Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
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23 these establishments are managers. In a number of cases where another employee had been interviewed, the schedules indicate that ha has consulted the manager before responding. In view of these facts, w e can accept the answers to the question of "Do you accept Negroes as partrons?" as fairly accurate and significant statements of policies actually in practice. In only 10 percent of the interviews is the authority of respondent completely dubious, the schedule not indicating his status in the establishment. Table 4. Distribution of Types of Public Accommodations Persons Interviewed. Person Questioned Number Percent All 143 100% Manager 84 59 Other 44 331 Not Answered 15 10 3 Table 5 shows the nature of these persons' replies to, "Do you accept Negroes as patrons or quests." The category "yes, no restrictions" means that the interviewee specifically stated that there is no differentiation in the treatment given and services offered to any guests. The category "yes, without qualification" means that the interviewee only answered "Yes"-- there is no indication either of limitation or broad general acceptance. More that half (55 percent) of the establishments covered answered "No" to the question of serving Negroes. Forty-nine of these (1/3 of the total responses0 were point-blank noes, without any comment or explanation. Of those answering "Yes", 29 establishments did not qualify it in anyway and
23 these establishments are managers. In a number of cases where another employee had been interviewed, the schedules indicate that ha has consulted the manager before responding. In view of these facts, w e can accept the answers to the question of "Do you accept Negroes as partrons?" as fairly accurate and significant statements of policies actually in practice. In only 10 percent of the interviews is the authority of respondent completely dubious, the schedule not indicating his status in the establishment. Table 4. Distribution of Types of Public Accommodations Persons Interviewed. Person Questioned Number Percent All 143 100% Manager 84 59 Other 44 331 Not Answered 15 10 3 Table 5 shows the nature of these persons' replies to, "Do you accept Negroes as patrons or quests." The category "yes, no restrictions" means that the interviewee specifically stated that there is no differentiation in the treatment given and services offered to any guests. The category "yes, without qualification" means that the interviewee only answered "Yes"-- there is no indication either of limitation or broad general acceptance. More that half (55 percent) of the establishments covered answered "No" to the question of serving Negroes. Forty-nine of these (1/3 of the total responses0 were point-blank noes, without any comment or explanation. Of those answering "Yes", 29 establishments did not qualify it in anyway and
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