest experiment,man. Be patient, Ben! Remember, it took him a length of time greater than our entire history to finish off the dinosaur. Since He is immortal, He can afford to take a long time and do a good job. I have always wondered just how an atheist could remain an atheist while walking over God's world and standing right in the center of His great workshop, with God's projects being carried on in plain sight all around him. Right at this very moment we are taking part in what is to us His most important experiment. He gave us intelligence and also, thru Christ, told us what He wanted us to do. He told us to form a worldwide brotherhood of man. If we do not stop fighting and form this brotherhood, He will end His experiment in men with an atomic war, and try something else. It's hard on man's pride to follow God's orders like that, but no one has a better plan than God's for saving the human race, and I, personally, feel like staying alive a little longer. Ay what, Brother Singer?? - END - ((Having devoted this much space to discussing the question, Mutant's editor feels that the subject is closed. Very few people can argue religion as Singer and Nelson have done, without descending to personalities and such. The two fen, and other interested parties, are continuing their discussion by exchange of letters. If you want to add your two cent's worth, you can find both their addresses elsewhere in this issue of the Mutant.)) 7
IN WHICH DARWIN IS CONFUSED, AND SINGER IS PRESENTED WITH THE PROSPECT OF ATOMIC DEATH by Radell Nelson So Darwin did get a little confused as he grew old. He wasn't a Christian, but then, he wasn't an atheist either. He was an agnostic. He wasn't sure there was a God, and he wasn't sure there wasn't, so I doubt if he'd call himself an atheist. He just didn't know. Why did God create the tyrannosaurus? Only He really knows the answer to that one, but I can make guesses. Perhaps he likes to experiment. Perhaps he creates these animals and gives them the gift of free will as part of the equipment they need for life. When free will is involved, the outcome of creature's evolution is not predestined, and hence, not forseeable, --even by God. Why did God give the pterodactyl such useless wings? Those wings were just a stepping stone between the dinosaur and the bird. God burdened the pterodactyl with rudimentary wings so that He could (using one of his most effective tools, --evolution) create a bird. The fittest animals are not the ones who survive! The survivors are the animals who best serve God's will. There will be no argument about who is the "fittest." I would just like to point out that it was God who produced the food shortage to kill of the tyrannosaurus. God was just cleaning up after his experiment. When you criticize God for producing disease, you miss the whole point. Why even now, God, thru his gift to us of intelligence, is hard at work destroying these menaces to his latest experiment,man. Be patient, Ben! Remember, it took him a length of time greater than our entire history to finish off the dinosaur. Since He is immortal, He can afford to take a long time and do a good job. I have always wondered just how an atheist could remain an atheist while walking over God's world and standing right in the center of His great workshop, with God's projects being carried on in plain sight all around him. Right at this very moment we are taking part in what is to us His most important experiment. He gave us intelligence and also, thru Christ, told us what He wanted us to do. He told us to form a worldwide brotherhood of man. If we do not stop fighting and form this brotherhood, He will end His experiment in men with an atomic war, and try something else. It's hard on man's pride to follow God's orders like that, but no one has a better plan than God's for saving the human race, and I, personally, feel like staying alive a little longer. Ay what, Brother Singer?? - END - ((Having devoted this much space to discussing the question, Mutant's editor feels that the subject is closed. Very few people can argue religion as Singer and Nelson have done, without descending to personalities and such. The two fen, and other interested parties, are continuing their discussion by exchange of letters. If you want to add your two cent's worth, you can find both their addresses elsewhere in this issue of the Mutant.)) 7
Hevelin Fanzines