Action Studies Program, 1967-1968
1971-12-14 Compost Page 16
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NEW UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE Iowa City Chapter 351-5100 337-4805 National organization committed to political struggle for a new American form of socialism, and a struggle to replace a system that is an instrument of class, sexual, and racial oppression with one that serves the people. No slave should ever die a natural death. Eldridge Cleaver IOWA CITY PEACE CENTER Works in close conjunction with the American Friends Service Committee. Helps to sponsor the community newsletter Other Ways, has sponsored an Action Studies course on nonviolence, stocks literature dealing with Indochina, militarism, ecology, racism and others. Has a good collection of periodicals. For more information call Jim Moore at 351-5650. PRACTICAL POLITICS If you feel uninfluential in decisions that affect you these are some reading materials that can help you exert some power. At the Iowa City Public Library you can obtain a pamphlet, Political Behavior and the American Political Process, which lists a number of books that the library carries. One of the sections in the paphlet is "Practical Politics" and lists such books as You Can Fight City Hall, The Power of the Unknown Citizen, and more. IOWA CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Held in Council Chambers at [the Civic?] Center on the first and third [Tuesday?] of each month at 7:30 p.m. Any member of the community can present complaints, questions, and suggested ordinances. See "How to Make Your Voice Heard Tired of Getting Ripped Off? Don't get the idea that I'm one of these goddam radicals. Don't get the idea that I'm knocking the American system. Al Capone, 1929 The truth is we are all caught in a great economic system that is heartless. Woodrow Wilson, 1912 VOCATIONS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Six times a year. Lists social change/counter culture type jobs, long list of resource people and groups around country; literature list. $10 yearly. Free to prisoners and military. See it here in Iowa City at the Public Library, Action Studies office, Iowa City Peace Center. Write P.O. Box 13, Canyon California 94516 WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM Works towards world peace and freedom, and toward economic and social justice, through non-violent means. The local chapter works against the Vietnam War, helps to register new voters, supports liberal candidates for city council and much else. For more information call Cathy Harlow at 338-8289. MILITARY RESEARCH ON CAMPUS Dave Ranney and some other people from [nuc?] have begun to compile Department of Defense begun to compile information on Department of Defense Contracts held by U of I faculty and staff. Assistance on interviewing people, and writing up information will help expose the universities dependence on the military for research funds. If you have any suggestions or wish to help, please call John Johnson at 353-5633 (day) and 351-5100 (night) I was a gangster for Wall Street: I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914; I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue in; I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Bros. in 1909-12; I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916; & I helped make Honduras "right" for American fruit companies in 1903. Smedley Butler, Commanding General, U.S. Marine Corps IOWA DEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE Works to select and support liberal candidates for political office, identify and support issues on the local and state level, voter registration. They raise the issues that the official Democratic Party can't or won't. Contact person: Edgar Czarnecki, 230 Windsor Drive, Phone: 338-8439 AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION For information call Mary Jo Small 338-4292 A hard-working organization promoting liberal politics. Nationally, ADA has worked for Senator McCarthy in 1968, and against the ABM system and the Haynesworth and Carswell nominations for the Supreme Court. They are involved locally with City Council candidates and have helped organize activities like the Moratorium in 1969. Bite your tongue. Get a cinder in your eye. When you feel good, you feel nothing. R. Buckminster Fuller PAGE 16
NEW UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE Iowa City Chapter 351-5100 337-4805 National organization committed to political struggle for a new American form of socialism, and a struggle to replace a system that is an instrument of class, sexual, and racial oppression with one that serves the people. No slave should ever die a natural death. Eldridge Cleaver IOWA CITY PEACE CENTER Works in close conjunction with the American Friends Service Committee. Helps to sponsor the community newsletter Other Ways, has sponsored an Action Studies course on nonviolence, stocks literature dealing with Indochina, militarism, ecology, racism and others. Has a good collection of periodicals. For more information call Jim Moore at 351-5650. PRACTICAL POLITICS If you feel uninfluential in decisions that affect you these are some reading materials that can help you exert some power. At the Iowa City Public Library you can obtain a pamphlet, Political Behavior and the American Political Process, which lists a number of books that the library carries. One of the sections in the paphlet is "Practical Politics" and lists such books as You Can Fight City Hall, The Power of the Unknown Citizen, and more. IOWA CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Held in Council Chambers at [the Civic?] Center on the first and third [Tuesday?] of each month at 7:30 p.m. Any member of the community can present complaints, questions, and suggested ordinances. See "How to Make Your Voice Heard Tired of Getting Ripped Off? Don't get the idea that I'm one of these goddam radicals. Don't get the idea that I'm knocking the American system. Al Capone, 1929 The truth is we are all caught in a great economic system that is heartless. Woodrow Wilson, 1912 VOCATIONS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Six times a year. Lists social change/counter culture type jobs, long list of resource people and groups around country; literature list. $10 yearly. Free to prisoners and military. See it here in Iowa City at the Public Library, Action Studies office, Iowa City Peace Center. Write P.O. Box 13, Canyon California 94516 WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM Works towards world peace and freedom, and toward economic and social justice, through non-violent means. The local chapter works against the Vietnam War, helps to register new voters, supports liberal candidates for city council and much else. For more information call Cathy Harlow at 338-8289. MILITARY RESEARCH ON CAMPUS Dave Ranney and some other people from [nuc?] have begun to compile Department of Defense begun to compile information on Department of Defense Contracts held by U of I faculty and staff. Assistance on interviewing people, and writing up information will help expose the universities dependence on the military for research funds. If you have any suggestions or wish to help, please call John Johnson at 353-5633 (day) and 351-5100 (night) I was a gangster for Wall Street: I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914; I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue in; I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Bros. in 1909-12; I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916; & I helped make Honduras "right" for American fruit companies in 1903. Smedley Butler, Commanding General, U.S. Marine Corps IOWA DEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE Works to select and support liberal candidates for political office, identify and support issues on the local and state level, voter registration. They raise the issues that the official Democratic Party can't or won't. Contact person: Edgar Czarnecki, 230 Windsor Drive, Phone: 338-8439 AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION For information call Mary Jo Small 338-4292 A hard-working organization promoting liberal politics. Nationally, ADA has worked for Senator McCarthy in 1968, and against the ABM system and the Haynesworth and Carswell nominations for the Supreme Court. They are involved locally with City Council candidates and have helped organize activities like the Moratorium in 1969. Bite your tongue. Get a cinder in your eye. When you feel good, you feel nothing. R. Buckminster Fuller PAGE 16
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